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Saahoon Hong

  • Ph.D.
  • Assistant Research Professor
  • IU Indianapolis Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership
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    (317) 232-7800


    ES 4114A
    902 W. New York Street


Dr. Hong is an assistant research professor at the Indiana University School of Social Work. Dr. Hong's projects include utilizing the Indiana Family & Social Services Administration's integrative data system for health equity and the Division of Mental Health and Accition's quality improvement initiatives.



Emphasis/Major: Educational Psychology/Learning Cognition
2005 - University of Minnesota


Emphasis/Major: Special Education
1998 - University of Idaho


Emphasis/Major: Special Education
1996 - Kangnam University

Research Interests

Cognitive Psychology, Human Development, Cross-system data Analysis, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, Mental Health and Education Well-Being, Adverse Childhood Experience & Child Maltreatment, Special Education, Program Evaluation, and Quantitative Research Methods.

Teaching Interests

Cognitive Psychology, Human Development, Cross-System Research, Applied Behavior Analysis, Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities, Emotional & Behavioral Disorder/Serious Mental Illness, Disparity and Disproportionality in Health and Education, Program Evaluation, Evidence-Based Practice, Machine Learning Algorithms, and Research Methods in Social Work & Education.

Awards and Honors

  • The editorial board member
    2023 - Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship
  • TCOM System Champion Award
    2023 - Praed Foundation's 19th Annual TCOM Conference.
  • President Elect of the Korean American Educational Researchers Association (K-AERA) in 2021
    2021 - K-AERA
  • The editorial board member
    2021 - Educational Research for Tomorrow
  • The editorial board member
    2020 - Journal of Behavior Analysis and Support (JBAS)
  • Appointed member in the KABA's Board of Directors
    2019 - Korean Association for Behavior Analysis (KABA)