Tammi Nelson
- Lecturer
IU Bloomington
(812) 855-4427
- tamlnels@iu.edu
Office: C3166
2631 E. Discovery Parkway
Clinically driven Social Work practitioner with licensure in Clinical Social Work and Clinical Addictions Counseling. As Case Manager, Social Work Therapist and Program Manager for 15 years in community mental health, many practical applications are infused in current coursework.
Senior Lecturer with IUSSW since 2011, Tammi has developed courses on self-care, grief and loss, case management and trauma informed care, and has provided leadership in generalist practice courses.
Master of Social Work
Emphasis/Major: Mental Health2001 - Indiana University
Emphasis/Major: Psychology1996 - Indiana University
Research Interests
My primary responsibilities are teaching.
Teaching Interests
Mental health, substance use, trauma, grief, case management, and therapy. Special emphasis on Self Care for helping professionals.
Awards and Honors
- IU Trustee's Teaching Award
2020 - IU Trustees
Nelson, T. L. (2023). Mental Health response within pedagogical settings. CITL, Bloomington, IN.
A presentation focusing on directing faculty engagement with students exhibiting mental health challenges and/or crisis. Faculty will learn symptoms of those experiencing mental health challenges, talking points to use with students, when to make Care referrals, questions to ask students, identifying faculty own emotional responses and pedagogical strategies to assist students struggling.
Nelson, T. L. (2023). Student Success in the Mental Health Boom: Establishing your own Self-Care and Flexibility. FACET IU, Indianapolis, IN.
Mental health challenges have become more apparent among students in recent years. Faculty are required to consider adaptations and accommodations, while supporting students. How can faculty encourage students and manage course policies effectively? This workshop will identify possible strategies to apply flexibility while maintaining fair policies and course rigor. Objective skills to support students will also be provided by the presenter, a clinical social worker.
Recognizing the source of increasing mental health challenges. 2. Identify and adapt course policies, within departmental standards, to meet student needs. 3. Develop skills to provide brief support and referral to campus and community resources. 4. Identify self-care skills necessary for faculty to sustain enthusiasm for teaching amid mental health struggles for students.Participants will be asked to discuss key points, consider adaptation of current efforts and explore new skills. Large and small group discussions. Participants will leave with options for upcoming course engagement.
Nelson, T. L., & Carpenter, N. (2023). Resilience from Mean Girls. IU Auditorium, Bloomington.
Nelson, T. L. (2023). Self Care for Caregivers. nVent.
Nelson, T. L. (2023). Stigma of Addiction. IU Interagency and Interprofessional Education , Bloomington, United States.
Stigma of Addiction presented by Tammi Nelson, MSW, LCSW, LCAC
Nelson, T. L. (2022). Understanding secondary trauma and burnout: learning and finding balance. Bloomington Academic Advisors Counsel, Bloomington.
Recent years has seen an increase in mental health demands. Academia is experiencing a crisis in meeting student needs, leaving faculty and advisors burdened without their own outlet. This workshop is intended to shape a better understanding of the impact advisors experience in secondary trauma. This one-hour presentation will explore warning signs of secondary trauma and burnout, incorporating a work-life balance, self-care and peer support approaches.
A 30 minute workshop, after the presentation, will address tips and strategies to find personal balance at work and setting boundaries for personal enrichment.
Nelson, T. L. (2019). Mental Health- Career opportunities for BSW students.
Provided a talk about career options for BSW students in the mental health and addictions fields. Directed students to consider additional service days and exploration of positions prior to graduation.
Nelson, T. L. (2017). Networking collaboration in Ethical practice. Meadows Hospital Community Foundation, Nashville, IN United States.
Engaging others in a social and professional network as a practice in ethical decision making and outcome orientation of professional service.
Brown, J., & Gates, S. A. (2017). Social Work and Nursing Collide. Collaboration Across Borders, Banff, Canada.
Engaging students in difficult but time relevant learning epxeriences through IPE experience.
Brown, J. R., & Gates, S. A. (2016). Social Work and nursing students collide: Results of collaborating in patient care. CSWE, Atlanta, GA United States.
Nelson, T. L. (2016). How to model ethics by breathing. Monroe County Community Schools, Bloomington, IN United States.
Social Workers are faced with full days chasing one task and meeting after
another. This workshop intends to reflect on the ethically responsible
decision to practice and model self-care for self, colleagues and youth.
Participants will engage in personal evaluations of barriers to self-care, how
limited self-care demonstrates sacrifice to youth and colleagues, and
developing methods to implement self care in practice. Individuals will
develop a goal for encouraging self-care for self and others using the NASW
Code of Ethics as a guide toward responsibility.
Contract Fellowship Grants
Digital Gardener
Tammi Nelson -
Mental Health and Student Success
Tammi Nelson -
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fellowship
Tammi Nelson
Clinical Services
2023 - School of Speech Language and Hearing SciencesSpeech, Language and Hearing Sciences graduate counseling courses struggle with attainment of professional behavior and practice. In collaboration with Laura Karcher, we identified key issues to address.
Institutional Services
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2021 - IUSSW- IUB Faculty MentorMentorship to Shaleen Guthrie, new IUB Lecturer. I have provided education on the use of technology for course preps, syllabi development, classroom teaching and activity design, student management, and employee engagement with the department and university. We met three times a week in early August 2021, thereafter met weekly. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2020 - IUSSW - Lead Faculty for S331/S332As Lead Faculty for practice skills classes, in conjunction with David Kondrat, we were charged with revising the syllabi course content, assignments, and a master course site. We also explored textbooks and provided mentorship for faculty teaching S331 and S332. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2021 - Office of Student ConductFaculty panelist for student conduct hearings determining sanctions for violation of IU student conduct policies. -
Committee Member
2021 - IUB BSW Admissions CommitteeReviewed BSW applications for admission to the major. Emphasis of diversity in admissions reviews.
Reviewed approximately 15 student applications. -
Committee Member
2021 - Lead Faculty Curriculum GroupIdentified lead faculty responsibilities and operationalized syllabi and curriculum engagement across instructors. -
Task Force Member
2020 - FACET Leadership InstituteWorked with the Bloomington team of FACET designing an online service format for student and faculty resources aimed at reducing the disproportionate impact of diversity upon student needs. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2019 - Faculty and Associate Faculty - MentorshipAssess and provide guidance to faculty in developing and enhancing their technology experience in teaching and presentations. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2018 - IU School Branding - IU Marketing DepartmentEngaged in identification and planning of IUSSW Bloomington program branding and marketing. -
2019 - New Instructor Orientation - OnlineEngaged with the BSW Program Director to update the BSW Instructor Orientation site, suitable to educate new faculty and provide reasonable knowledge to assist in meeting the business of the school, adhere to policies and educate students effectively. -
Committee Member
2019 - Health Sciences CouncilProxy attendee for Interim Associate Dean Sullivan to one meeting. -
Task Force Member
2018 - FACET Leadership InstituteAppointed to the Bloomington Team of the FACET Leadership Institute 2018-2020. The team is charged with identifying the multiple inequalities among students to address, mitigate and enhance student retention. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2018 - IUSSW Associate Faculty- Orientation to technology in social work educationMentoring of three new associate faculty in technology and teaching in social work courses. -
2018 - IUB CN What? Voice Who? Workshop for facultyProvided a workshop to full and part time faculty in IUSSW Bloomington on the applications of Course Networking Post, Zoom, Google at IU and Voice thread from initial applications in the summer 2018 courses. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2018 - IUSSW Bloomington Associate Instructors Technology MentorAdvisor and mentor with new associate faculty in the development of course planning, orientation to Canvas and use of technology to enhance teaching -
Committee Chair
2018 - IUSSW Bloomington Faculty- Case Based LearningBloomington faculty worked on possible programming changes toward case-based learning for all BSW's. Efforts toward common units and final assessments were considered. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2018 - Peer Reviewer - Kristin Hamre School of Social WorkObserved teaching and scholarship of Dr. Hamre in her S221 course. Dr. Hamre's teaching methods, environment and student engagement were assessed and reported to Dr. Hamre. -
Task Force Member
2018 - IUSSW Bloomington Faculty - Associate Instructor Online OrientationTask Force developed an online orientation and training canvas course for New and current associate instructors with the IU Bloomington program. The course contains four modules with CEUs for our licensed associate faculty members. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2018 - School of Social Work BloomingtonFaculty engagement with BSW Student graduates at the Commencement reception. -
Task Force Member
2018 - Bloomington Faculty Council- GenEd Diversity SubcommitteeThe task force, as an ad hoc of the Bloomington Faculty Council, engaged in defining the recommending the diversity requirement for all students general education credits. -
2018 - Veterans Administration with Lori ParisLended support in the development of the presentation by Ms. Paris on the VA, in her talk to faculty, students and community members. -
Task Force Chair
2018 - IU Bloomington fulltime and associate faculty.Developed the Interactive teaching in online social work education workshop. In conjunction with CITL, we designed a workshop for instructors to complete homework as a student, then reflect on that experience and identify best practices as instructors in the online or hybrid models. -
2018 - IU Bloomington Faculty Technology Workshop.Developed an online workshop for faculty to enhance teaching and learning technology usage in the social work classroom. -
2018 - IUSSW Bloomington Veterans Administration event organizerOrganizer of the Veterans Administration event for MSW and BSW students and faculty around current VA services -
Task Force Member
2017 - IUSSW Bloomington Faculty MeetingsIU Bloomington Faculty meeting member -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2017 - IUSSW Bloomington Associate Instructors Technology MentorAdvisor and mentor with new associate faculty in the development of course planning, orientation to Canvas and use of technology to enhance teaching -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2017 - School of Social Work Student AssociationSocial Work Student Association Chili Cookoff entrant, participant. -
Faculty Governance
2016 - Field Advisory TeamEngage with field team members around issues of significance in the delivery of signature pedagogy, Field Practicum, for the MSW program students. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2017 - Maurer School of Law and School of Social WorkMet with Amy Applegate of the School of Law, along with James Brown and Serretta Gordon, to identify the possible interprofessional opportunity for Law students and social work students I the Mediation Certification program with the Law school and the MSW students. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2017 - IUSSW Bloomington MSW ProgramMeeting to develop improved Field Practicum experience for MSW Advanced Standing students in the first cohort. -
Committee Chair
2015 - Technology in teachingDevelop agenda for the year surrounding departmental needs and expanded learning for faculty. Enhance web-presence, applications and tools for teaching, and utilization of applications for meetings. -
Task Force Member
2017 - School of Social Work and School of LawEngaged in talks with the School of Law toward potential development of an IPE resulting in a mediation certification for students. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2017 - School of Social Work BloomingtonFaculty engagement with BSW Student graduates at the Commencement reception. -
Committee Member
2017 - Ad Hoc Seminar CommitteeServed on the Field committee to develop system wide seminars and course topics for the MSW program. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2017 - Social Work Student AssociationParticipated in the SWSA Chili Cook-off event to raise money for the Volunteers in Medicine non-profit agency. Students organized the event and invited faculty to provide the entries for best chili. -
2017 - IU School of Nursing - Amy Wonder, PhDObserved and evaluated teaching practices and classroom engagement for Amy Wonder, PhD from the School of Nursing. -
2017 - Bloomington fulltime and associate facultyDeveloped a webinar with CITL in the use and applications of Zoom in teaching. -
Committee Member
2017 - MSW Faculty- BloomingtonEngaged in reflections and continued development of Case-based learning within the MSW curriculum in Bloomington. -
Student Advisor/Mentor
2017 - MSW FieldMSW Student orientation for students in the Advanced Standing program. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2016 - Associate Faculty MentorshipDirected by the Program Director to provide mentorship with new Fulltime and Associate Faculty on the use, application and set up of Canvas, syllabi and course policies. Six individuals were provided mentorship. -
2016 - School of NursingWas a panelist for the Mock Medical Ethics Board organized by Amy Wonder in the School of Nursing. As a panelist I brought the social work perspective to the panel in discussions of case examples. -
2016 - School of Social Work-BloomingtonOrganized a workshop with CITL for Full and Associate Faculty on the use and application of Zoom in social work education. -
Faculty Governance
2016 - BSW and MSW ProgramsEvaluation of student applications for admittance to BSW and MSW programs. -
Faculty Governance
2016 - Student Performance ReviewEngage with students, faculty and program director around student issues pertaining to academic and behavioral performance in the program. Developed measurement of student performance, worked on areas of correction and help performance review meetings. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2016 - Field InstructorProvide instruction and supervision of students in BSW Field Practicum. Two students were provided one hour weekly supervision, along with Field Visit meetings within their agency along with the Field Liaisons. -
Faculty Governance
2016 - Field Advisory TeamWork within the committee to design the application, of the 2nd measure for CSWE, within field. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2022 - Center for innovative teaching and learning (CITL)CITL Advisory Board to develop CITL efforts to engage, enhance and expand CITL response to the IU Strategic Plan, expand services to DEI and assist faculty in addressing mental health challenges -
Board of Directors
2022 - RAHC Board of Directors Health SciencesDirect operational agreements and develop policies for facility use at the Regional Academic Health Center. Operational directors represented from School of Medicine, School of Nursing, School of Speech Language and Hearing, School of Social Work, the Simulation Center, and IU Health. -
2022 - IPE Design for Nursing and Social Work (MSW) student simulationDesigned School of Social Work engagement with the School of Nursing in an Interprofessional Education initiative to develop a pediatric loss simulation. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2022 - Student MentorshipThree students requested mentorship around ethics and engaging others in service both direct and indirect care and policy work. -
Board of Directors
2022 - RAHC - HSB Board of DirectorsThe HSB Board of Directors hosted and facilitated tours, education and discussion with the HOK and University of Kentucky faculty and administration at the Health Sciences Building. -
2022 - IUSSWFacilitate, organize, and direct BSW Graduation commencement and reception. -
Board of Directors
2022 - IU Health Bloomington Building DedicationParticipated in an represented the IUSSW and the RAHC HSB Board of Directors at the IU Health Building Dedication. -
Committee Chair
2023 - IUBSearch and Screen Committee Chair for the Program Services Coordinator position at IUB. -
2023 - IU Health and IU School of Nursing, IU School of Social WorkIPE Prioritization/Triage with Emergency Response Planning Simulation
This simulation was intended to educate and inform current and future practitioners of the emergency response plan in the event of a school bus accident with fatalities. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2023 - IUSSW MSW programDeveloped, hosted and facilitated an MSW Self-Care workshop for MSW students. Hearing students struggles with the daunting schedule, coursework and life demands, I offered them an opportunity to build self-care and wellness into their graduate education plans. Providing pizza and connections was an added bonus for students. -
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
2023 - MentorshipInformal mentorship of two faculty in course design, implementation and delivery. Applications of technology tools for teaching, community engaged learning and IPE were incorporated. -
2023 - IU Health Celebration of McRobbie gift for Mental Health Service enhancementFormer President McRobbie and Lauren McRobbie provided a gift to IU Health toward the advancement of enhanced mental health services to the community. Social Work was named and invited toward future initiatives. -
Board Member
2023 - CITL Advisory BoardAdvise board on issues of student learning and faculty engagement following the IU Strategic Plan 2030 engagement. Explored the goals and mission of the plan to develop CITL's engagement within the plan
Clinical Addictions Counselor
Indiana Professional Licensing BoardBi-annual licensure by the State of Indiana in addictions counseling -
Clinical Social Worker
Indiana Professional Licensing BoardLicensure in the State of Indiana in clinical social work practice.
Media Appearance
Community Collaboration
2019 - Office of the Provost
Professional Services
Workshop Organizer
2023 to 2023 - nVent ERG: Self-CarenVent is an international manufacturer and distributor of medical devices. The Human Resources Department reached out to me requesting assistance on the second of a three part ERG on Caregiver Self Care.
Board of Directors
2022 to 2022 - IU ProvostMeeting and discussion between Provost Shrivastav and the RAHC-HSB Board of Directors
Peer Reviewer
2018 to 2018 - School of Nursing -Amy Wonder, PhD.Observation and review of Amy Wonder, School of Nursing, in her teaching role with students.
Board of Advisors
2017 to 2022 - Owen County Community CorrectionsAdvisor to the development of inhouse treatment in the Owen Community Corrections department. Treatment requiring assessment, referral, therapy (individual and group), and interagency agreements.
2017 to 2018 - Owen County Community CorrectionsEngaged as a Substance use and Mental health consultant in the development of the Owen County Substance Abuse Advisory Counsel.
Task Force Member
2017 to 2017 - Franklin InstituteProvided Social Work professional career perspectives with the Edgewood High School
Peer Reviewer
2017 to 2017 - School of Nursing- Amy Wonder, PhDObservation and evaluation of Amy Wonder, School of Nursing.
Workshop Organizer
2017 to 2017 - Monroe County CASACreated and presented a workshop to CASA in organizational practices for employee and volunteer care. Self-care practices and organizational environment changes were a priority from the requested presentation.
Public Services
Committee Member
2018 to 2018 - Owen County Court Services and Community CorrectionsSubstance Abuse Advisory Council member responsible for mental health and substance use advising regarding treatment development, planning and policy development.
Guest Speaker
2016 to 2016 - Monroe County School Social WorkersPresented a workshop on professional self-care, workplace care initiatives and work life balance.