Carol Hostetter
- Ph.D., MSW, LCSW
- Professor
IU Bloomington Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership
(812) 855-6093
- chostett@iu.edu
Emphasis/Major: Sociology1998 - Indiana University
Dissertation: Helping Oneself and Helping Others: Class Ideology and Philanthropy among Adolescents
MSW (Master's in Social Work)
Emphasis/Major: social work1977 - Indiana University
Emphasis/Major: Psychology1975 - Indiana University
Awards and Honors
2017 - IU FACET
2017 - Indiana University School of Social Work
2017 - Neal-Marshall Black Cultural Center Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day event
Sullivan, W. P., Hostetter, C., & Hostetter, C. (2023). Experiences of Mental Health Professionals in the Rapid Pivot to Telehealth: Implications for Social Work Practice. Advances in Social Work, 23(1), 221-239. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18060/26161
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the adoption of telehealth in behavioral healthcare was rapidly accepted. This article reflects one component of a larger qualitative study that sought to understand the personal and professional experiences of front-line workers and their supervisors during the pivot to virtual services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The current article is focused on the question, what were mental health workers’ reactions, both personal and professional, to the rapid adoption of technology in their community mental health center practice? Thirty-six mental health professionals, ranging from front line workers to supervisors, participated in telephone and Zoom interviews between late August and mid-November 2020. Respondents spoke of their organization’s rapid response, the switch to telehealth for many services, the impact of this switch on professional practice, and their perceptions of the effectiveness of virtual services. They also shared their thoughts about the future of telehealth. The rapid changes, necessary for clients and the organization alike, brought an opportunity to reimagine service delivery. As social work is a profession that heavily emphasizes ethics and advocacy, and is the predominant professional group in community mental health, the final section examines implications for social work practice including practice ethics, consideration of factors on a micro, macro, and environmental level, the need to balance protection of the individual with the rights of many, and the necessity to take care of those doing the work as well.
Hostetter, C., & , . (2021). Schultz, K., Farmer, S., Harrell, S., & Hostetter, C. Closing the Gap: Increasing Community Mental Health Services in Rural Indiana. Community Mental Health Journal, 57, 684-700.
Rehrey, G., Groth, D., Hostetter, C., & Shepard, L. (2019). The scholarship of teaching, learning, and student success: Big data and the landscape of new opportunities. IU Press.
Rehrey, C. J., Shepard, L., Hostetter, C., , ., & Groth, D. P. (2019). Engaging faculty in learning analytics: Agents of institutional culture change. Published.
Wood, L., Bloomquist, K., Sullenberger, S., & Hostetter, C. (2017). “Doin’ meth or doin’ math:” What client constructions of social class mean for social work practice. Published.
Dickman, S. (2016). The motivations behind child welfare work . The Indiana University Journal of Undergraduate Research, 2(1), 48-53.
Sullenberger, S., Wood, L., Hostetter, C., & Bloomquist, K. R. (2015). “You Really Have to Play With the Hand You’re Dealt”: How Traditional-Aged College Seniors Understand Class Mobility. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 25(8), 971-986. https://doi.org/10.1080/10911359.2015.1052719
Hostetter, C., Sullenberger, S. W., & Wood, L. (2015). “All These People Who Can Do Things That I Can’t”: Adolescents’ Reflections on Class, Poverty, and the American Dream. Journal of Poverty, 19(2), 133-152. https://doi.org/10.1080/10875549.2014.991888
Hostetter, C. (2014). Waiting to be Cinderella’d? Attitudes on class differences among women. Advances in Social Work, 15(4), 461-479.
Rehrey, G., Siering, G., & Hostetter, C. (2014). SoTL Principles and Program Collaboration in the Age of Integration. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.20429/ijsotl.2014.080102
Hostetter, C. (2013). Community matters: Social Presence and learning outcomes. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 13(1), 77-86.
Hostetter, C. (2013). Metacognitive skills – why bother (and how)? . National Teaching & Learning Forum, 23(1), 4-7.
Hostetter, C. (2013). The key to learning: Engaging undergraduate students in authentic social work research. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 18, 47-62.
Sullenberger, S. W., Hostetter, C., & Wood, L. (2012). Families Pass Money and Opportunities Down: Adolescent Constructions of Social Class. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 22(6), 635-652. https://doi.org/10.1080/10911359.2012.655617
Lowden, R. J., & Hostetter, C. (2012). Access, utility, imperfection: The impact of videoconferencing on perceptions of social presence. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(2), 377-383. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2011.10.007
Hostetter, C. (2010). I found myself at this practicum: Student reflections on field education. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 22(6), 635-652.
Busch, M., & Hostetter, C. (2009). Examining Organizational Learning for Application in Human Service Organizations. Administration in Social Work, 33(3), 297-318. https://doi.org/10.1080/03643100902987929
Hostetter, C. (2007). The transformative power of a learning community. Advances in Social Work, 8(2), 252-263.
Folaron, G. M., & Hostetter, C. (2006). Is Social Work the Best Educational Degree for Child Welfare Practitioners?. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 1(1), 65-83. https://doi.org/10.1300/j479v01n01_04
Barton, W. H., Folaron, G. M., Busch, M., & Hostetter, C. (2006). Satisfaction of contract provider agencies with a State’s Child Welfare Agency. Children and Youth Services Review, 28(3), 275-291. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2005.03.008
Hostetter, C. (2006). Influencing policy change within the state child welfare agency with (less than) "perfect" research. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping. Published.
Hostetter, C. (2006). Measuring up online: The relationship between social presence and student learning satisfaction. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 6(2), 1-12.
Van Voorhis, R. M., & Hostetter, C. (2006). THE IMPACT OF MSW EDUCATION ON SOCIAL WORKER EMPOWERMENT AND COMMITMENT TO CLIENT EMPOWERMENT THROUGH SOCIAL JUSTICE ADVOCACY. Journal of Social Work Education, 42(1), 105-121. https://doi.org/10.5175/jswe.2006.200303147
Hostetter, C. (2004). Community of learners.
Hostetter, C. (2004). Dealing with side conversations.
Brady, D., Milkie, M. A., Hostetter, C., & Pescosolido, B. A. (2001). The Structure and Substance of Preparing Sociologists: The Nature of Qualifying Examinations in Graduate Education. Teaching Sociology, 29(3), 265. https://doi.org/10.2307/1319187
, R. G., Groth, D. P., Hostetter, C., & Hostetter, C. The scholarship of teaching, learning, and student success: Big data and the landscape of new opportunities. IU Press.
Hostetter, C. “Doin’ meth or doin’ math:” What client constructions of social class mean for social work practice. Journal of Community Practice. Accepted.
Hostetter, C. (2022). Combatting Stereotype Threat. Center for Learning and Teaching Excellence, New Albany, IN United States.
We have all had students who express doubts about their ability to succeed in their academic pursuits, often believing harmful cultural messages that can become crippling. Threats to students’ learning become threats to our survival as an institution. The address will present the research on stereotype threats and how to combat them, and will provide an opportunity to apply SOTL concepts to discover useful interventions.
Hostetter, C., Bloomquist, K., & Williamson, S. (2018). Attitudes on Poverty, Wealth, and Social Class: A Collection of Constructions.
Hostetter, C. (2018). High-Impact Educational Practices in Teaching Social Work Research: Building Community.
Rehrey, G., Groth, D., Shepard, L., Florini, S., Sewell, A., & Hostetter, C. (2018). Implementation of a Student Learning Analytics Fellows Program.
Hostetter, C. (2018). Ethical Responses to Stereotype Threats in the Classroom. Indiana University School of Social Work, Bloomington, IN United States.
I led this workshop for all IUSSW Blgtn faculty - two meetings so everyone could attend. "Building on the extensive research on stereotype threats (over 700 studies!) and their effect on students, we will work together to develop ways to address these in our social work classrooms. Dr. Mary Murphy, of IU Psychological and Brain Sciences, is a leader in this field and her work provides the foundation of the workshop. Using her research and workshop materials, we will work together to find ethical approaches to support students who face stereotype threats."
Hostetter, C., Chonody, J. M., & , A. J. (2017). Using Projects and Teams to Engage Students in Research. Commission on Research of Council on Social Work Education, , United States.
Hostetter, C., & Rehrey, G. J. (2017). How Can We Better Foster the Application and Pursuit of SoTL?. International Society of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Calgary, Canada.
Hostetter, C., Chonody, J., & Bloomquist, K. (2017). Practical Ways to Get Students Excited and Involved in the Research Process. the Council on Social Work Education, Atlanta , GA United States.
Hostetter, C. (2017). SOTL Experience. Indiana University Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, Bloomington.
Hostetter, C., & Rehrey, G. (2017). The cat’s out of the bag: Learning analytics, student success and the scholarship of teaching and learning. International Society of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Calgary, Canada.
Hostetter, C., Bloomquist, K., & Sullwnberger, S. (2017). Workin’ for the man: Interviews with supervisors of low-wage workers. the Council on Social Work Education, Atlanta, GA United States.
Hostetter, C. (2017). Building a New Community. Transforming Education, Stimulating Teaching and Learning Excellence (TRESTLE) , Bloomington, IN United States.
Hostetter, C., , K. B., & , S. S. (2016). Constructions of Social Class: Boomers and the Greatest Generation Look Back. CSWE, Denver, CO United States.
Hostetter, C. (2016). The Hero’s Journey: Narrative for a High-Impact Educational Practice. ISSOTL, Los Angeles, CA United States.
Hostetter, C., , K. B., & , S. S. (2016). Excellence in Undergraduate Social Work through Engaging Undergraduates in Research. BPD, , United States.
Contract Fellowship Grants
Mental Health Practitioners and Supervisors amidst the Pandemic
Co-PD/PI: W. Sullivan
Co-PD/PI: Carol Hostetter
Supporting Personnel: Miriam Commodore-Mensah -
How Can We More Effectively Encourage Faculty to Apply and Do SOTL?
Carol Hostetter
Title IV-E Child Welfare Training Evaluation Contract
Co-PD/PI: Carol Hostetter
Patricia Howes -
Title IV-E Child Welfare Training Evaluation Contract
Co-PD/PI: Carol Hostetter
Patricia Howes
Institutional Services
Committee Chair
2020 - Advances Special Issue Dismantling White Supremacy in Social Work Education -
Committee Member
2020 - BSW Lead Faculty Planning Committee -
Committee Member
2020 - Career Services Planning Committee -
Committee Member
2020 - Student Awards Committee -
Committee Member
2017 - Field Advisory Council, Bloomington program of IUSSWHelp oversee field program for BSW and MSW -
Committee Member
2001 - Bloomington BSW Faculty Committee -
2021 -BSW Connect - drop in administrative office hours for the BSW program -
Committee Chair
2021 - Organized Honors Night and Graduatjion -
Committee Member
2020 - UGS-TIDE (Trauma-Informed-Development-Endeavor) -
Committee Member
2021 -CALL: Commit to Action, Living, and Learning - two-part workshop to help people be anti-bias bystanders -
Committee Member
Grading Equity Committee -
Attendee, Academic Ceremony/Event
2020 - Herbert Scholar Orientation Series - Webinar #2 Health & Wellness -
Attendee, Academic Ceremony/Event
2020 - Preparing Future Faculty Conference panelist -
Attendee, Academic Ceremony/Event
2020 - Rewiring Your Dissertation -
Committee Chair
2017 - State of the University Teaching Awards Task ForceI chaired the Teaching Awards Task Force that was mandated by President McRobbie's State of the University address. We had members from all campuses of the IU system. -
2017 - FACET Bloomington LiaisonOrganized spring programs -
Committee Member
2017 - FACET membership committeeReviewed applicants from Blgtn campus -
Committee Member
2017 - Faculty meetings, Bloomington program of IUSSWI attend faculty meetings and do tasks associated with our needs. -
Student Advisor/Mentor
2017 - Faculty mentorMentor for Dr. Kristin Hamre, Asst. Prof., and MSW students as assigned -
IV-E Coordinator -
Committee Member
MSW Curriculum Committee -
Committee Member
2017 - P.A. Mack Award Selection Committeeselected P.A. Mack Award recipient -
Committee Chair
2017 - Phi Alpha Honors CelebrationI organized the Phi Alpha Honors Celebration -
Committee Member
Bloomington BSW Faculty Committee -
Committee Member
BSW Curriculum Committee -
Committee Member
Center for Innovative Teaching and LearningReviewed applications for Active Learning grants -
IV-E Coordinator -
Committee Member
MSW Curriculum Committee -
Committee Chair
MSW field coordinator search and screen committee
Professional Services
2020 to 2020 - IN-NASWRacism Intersection: Social Work at the Micro, Mezzo & Macro Leve - panelist