Erika Galyean
- Clinical Associate Professor of Field Instruction and Coordination
IU Indianapolis
(317) 278-4864
- ergalyea@iu.edu
I am presently serving in the role of MSW Field Coordinator for graduate social work students with practice focus in Health or Community & Organizational Leadership. I also develop and coordinate international field education opportunities for IUSSW. I have over 20 years of experience in field education, having coordinated over 1000 generalist and advanced practice internship experiences including recruiting, developing, and assessing field placement sites and serving as an advisor to students in the field placement process. I have 15 years of graduate and undergraduate teaching experience, having earned four teaching and curriculum development awards while at Indiana University. I have both clinical and macro practice experience in my professional social work practice background in mental health, medical social work, community disaster intervention, program development, and agency leadership. Former social work practice positions held include social worker in inpatient psychiatry, medical social worker (inpatient, home health and hospice), and clinical director of social service program and team serving 130 formerly homeless clients.
Doctoral Student, Coursework Complete
Emphasis/Major: Doctor of Philosophy2023 - Indiana University School of Social Work
Graduate Certificate in Homeland Security
Emphasis/Major: Homeland Security2019 - IU School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Emphasis/Major:1992 - Indiana University School of Social Work
Emphasis/Major:1990 - Indiana University School of Social Work
Research Interests
My research interests include social work and disaster/emergency management, online crisis intervention, online education and teaching practices, and social work career development.
Teaching Interests
My teaching interests include emergency/disaster management and social work, crisis assessment and interventions, mental health assessment, case management models and practice, field education topics, social work career development, human behavior and the social environment, and online education.
Awards and Honors
- Community Partner Award
2021 - Indiana 211 - Trustees' Teaching Award, Indiana University School of Social Work
2016 - Trustees' Teaching Award, Indiana University School of Social Work - Outstanding Service to IUSSW BSW Program, Indiana University School of Social Work
2014 - Outstanding Service to IUSSW BSW Program, Indiana University School of Social Work - Trustees' Teaching Award, Indiana University School of Social Work
2008 - Trustees' Teaching Award, Indiana University School of Social Work - Child Welfare Impact Award, Children's Bureau
2006 - Child Welfare Impact Award, Children's Bureau - The President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll Award, Hurricane Katrina Case Management Service Unit
2006 - The President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll Award, Hurricane Katrina Case Management Service Unit - Trustees' Teaching Award, Indiana University School of Social Work
2005 - Trustees' Teaching Award, Indiana University School of Social Work
2001 - Phi Alpha Honor Social Work Society, Lifetime Member
Richardson, K., Berman, D., & Galyean, E. (2020). Check-In Groups: A novel structured crisis intervention model. Crisis, Stress and Human Resilience, An International Journal, 2(3), 96-11.
Galyean, E. (2013). The Social Work Practicum: A Guide and Workbook for Students [Review of The Social Work Practicum: A Guide and Workbook for Students]. Accepted.
Galyean, E., McGuire, L., & Gentle-Genitty, C. (2013). The ePortfolio: Product and process in assessing competencies for social work education. The EPortfolio: Product and Process in Assessing Competencies for Social Work Education. Accepted.
Galyean, E., & , . In Seeing different views of the elephant: Exercises in appreciating diversity (pp. pp. 59-61). Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
Galyean, E., Schrader, S., Lyons, S., Everidge, C., Romito, L., Mandapati, S. R., & Smith, M. A Collaborative Approach to Addressing Barriers to Oral Health Care With Social Work Practices: A Needs Assessment, Advances in Social Work. Advances In Social Work. Accepted.
Galyean, E., Berman, D., & Richardson, K. (2021). “Check-in Groups: A New Model of Acute, Emotional Support”.
Galyean, E. (2020). Psychological First Aid: A Micro Training.
Galyean, E. (2020). Field Orientation & Training for New Field & Task Instructors. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Richardson, K., Galyean, E., & , D. (2020). Just In Time Training: Check-In Debriefing Group for Telephone Crisis Workers.
Lyons, S. L., Romito, L. M., Schrader, S. M., & Galyean, E. (2019). Dentistry and Social Work Interprofessional Education and Practice; Establishing and Implementing a Collaborative Model.
Lyons, S. L. (Co-Presenter), Romito, L. (Co-Presenter), Schrader, S. (Co-Presenter), Galyean, E. (Co-Presenter), Research/Creative Activity, Lecture/Talk, Competitive/Refereed, "Dentistry and Social Work Interprofessional Education and Practice; Establishing and Implementing a Collaborative Model.", Conference, Collaborating Across Borders VII, JW Marriott Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, United States, Academic, International. (October 2019).
Galyean, E., Parker, J., Tami Radohl, T., & Boone, K. (2019). Disaster Preparedness: How Field Education Can Balance Response & Recovery.
Galyean, E. (2019). Field Orientation & Training for Field & Task Instructors. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2019). Field Orientation & Training for Field & Task Instructors. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2019). S555 Student Orientation & Training for Generalist Field Practicum. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Lyons, S. L., & Galyean, E. (2018). Teaching Field Instructors to Engage and Teach Practicum Students in Policy Practice.
Galyean, E., & Satre, C. (2018). Refresher Training for Field & Task Instructors. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2018). Student Field Orientation for Generalist Practicum I. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2017). Field Orientation for Health Practice Students. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2017). The Intersection of Fragile Older Adults and Floods: A Case Study of Social Vulnerability and Flood Risk in Marion County, Indiana. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2017). How to Write a Learning Plan for Generalist Practice. Indiana Univerisity School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2017). Learning Plan Development for Leadership Practice Area. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2016). Satisfaction with the Liaison Role: A Literature Review.
Galyean, E. (2016). Exploring Careers In Social Work. Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI).
Galyean, E. (2016). Writing a Learning Plan for Health Practice. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2016). “Prepare, Practice, Respond”. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
a model for Field Instructor’s to teach students to prepare, and more importantly, practice responding to potential workplace hazards and client safety issues. Research demonstrates retention of safety protocols and response in crisis increases with experiential and applied practice activities. The training placed emphasis on the importance of modeling, doing periodic mental “walk-throughs” of safety scenarios, and conducting actual practice drills and role plays.
Galyean, E. (2016). Nuts & Bolts of Field Practicum. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E., & , . (2016). The Career Development Needs of BSW and MSW Students. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2016). Field Orientation for Health Practice Practicum. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2016). S555 Student and Field Instructor’s Training with Sonia Tutorials. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2015). EPAS Competencies: Writing the Learning Plan. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2015). Field Instructor Training For Health Practicum. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2014). Safety In the Field. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
McGuire, L., & Galyean, E. E. (2013). Using the ePortfolio for Competency-based Program Assessment in Social Work.
Galyean, E. (2013). Getting Started In Field Practicum: BSW Field Orientation. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2012). Learning Plan Jam. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2012). Refresher Training for BSW Field Instructors. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Dennis, S., & Galyean, E. (2012). Evolution of Field Education.
Galyean, E., & Dennis, S. (2012). I Have an App for That! Using iPad in Field Education.
Galyean, E., Dennis, S., Weiler, R., & Brandon, K. (2011). Exploring the Benefits of Student Field Placement.
Galyean, E., & Moody, S. (2011). Introduction to Case Management: Bridging the Classroom & Community. IU School of Social WOrk, Indianapolis, IN.
Galyean, E., Dennis, S., Satre, C., & Weiler, R. (2011). Keeping on Track: Assessment of Core Competencies in Generalist, School, Child Welfare, Leadership, and Mental Health & Addictions concentrations. Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), Atlanta, GA.
Galyean, E., & Weiler, R. (2010). Parters In Housing Field Unit Practicum Orientation. Indiana University School of Social Work , Indianapolis, IN.
Galyean, E., & , . (2009). Refresher Training for BSW Field & Task Instructors. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E., Miesen, J., & Harbert, P. (2009). Partners in Housing Bicycle Club Project. Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI).
Galyean, E., & , . (2008). New Field and Task Instructor Field Education Training. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2008). The Child Welfare Service Learning Initiative: Partnerships & Progress. The Bringle Civic Engagement Showcase, Indianapolis, IN.
Galyean, E. (2008). Why Social Work?. Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI), Indianapolis, IN.
Galyean, E. (2007). Interviewing Skills. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2007). The Child Welfare Service Learning Initiative.
Galyean, E. (2007). The Child Welfare Service Learning Initiative: Service Learning Units. Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI), Indianapolis, IN.
Galyean, E., & , . (2005). BSW Field Liaison Training. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E., & , . (2004). Refresher Training for BSW Field & Task Instructors. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2003). Social Work as a Professional Career.
Galyean, E., & , . (2001). Writing your Resume for Practicum. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E., & Queiro-Tajalli, I. R. (2001). Investing in the Latino Population Across Life Course Development. National Association of Social Workers, Indianapolis, IN.
Galyean, E. (2001). BSW Student Field Orientation: Off to a Great Start!. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2000). BSW FIeld Instructor Orientation. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis Campus.
Galyean, E. (2000). Mental Health Care in Indiana.
Contract Fellowship Grants
Jumpstart Online Grant: Disaster Management and Social Work: Online Course Development
Co-PD/PI: Erika Galyean -
The Interprofessional Education & Training in Behavioral Health for MSW Students
Co-PD/PI: Hall James
Supporting Personnel: Erika Galyean -
Faculty Fellows Grant
Co-PD/PI: Erika Galyean -
Rise to the IUPUI Challenge Curriculum Development Grant
Co-PD/PI: Erika Galyean -
Indiana Community Mental Health Center Disaster Preparedness Assessment
Co-PD/PI: James Daley
Co-PD/PI: Erika Galyean -
iPad Faculty Learning Community
Co-PD/PI: Erika Galyean -
Podcast Faculty Initiative
Co-PD/PI: Erika Galyean -
Commitment to Excellence Engaged Department Grant: Child Welfare Service Learning Initiative
Co-PD/PI: Erika Galyean -
Hurricane Katrina Case Management & Service Learning Unit
Co-PD/PI: Erika Galyean -
Service Learning Assistant Grant for Policy Field Unit: Preparing Social Work Students for Careers in Politics and Advancing Social Justice
Erika Galyean -
Service Learning Assistant Grant for IU Student Outreach Clinic
Erika Galyean -
Service Learning Assistant Grant for Case Management Service Learning with Partners In Housing
Erika Galyean
Clinical Services
Clinical Supervisor
2015 - Indiana University Student Outreach Clinic, Indianapolis, IN
Institutional Services
Committee Member
2020 - Curriculum Revision Committee -
Committee Member
2020 - Field Education Professional Development Committee -
Committee Chair
2020 - System-wide Asynchronous Field & Task Instructor Orientation & Training Committee -
Committee Member
2019 - Strategic Planning Committee -
Committee Member
2018 - International and Global Affairs Committee -
Committee Member
2015 - International Representatives MeetingCampus-wide faculty and staff involved in international teaching, service, or research meet together to discuss topics of relavance. Hosted by OSA -
Committee Member
2014 - Health Curriculum Committee -
Committee Member
2014 - Leadership Curriculum Committee -
Committee Member
2014 - MSW Curriculum Committee -
Committee Member
2014 - MSW Field Committee -
Committee Member
2014 - System Wide Field Committee -
Committee Member
2019 - Search & Screen Committee -
Committee Member
2020 - Curriculum Development of Indirect Learning Activities Task Group -
Task Force Member
2016 - Artistry Clinic Project -
Committee Member
2016 - Internship Committee -
2016 - Interprofessional Education Project with Medical School: Dr. Lazarus -
Task Force Chair
2014 - IUSSW International Field Education Committee -
Committee Member
2010 - Career Council -
Committee Member
1999 - BSW Curriculum Committee -
2009 - NonProfit Expo -
2005 - IUSSW Job Fair
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
#34003150A, State of Indiana34003150A
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
2016 to Present -
National Association of Social Workers
2016 to Present -
National Career Development Association
2016 to 2021 -
Council on Social Work Education
2014 to 2020
Professional Services
Officer, Other Officer
Education Chair
2020 to Present - District 5 Resilience Emotional Support Team (REST) -
2020 to Present - Shelbyville Fire Department -
Committee Chair
Education Chair
2017 to 2020 - District 5 Resilience Emotional Support Team (REST) -
Committee Member
Education Chair
2008 to 2017 - Indiana All-Hazards Committee -
Committee Member
Education Chair
2007 to 2017 - District 5 Resilience Emotional Support Team (REST)
Certificate in Homeland Security, Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs
to 2019 - Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, -
Training & Certification in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc
to 2016 - International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc, Indianapolis, IN, -
Hermeneneutical Methodologies, Institute for Heideggerian Hermeneutical Methodologies
to 2015 - Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN,Hermeneneutical Methodolgies
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Certification
to 2013 - MBTI Training Institute, Indianapolis, IN,