William Mello
- Ph.D.
- Associate Professor
(219) 980-6826
- wmello@iu.edu
Room 211
John Anderson Library Conference Center
William Mello was raised in Brazil where he participated in the student and later the labor movement, as an activist in the metalworkers union. After moving to the United States, he worked as an ironworker and was active in his local union, holding various leadership positions. He received a BA in Historical Studies from Empire State College, State University of New York – SUNY(1996), an MA (1998) and PhD (2003) in Historical Studies and Political Science from the Graduate Faculty-New School for Social Research. He has published articles and book chapters both in the US and in Brazil, exploring labor organizing, globalization, education and working class political participation. His published books and edited volumes are, New York Longshoremen, Class and Power on the Docks (University of Florida Press, 2010); Trabalhadores, Novas Perspectivas e Comparações, William Mello and M. Thantabantu EDUECE, Brazil (2010); História e Memória, Cultura e Oralidade, Volume I, William Mello, Zilda Lima and Altemar da Costa Muniz Ed. EDUECE, Brazil (2014); Legionários: “Galhinhas Verdes” e os Trabalhadores no Brasil (1931-1937), , William Mello Ed. EDUECE, Brazil (2016); História e Memória, Culturas e Oralidade, Volume II, William Mello, Zilda Lima and Altemar da Costa Muniz, EDUECE, Brazil, (2016), História e Memória, Culturas e Oralidade, Volume III, William Mello, Zilda Lima, Altemar da Costa Muniz and Silvia Siquiera, Ed. EDUECE, Brazil, (2019). He has a forthcoming article, (2021) Poverty and Politics: Bolsonaro, neoliberalism’s authoritarian alternative and the ongoing assault on democracy in Brazil.He is currently writing a book that explores the problems of class, democracy and inequality in Brazil with the working title Workers and the Struggle for Democracy in Brazil (for 2022). He was responsible for the organization of the Labor Studies International Program Brazil, Conflict and Social Justice, (2004-2008). He is an affilaiate faculty member of Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and the Program in Brazilian Studies at Indiana University (2017 to present).
Emphasis/Major: Political Science and Historical Studies2003 - New School for Social Research
Dissertation: Reforming the Waterfront. Rank and File Activism and Politics on the Port of New York 1945-1970.
History and Politics Research Program
Emphasis/Major: Labor History in the United Kingdom2002 - Oxford University
Dissertation: Final Program Project: Revisiting the General Strike
Emphasis/Major: Political Science and Historical Studies1998 - New School for Social Research
Dissertation: Considerations on labor and Politics
Emphasis/Major: Historical Studies1996 - Empire State College - State University of New York (SUNY)
Dissertation: Dockers News: Rank and File Activism on the Port of New York.
Research Interests
The focus of my current research explores the relations of power and politics in the United States and in Brazil. Specifically my work examines the influence and constraints placed upon organized labor movements and workers in politics as well as their ability to shape policies and political outcomes. Methodologically my research is multidisciplinary, drawing on history, sociology and political science, with a particular emphasis on the processes of political development providing an informed analysis of politics and policies. In a broad sense, political outcomes and policies are not simply the consequence of short-term interactions but the product of ongoing sociopolitical and economic conflict and processes better informed when viewed over time.
Teaching Interests
My teaching interests examines the role of labor in politics and policy development over time. I teach across the Labor Studies curriculum, both online and in the classroom, and include, but are not limited to, the courses: LSTU-L 110 Labor and Society; LSTU-L 201 Labor Law; LSTU-L 203 Labor and the American Political System; LSTU-L 205 Contemporary Labor Problems; and LSTU – L 490 Class and Power in Labor Politics. As an affiliated faculty of the Graduate History Program (MAHIS) at the State University of Ceará (UECE) – Brazil I have delivered graduate history seminars examining Brazilian political development in a historical perspective. In my courses, the study of politics and labor´s role in society provide students with the tools for critical thinking and analysis. My teaching is informed by the pedagogical theories developed by Paulo Freire. For Freire learning is conceived as a transformative process and an essential feature for building critical consciousness and teaching issues of social justice. Freire argued that there are intrinsic interrelations between subjective and objective consciousness central to the process of social transformation. In this learning process individual and collective awareness are critical aspects of education. Critical consciousness that results from learning is not just knowledge, in tis sense the way in which learning occurs and the action it elicits. To paraphrase Freire “Education does not change the world, people do.”
Mello, W. J. (2023). “Cold War Against the Labor Left”. A review of Harry Bridges: Labor Radical, Labor Legend . In Western Historical Quarterly. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/whq/whad120
Robert Charny has written an extensive and meticulous, biography of Harry Bridges, president of the International Longshore and Warehouse Workers Union (ILWU) from 1937 to 1977. Charny’s work adds to the substantial historical literature exploring the legacy of Harry Bridges, his influence among west coast longshoremen, and his role within the broader US labor movement. One recurring theme in much of the research regarding Harry Bridges has been his political affiliation questioning his relationship to the Communist Party (CPUSA). For substantial periods as head of the union, Bridges was the victim of a ruthless McCarthy-era cold war investigation by the US government to deport the Australian-born dockworker. Charny offers a different twist, arguing: “For me, the most important questions have been: how effective was Bridges’ as a union leader? And how was Bridges effective as a union leader? A subsidiary, to which I return in the final chapter, is: did Bridges’ relationship to the Communist Party affect his effectiveness as a union leader?” (x)
Mello, W. J. (2022). Life Lessons from the Class Struggle. Labor Under Seige. An Oral History. Big Bob McEllrath and the ILWUs Fight for Organized Labor in an Anti Union Era. In New Yorl Labor History website. New York Labor History Association. View Publication For Life Lessons from the Class Struggle. Labor Under Seige. An Oral History. Big Bob McEllrath and the ILWUs Fight for Organized Labor in an Anti Union Era.
Undoubtedly the period of mounting anti-union antagonism that organized labor faced (and continues to face) starting in the early 1970s is an important period of research for scholars of labor and politics. Among the many reasons, it is important because it provides greater insight into the multitude of strategies, actions, conflicts, and constraints that restricted, even further, labor power with the rise of neoliberalism and anti-worker political forces. Labor Under Siege, by Harvey Schwartz with the contributions of Ronald E. Magen, provides scholars of labor history and politics with enlightening insight into the many issues faced by unions and labor leaders during this period. An oral history, the book provides a firsthand, personal account, of the life and activity of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) president Big Bob McEllrath, his life as dockworker on the West Coast, and rise to leadership of one of the major progressive labor unions in the United States.
Mello, W. J. (2022). Welcome to the class war!. In NYS Labor History Association (Vol. 11, 2022, pp. 1-5). NYSLHA. View Publication For Welcome to the class war!
Mello, W. J. (2021). Poverty and Politics: Bolsonaro, neoliberalism’s authoritarian alternative and the ongoing assault on democracy in Brazil . Nonsite.Org. Published. View Publication For Poverty and Politics: Bolsonaro, neoliberalism’s authoritarian alternative and the ongoing assault on democracy in Brazil.
A January 2, 2020 article in the British newspaper The Guardian would appear as one of those political oddities (that occur every now and then) if it were not for the implications of its impact for millions of people in Latin America and particularly in Brazil. The article entitled “Unqualified, dangerous: the oddball officials running Bolsonaro’s Brazil” highlights a few of the many political contradictions and disqualified persons appointed to positions of authority as a result of Jair Bolsonaro’s´ rise to power as the president of Brazil.
Mello, W. J., & , . (2021). Book Preface. Editora Autografo.
Preface for the book "Between Mutual Aid and Sindicalism. Solidarity and Resistance Among Dockworkers in Fortaleza (1912-1933)" By the author Nagila Moraes Galvao
Mello, W. J. (2020). Book Review: Dockworker Power. Race and Activism in Durban and the San Francisco Bay Area. Peter Cole [Review of Book Review: Dockworker Power. Race and Activism in Durban and the San Francisco Bay Area. Peter Cole]. Jornal of American History, 106(4), 1. Oxford University Press - Organization of American Historians. https://doi.org/10.1093/jahist/jaz817
Publication forthcoming:
Peter Cole´s Dockworker Power is a notable contribution to the field of maritime and global labor history. His book is a well-researched comparative study of longshore militancy in San Francisco and Durban, South Africa. Cole’s historical narrative weaves the struggle for racial equality on the ports of two continents, shaped by the processes of labor decasualization and comprehensive technological transformations with the increasing use of containerized commercial shipping after WWII. -
Mello, W. J. (2019). LSTU Course Reader Diversity and Inequality in America (Vol. 1, Issue 1). IU Custom-CLASSPAK.
Welcome to the course “Diversity and Inequality in America!” I am sure we will have a great, semester. This course that will explore basic thematic issues that help understand the rise of diversity as a concept that helps define American society constrained by mounting inequality, particularly income inequality. In this sense how useful, is diversity, as a policy, to combat inequality? We will focus our discussions on the fundamental ideas that inform and define issues of diversity and either shape, or fail to shape, outcomes in society, such as education, employment and access to resources such as housing and healthcare. Likewise, this course is an opportunity to examine the deeper implications of income inequality and the limits access to resources with the marketization of the public good. Besides the assigned course reader, the remaining texts will be attached to the weekly course lecture.
Mello, W. J., & Muniz, A. d. (2019). Ecos de Outubro. Notas sobre a influencia da Revolução Russa nos Estados Unidos (1917-1935) (pp. 122-156). State University of Ceara Press - EDUCE.
Undoubtedly the Russian Revolution has had a long and enduring impact across the globe. In the early part of the twentieth century, the significance of the revolution was similarly expansive in the United States, more influential than many would readily acknowledge. From the onset, U.S. foreign policy was hostile toward the fledging revolution and constantly sought its defeat. The revolution gained prominence in the years following the Bolsheviks raise to power and influenced American society in important ways shaping the organization of the modern labor movement and left-liberal political responses during the great depression in 1929.
Mello, W. J. (2019). New York Dockworkers: Mecanization and Power (Vol. III, pp. 39-85). State University of Ceara Press - EDUCE.
PubliNa segunda metade dos anos 1950, duas questões moldaram a luta pelo controle e regulamentação do trabalho no porto de Nova Iorque. Neste processo a demanda dos empresários para automação se transformou numa longa batalha entre elites políticos e os estivadores. Duas questões informaram este processo. Primeiro, como a Associação Internacional de Estivadores (International Longshoremens Association – ILA) sobreviveu as pressões da combinação de forças políticas que se uniram para transformar o porto? Segundo, como os trabalhadores responderam às complexas coalizões políticas que se delinearam ao longo do processo? Essas questões, contudo, assumem um significado importante a luz da expansão da automação do trabalho nas docas. Estes objetivos foram alcançados com o uso sistemático do poder de liminar da Lei Taft-Hartley[1], bem como outras medidas legais em combinação com as regulamentações e leis específicas para controlar a força de trabalho portuária (por exemplo, ampliando os poderes da Comissão Portuária). As elites econômicas e autoridades políticas buscavam justificar o aumento dos limites impostos ao desafio dos estivadores por controle do processo de trabalho do porto definindo-o como uma ameaça ao bem-estar nacional.
[1] A Lei Taft- Hartley foi promulgado pelo congresso dos EEUU em 1947 com o objetivo de conter a organização sindical, ela regulamenta e limita a organização e atividade sindical, o direito de greve e até pouco tempo a liberdade política e de afiliação partidária dos dirigentes sindicais.cation forthcoming -
Mello, W. J., Zilda, L. M., Altemar, M., & Siqueira, S. (2019). Historia, Memoria, Culturas e Oralidade. Vol. III (Vol. III). State University of Ceara Press - EDUCE.
É com imensa satisfação que apresentamos o volume III da coleção História, Memória, Oralidade e Culturas. Esta edição busca dar prosseguimento ao trabalho de investigação intelectual dos grupos de pesquisa Mundos do Trabalho; História, Politica, Cultura e Sociedade; História da Saúde e das Doenças bem como do ARCHEA: Arqueologia e Estudos da Antiguidade, todos ligados à linha de pesquisa História, Memoria e Oralidade do Mestrado Acadêmico em História (MAHIS) da Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE). Os trabalhos publicados neste tomo são representativos dos debates e apresentações oferecidos durante o III Encontro Internacional História, Memória, Culturas e Oralidade, realizado no Campus do Itaperi, Universidade Estadual do Ceará, em dezembro de 2016, bem como são ilustrativos da diversidade temática e perspectivas históricas dos grupos de pesquisa da linha Memória e Oralidade do MAHIS e das pesquisas dos autores convidados que gentilmente aceitaram participar desta edição.
Chaves, C., & Mello, W. J. (2019). Notas Sobre um Politico Integralista e sua Adesao ao Partido Social Democrata (PSD) no Interior do Ceara (1930-1945). Historiar, Volume 10 (19).
This essay seeks to examine the political options adopted by Franklin Chaves, his supporters and electorate after the decline of integralismo in Brazil and particularly in Ceará. Chaves was an influential politician who held various political offices from 1947-1971 and his political choices were shaped by numerous socially influential groups which comprised his electoral base.
Mello, W. J. (2018). Victor Arnautoff and the Politics of Art [Review of Victor Arnautoff and the Politics of Art]. Journal of American History, 105(2), 426-427. Oxford University Press - Organization of American Historians. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1093/jahist/jay218
Robert W. Cherny has written a fascinating and meticulously researched political biography exploring the life and work of the public muralist Victor Arnautoff. The account weaves seamlessly through major political events and periods, offering insight into how the artist’s politics and experiences shaped his art, underscoring a radical shift in his political world view. Fittingly, Cherny asks “What explains Arnautoff’s 180-degree shift in his political perspective from serving as a White officer to joining the Communist Party? How did his politics affect his art, or, put another way, how did his art reflect his politics?” (p. xi). The artist’s life journey melded major events of the twentieth century such as the Russian Revolution and subsequent diaspora, the Great Depression, and the Cold War. Over...
Mello, W. J. (2018). Class Struggle in Brazil: The Neoliberal Coup, an Attack on Workers and the Poor. Nonsite. Published. View Publication For Class Struggle in Brazil: The Neoliberal Coup, an Attack on Workers and the Poor.
Over a year has passed since the neoliberal coup seized power in Brazil, removing the democratically elected president Dilma Rousseff (PT – Workers Party). The impeachment fractured basic democratic interactions of power and ended (if it ever existed) any illusion that neoliberal rightwing political forces were committed to democracy and its institutions. The underlying factors that led to the kangaroo impeachment process reflect a long-stewing conflict between neoliberal political forces repeatedly defeated in national elections and the anti-poverty and socioeconomic development policies in place since 2003 with the victory of Lula and the Workers Party. These policies were the basis for major advances that reduced historical large-scale poverty and socioeconomic inequality, expanded the rights of workers and fostered regional integration. The coup designed to undo them was set in motion and sustained by a legislative realignment of political forces, led by the PMDB (Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro), under the leadership of Michel Temer, at the time vice president, and Eduardo Cunha, then president of congress.
Mello, W. J., & , . (2018). Dossier: The World of Work. In Jornal Historia e Culturias (Vols. 7, Issue 1). State University of Ceara Press - EDUCE.
This is an issue of the Journal Historia e Culturas - dedicated to labor history
MELLO, W. J., & Bessa, T. S. (2018). Historia, Oralidade e os Mundos do Trabalho: Notas sobre trabalhadores na carnauba no Ceara- Passado e Presente. Jornal Historia E Culturias, 7.
Article for the Journal Historia e Culturas - Dossier The World of Work.
Mello, W. J. (2016). Legionarios, "Galinhas Verdes" e a Politica no Ceara (Vol. 1, Issue 1). State University of Ceara Press (EDUECE).
Title translation: Legionaries, "Green Chickens" and Politics in Ceara (Brazil)
Mello, W. j. (2016). Poder, Classe e Raca na Luta Sindical: A Greve dos Portuarios de Nova York, 1945. (Vol. II, Issue 1, pp. 37-62). State University of Ceara Press (EDUECE).
Title translation: Power, Race and Class in the Trade Union Struggle: The New York Dockworkers Strike of 1945.
Mello, W. J., Menezes Lima, Z. M., & Muniz, A. d. (2016). Historia, Memoria, Cultura e Oralidade - Vol. II (Vol. II, Issue 1). State University of Ceara Press (EDUECE).
Translation of title: History, Memory, Oral Tradition and Culture - Volume II
Mello, W. J. (2016). A Legiao Cearense do Trabalho, O Integralismo e os Trabalhadores Cearenses (1931-1937) (Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 51-72). State University of Ceara Press (EDUECE).
Title translation: The Legion of Workers in Ceara, Integralism and Workers (1931-1937)
Mello, W. J. (2016). Challenging Social Inequality [Review of Challenging Social Inequality]. Enterprise and Society, 17(2). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017
Review of the book " Challenging Social Inequality. The Landless Peasents Movment and agrarian Reform in Brazil."
Mello, W. J., & Muniz, A. d. (2016). Class Struggle in Brazil: Who Will Defend the Working Class?. Nonsite. Published. View Publication For Class Struggle in Brazil: Who Will Defend the Working Class?Nonsite is an online, open access, peer0reviewed quarterly journal of scholarship in the arts and humanities affiliated with the Emory College of Arts and Sciences.
Mello, W. J., Menezes Lima, Z. M., & Muniz, A. d. (2014). Historia, Memoria, Cultura e Oralidade - Vol. I (Vol. I, Issue 1). State University of Ceara Press (EDUECE).Translation of title: History, Memory, Oral Tradition and Culture - Volume II
Dibie, R. A., Mello, W. J., & Benitez, G. (2014). Enviormental Health Policy in Brazil (Vol. 1). Routledge Publishers.Mello, W. J. (2013). Lisa Phillips. "A Renegade Union: Interracial Labor Organizing and Labor Radicalism" [Review of Lisa Phillips. "A Renegade Union: Interracial Labor Organizing and Labor Radicalism"]. American Historical Review, 118(5), 1548. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1093/ahr/118.5.1548Lisa Phillips has written a first-rate account exploring the history of District 65 (originally Wholesale and Dry Good Workers, or WDGW). From the union’s early days during the Depression in the 1930s, District 65 sought to navigate the complexities of American politics and provide a voice for low wage workers. Influenced by the radical politics of the Communist Party (CP), the union championed racial equality. District 65 union organizers concentrated their attention on workers in small shops in the distributive industries, later expanding to retail workers in larger department stores and industries in other states. 65ers focused their efforts on organizing workers in shops considered too small or insignificant by larger unions, such as the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union (ILGWU) and the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America (ACWA). Contrary to the dominant craft unionism of the American Federation of Labor (AFL),...
Mello, W. J. (2013). Workers, Education and Social Change in Brazil. Advances in Social Work, 14(1), 9-21. View Publication For Workers, Education and Social Change in BrazilMello, W. J. (2011). Direitos Humanos e Etica no Trabalho (Human Rights and Ethics at Work). Ação E Debate, II, 11-20.Mello, W. J. (2011). Peter Argentine "Monongah Remembered". In Italian American Review (Vol. 1, Issues 2, pp. 1-15). The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute - City University of New York.An explosion at the Monongah coal mines in Fairmont, West Virginia, on December 6, 1907, was the worst mining disaster in American history. As a result of the explosion, 362 mine workers, both men and boys, working in mine numbers 6 and 8 of the Fairmont Coal Company were killed. Among those who perished, 178 were Italian immigrants, mainly from the regions of Molise and Calabria. It is estimated that the blast left approximately 1,000 widows and orphans in both the United States and in Italy. In December 2007, in remembrance of the hundredth anniversary of the Monongah mine explosion, Argentine Productions, in collaboration with the Heinz History Center and the American Italian Cultural Institute (AMICI), produced the documentary Monongah Remembered. The film, although only 25 minutes long, provides a fresh take on the world of work through the eyes of Italian immigrant workers and their families, both in the United States and in their hometowns in Italy.
Mello, W. J. (2011). Response to the roundtable discussion of "New York Longshoremen, Class and Power on the Docks"s. In International Journal of Maritime History (Vol. XXIII, Issue I, pp. 332-339). Sage Journals. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1177%2F084387141102300116Journal of the International Maritime Economic History Association.
Dibie, R. A., Mello, W. J., & Benitez, G. (2011). The Social Impact of Enviormental Health Policy in Brazil. International Review of Politics and Development, 9(I), 1-25.Mello, W. J., & Iverson, M. T. (2010). Trabalhadores, Novas Perspectivas e Comparações. Editora da Universidade Estadual do Ceará - EDUECE.Mello, W. J. (2010). Direita Volver! A Legião Cearense do Trabalho e os Sindicatos em Fortaleza. 1.Mello, W. J. (2010). New York Longshoremen. Class and Power on the Docks. University of Florida Press. View Publication For New York Longshoremen. Class and Power on the Docks.In 2011 the book was published in paperback and nominated for the Phillip H. Taft Award for books in labor history.
Mello, W. J. (2010). A Sombra do Sindicalismo Conservador, A Legião Cearense do Trabalho 1932-1937. Published.Conference Proceedings
Mello, W. J. (2009). A Legião Cearense do Trabalho e Integralismo: Identidade e Classe em Fortaleza. Published.Mello, W. J. (2009). Strikes on the Port of New York, 1945-1960. (pp. 559-576). M.E. Sharpe.The editors of the edition are:
Mello, W. J. (2008). Civil Society in Contemporary Brazil (pp. 45-63). Lexington Books.Editor: Robert A. Dibie
Mello, W. J. (2008). As Primarias - escolhendo o novo Presidente Americano. Politica Democratica, 20, 129-137.Mello, W. J. (2008). "Unions, Communities and the 1984 Miners Strike" in Capital and Class #87 - Autumn 2005 [Review of "Unions, Communities and the 1984 Miners Strike" in Capital and Class #87 - Autumn 2005]. Science & Society, 72(1), 118-121. Gilford Publishers.This is a special edition of the journal Capital & Class. The edition is a collection of essays that revisits the tumultuous year-long miners strike in the Northeastern coal mines of England presented at a commemorative meeting organized by the journal. The conference: “The Miners Strike Twenty Years On: Challenges and Changes”, examined the impact of the strike and the future of working class mobilization. Written by labor activists and academics, the volume is an extremely pertinent contribution to those interested in exploring the current decline of organized labor and re-thinking the resurgence of working class political power in industrialized nations.
Mello, W. J., & Costa, L. C. d. (2007). Educação, Tecnologia e o Mundo do Trabalho (pp. 35-42). Editora Oikos.Editor, afonso Celso Scocuglia
Mello, W. J. (2007). Education, Work and Globalization in Brazil. 90-107.Alternative Globalizations - 5th Annual Conference of the Global Studies Association - North America. DePaul University, May12-14 2006.
Mello, W. J. (2007). Dockers News and the Struggle for Democratic Unionism on the Port of New York, 1949-1986. NST - Nature, Society and Thought, 20(2), 133-160.Mello, W. J. (2007). Robert Dibie. "NGO´S and Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa". In International Review of Politics and Development (Vols. 5, Issues 2, pp. 131-137). Department of Political Science and Public Administration - Babcock University.This book examines the role of NGOs in the process of sustainable development in the African continent. Professor Dibie et. al. explore the mounting challenges that NGOs face and their impact on African society. This wonderful collection of essays provide a guide for civil society organizations and their client groups who are engaged in the struggle for sustainable development and identify viable means of collaboration between NGOs, the private and the public sectors. Dibie stresses that it is unlikely the continent will achieve sustainable economic development unless African nations transform their political and managerial talents. This book is full of many rich practical experiences. At the same time it is an important contribution to the debate of the future of the African continent and the crucial need for African national and regional governments to collaborate with NGOs, the private sector and community based organizations. It is a book of concepts, instruction, and case studies.
Mello, W. J. (2007). Colin Davis. "Waterfont Revolts: New York and London Dockworkers, 1946-61" [Review of Colin Davis. "Waterfont Revolts: New York and London Dockworkers, 1946-61"]. Science & Society, 71(1), 126-128. Gilford Publishers.Waterfront Revolts is a comparative study of the rebellious dockworkers strikes that consumed the Ports of New York and London immediately following World War Two. Colin Davis argues that there have been few cross-national studies of US labor history. He points out that the longshore wildcat strikes on both sides of the Atlantic drew from a common culture of shared experience based on the collective nature of the waterfront labor process. Even though the dock labor structure in New York and London differed vastly, both processes led to the exclusion of dockworkers from the decision making process. Either unwilling or unresponsive unions were major factors that led dockworkers to revolt and sustained their determination to contest simultaneously political authorities, the union leadership and their employers.
Mello, W. J. (2006). Phillip Cannistraro and Gerald Myer."The Lost World of Italian American Radicalism" [Review of Phillip Cannistraro and Gerald Myer."The Lost World of Italian American Radicalism"]. International Labor and Working Class History, 69(1), 228-230. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1017/S0147547906320121Mello, W. J. (2005). Educação, Tecnologia e Trabalhadores na Luta pela Igualdade Social. 93-106.Editor Afonso Celso Scocuglia
Mello, W. J. (2005). "American labor and the Cold War" Editors Charney, Issel and Tylor [Review of "American labor and the Cold War" Editors Charney, Issel and Tylor]. International Labor and Working Class History, 67(1), 177-184. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1017/S0147547905210153Would the existing powerlessness of American unions be much different had organized labor not been the focus of cold-war repression in the late 1940s and 1950s? How did workers experience the anticommunist upsurge and reshape their political alliances in light of what some have called America’s darkest political hour? American Labor and the Cold War is a collection of smart and challenging essays that examine the impact of cold war politics on organized labor and the labor-left. The authors explore the historical impact of the cold war and the constraints placed on working class political power in the United States immediately following the Second World War. They argue that the cold war on labor reflected a process that was driven by state-organized repressive measures that were sustained by regional political-cultural traditions and in some cases high levels of working-class conservatism. The essays highlight the efforts of conservative labor leaders to take control of left-led unions, purging Communist Party (CP) activists and their allies and the ways in which communists sought to resist the radical right-wing movement in their unions and surrounding communities.
Mello, W. J. (2002). The Legacy of Pete Panto and the Brooklyn Rank-File Committee. Italian American Review, 9(1), 1-15.Mello, W. J. (2001). "Labor and the New Milenium: Class, Vision and Change". In International Labor and Working Class History (Vols. 60, Issue 1, pp. 212-215). Cambridge University Press.Wayne State University, in Detroit, Michigan, once again hosted the twenty- second North American Labor History Conference (NALHC). Held between October 19–21, 2000, the conference was an incursion into cutting-edge scholarly research, examining the history of working-class and labor movements in the United States, Europe, Canada, and Mexico, as well as Central and Latin America. NALHC explored the deep-rooted relations among work and race, gender, ethnicity, citizenship, and the economy. A unique and particularly interesting aspect of the conference was that many of the panels were composed of both activists and academics of the labor movement, which made the examination of past and present issues of working-class life highly informative.
Mishler, P. C., & Mello, W. J. (1998). "The Lost World of Italian American Radicalism". In International Labor and Working Class History (Vols. 53, Issue 1, pp. 198-200). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1017/S0147547900013788The history of Italian-American radicals in the United States is contradictory, even improbable. Other ethnic groups—Germans, Jews, and Finns, for example—gave widespread support to radicals and their organizations.Italian-American communities, characterized by conservatism, deference,and a strong focus on family as the primary social unit, seem a less hospitable location for radical activity. Yet, Italian-Americans from Sacco and Vanzetti to Vito Marcantonio are notable in the annals of American radicalism. These radicals, their relationships with their communities, and their role in American politics and culture have been poorly understood.
Mello, W. J. Poverty and Politics: Bolsonaro, Neoliberalisms Authoritarian Alternative and the Ongoing Assault on Democracy in Brazil. Nonsite. Accepted. View Publication For Poverty and Politics: Bolsonaro, Neoliberalisms Authoritarian Alternative and the Ongoing Assault on Democracy in Brazil..The recent elections in Brazil have gained international attention, in large part due to the meteoric rise and victory of authoritarian extremist Jair Bolsonaro in the race for the presidency. If the support he received in the first round of the election caught some off guard, his victory should be little surprise at all. His electoral prominence is the consequence of an ongoing national and international campaign led by neoliberal political forces to defeat popular governments with broad economic redistributive policies; the campaign, moreover, seeks to isolate labor-left and progressive political forces in Latin America.
Mello, W. J. (2023). Brazilian Workers and the Struggle for Democracy. Pace University Brazilian Studies Program, New York, NY United States.
Discussion of the 2016 coup in Brazil and the role of Brazilian unions on the continued struggle for democracy.
Mello, W. J. (2023). Brazil´s Unions and the Election of Lula to the Presidency. Indiana Uninversity - Department of Labor Studies, Indianapolis, IN United States.
Discussion of labor union political activity in Brazil and its role on the election of Lula da Silva to the presidency of Brazil
Mello, W. J., & Mascarenhas, I. (2020). The Elections in the United States and the Rise of the Extreme Right in Brazil. State University of Ceará (UECE) and Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Fortaleza, Brazil.
Debate examining the importance of the US presidential election and the relation between the extreme right in Brazil and the United States
Mello, W. J. (2020). Course development : Diversity and Inequality in the United States LSTU-L390. IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN.
Presentation examining the process of course development for LSTU-L390 Diversity and Inequality in the United States.
Mello, W. J. (2020). Pesquisa e Politica no Mundo de Trabalho. Universidade do Vale de Acaraú-Ceara - Departamento de História - Editora URCA, Sobral.
This seminar explored the expansion of Brazilian labor research and its contributions to the historical understanding of Brazil in the current socioeconomic and political crisis.
Mello, W. J. (2019). Transdisplinary Historical Research Methods. History Department - State University of Ceara, Fortaleza, Brazil.
The lecture explored the use of transdisplinary methods as a means of expanding historical research and understanding of historical development
Mello, W. J. (2019). Public Policies for a Public Education with Quality. Distance Education Program in History, Fortaleza, Brazil.
The round table presentation examined the importance of public education and non-market public policies to enhance public education.
Mello, W. J. (2018). Work Until You Die, The effects of the 2016 Coup on the Brazilian Working Class. Center for Latin American and Carribean Studies (CLACS), Bloomington, IN United States.
Without a doubt, the 2016 coup against democratically elected president Dilma Rouseff (PT) was an overall attack on Brazilian democracy and the country’s institutions. The coup, however, had a very specific target, i.e. Brazil’s workers and the poor, their unions and social movements. A central characteristic of the coup were the massive transformations, imposed by coup leaders, with the introduction of massive changes to the basic labor protections once enjoyed by workers, the legal structure that shapes relations between employers and workers and the very way work is performed. At the center of these political setbacks is a fundamental contradiction between neoliberalism, the rights of workers and the ongoing battle to consolidate democracy in Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2017). The Influence of the Russian Revolution in American Social Policy. University of Maryland - School of Social Work, Baltimore, MD United States.
Overview of the impact of the Russian revolution in framing US social and economic policy.
Mello, W. J. (2017). Power, Race and Class in the Union Struggle. History Dept. Faculdade de Filosofia Dom Aureliano de Mato - UECE, Limoeiro do Norte, Ceara, Brazil.
Lecture on thematic research in labor history
Mello, W. J. (2017). O Impacto da Revolucao Russa nos EEUU 1917-1935. Graduate Program in Social Sciences - State University of Ceara - Brazil, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2016). The Workers Party in Brazil - Politics and Crisis. Latin American Studies Program - University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA United States.
An analyses of class politics in Latin America and the mounting economic crisis
Mello, W. J., Pozzi, P., & Gandra, E. (2016). The Dockworkers Memory, New York, Buenos Aires and Porto Alegre. Graduate Program in History - State University of Ceara, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil.
The use of memory in constructing a history of dockworkers in a global perspective
Mello, W. J. (2015). Sindicatos e Politica nos Estados Unidos (1945-1970) - (Unions and Politics in the United States 1945-1970). History Department - FECLESC- State University of Ceará - Brazil, Quixada, Ceará, Brazil.
Reed Jr., A., Mello, W. J., & Pereira, J. (2014). History between Race and Class. Graduate Program in History (MAHIS) of the State University of Ceara (Brazil) and the Research Group The World of Work, History, Culture and Society, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
This panel explored the relation between race and class in a historical perspective, in the United States and Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2013). WWII and Post WWII Working Class Spatial Politics. Wayne State Unversity-Department of History, Detroit, MI United States.
Mello, W. J., & Juca, G. M. (2013). Political History: Memory and Culture. Graduate Program in History (MAHIS) of the State University of Ceara (Brazil) and the Research Group The World of Work, History, Culture and Society, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Series of graduate lectures exploring debates and methods of political history
Mello, W. J. (2013). Workers and Work. Urban Studies and Practices Research Group, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Research symposium examining the development of cities in the Northeast of Brazil.
French, J. D., Mello, W. J., & Sales, T. B. (2012). Culture, Politics and the Working Class. Graduate Program in History (MAHIS) of the State University of Ceara (Brazil) and the Research Group The World of Work, History, Culture and Society, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Dr. John D. French, Professor of History, Duke University, USA
Mello, W. J. (2012). "Trabalhadores, Novas Perspectivas e Comparações". Department of Labor Studies, South Bend, IN United States.
Mello, W. J. (2012). The World of Work, History, Politics, Culture and society. History Department, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2012). Class and Resistence on the Port of New York. Wayne State University - History Department, Detroit, MI United States.
For American workers high levels of employer resistance to labor organizing as a significant factor throughout history are indicative that something else is going on--that industry and labor are far from equal. In a historical perspective, the limits of class organization and mobilization reflect a long-term process where organized labor became increasingly less autonomous, imposing boundaries on working-class action and constraining the ability of workers to intercede effectively in the essential aspects of working-class life. Class resistance on both ends of the spectrum reflect the social stratification of political relations, where embedded institutional constraints constructed over time provide the historical conditions where some groups systematically prevail in relation to others based on their location in society. This problem not only speaks to the immediate discussion of the role of labor within the American political process but also has underlying consequences about the characteristics of labor’s power in American political development and history.
Mello, W. J. (2012). Politics, Culture, Work and Memory. Regional Association of Brazilian Historians- Ceará, Sobral, Ceará, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2011). "Trabalhadores, Novas Perspectivas e Comparações". State Historical Museum, Fortaleza, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2011). Rebellion on the Port of New York, 1945-1960. International Association for the Study of Strikes and Social Conflict, Lisbon, Portugal.
Mello, W. J., & Tajalli, I. Q. (2011). Latin American Workers and the Struggle for Justice. IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN United States.
Mello, W. J. (2011). A History of New York Longshoremen. John D. Calandra Institute, New York, NY United States.
Mello, W. J. (2011). "Before we can smell the roses": Health, conflict and working conditions on the Port of New York, 1945-1965. National Association of Brazilian Historians, São Paulo, Brazil.
Este trabalho busca analisar as condições de saúde dos trabalhadores no Porto de NY entre as décadas de 1940 e 1960, como catalisadoras de um processo de transformação mais amplo nas relações do trabalho. Em meio a uma tumultuada greve geral no porto, um trabalhador, exasperado pela falta de apoio da direção do sindicato às reivindicações dos operários declarou: “Queremos receber nossa pensão antes que possamos cheirar as rosas”, referindo-se ao impacto das péssimas condições de trabalho no porto à saúde dos trabalhadores, apontadas como um fator primordial para a exposição a um variado leque de doenças, principalmente as cardio-vasculares, ósseas e musculares bem como inúmeros “acidentes de trabalho”. Implícito no grito do portuário estava posta a relação entre o processo produtivo, a saúde e o trabalho. Como resultado da luta dos portuários, foi organizado um dos mais completos sistemas de saúde para os trabalhadores portuários; sistema este, organizado pelos próprios trabalhadores e financiado com os lucros oriundos das transformações tecnológicos do processo produtivo.
Mello, W. J. (2011). Paulo Freire and the World of Work. State Historical Museum of Ceara, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2011). "Trabalhadores, Novas Perspectivas e Comparações". State University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil.
Mello, W. J., Muniz, A. d, & Regis, J. R. (2011). Political History: Memory and Culture. Graduate Program in History (MAHIS) of the State University of Ceara (Brazil) and the Research Group The World of Work, History, Culture and Society, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Series of graduate lectures exploring debates and methods of political history
Mello, W. J., & Tajalli, I. Q. (2011). Social Justice in Latin America, the Case of Brazil and Argentina. CSWE, Atlanta, GA United States.
Mello, W. J., & Fisher, J. T. (2010). Battling the Murder Machine. New York Labor History Association, New York, NY United States.
Mello, W. J. (2010). History and the City: Between Rarefication and Social Control. Graduate Program in History, Mossoro, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2010). Conservative Trade Unions in Ceará, the Legion of Workers in Ceará. Graduate History Program, Recife, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2010). Workers in Movement: Exploring Labor and Social Movements in Latin America - Past and Present. United Association of Labor Educators (UALE), San Diego, CA United States.
Mello, W. J. (2010). Workers Right Turn: The Legion of Workers in Ceará and Trade Unions in Fortaleza (1931-1937). Association of Brazilian Historians (ANPUH) - Ceará, Crato, Ceará, Brazil.
A história do Ceará, e da cidade de Fortaleza em particular, oferece uma experiência rica e variada de organização classista com orientações políticas conservadoras, tais como a Legião Cearense de Trabalho e os Círculos Operários. Igualmente importante e axiomática para o surgimento destas organizações foi o apoio da classe operária ao Integralismo e à Ação Integralista Brasileira (AIB). Esta linha de pesquisa contrabalança tanto o trabalho predominante na história social que prioriza as respostas políticas da classe operária de esquerda e socialista bem como a tradição histórica que considera o Integralismo primordialmente como uma organização de classe média. A importância e implicações deste estudo têm duplo objetivo. Primeiro, ela fornece uma perspectiva compreensível da formação de classe em Fortaleza e informa o desenvolvimento histórico das organizações de classe no processo mais amplo do desenvolvimento capitalista. Em segundo lugar, o estudo de formação de classe auxilia na expansão de uma visão de longo prazo de como a cultura regional, valores sociais e a política definem a identidade de classe entre os distintos grupos de trabalhadores.
Mello, W. J. (2010). Workers Health and Trade Union Organization in Brazil, (1970-1985). Graduate Program in History (MAHIS) of the State University of Ceara (Brazil) and the Research Group The World of Work, History, Culture and Society, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2010). New York Longshoremen, Class Politics on the Port of New York. Center for the Study of Woring Class Life, New York, NY United States.
Mello, W. J. (2010). Between Rebellion and Reform: Labor Unrest in the Northeast of Brazil. Center for the Study of Working Class Life, New York, NY United States.
Mello, W. J. (2010). The World of Work, A Global Vision. Research Group Mundos do Trabalho, Historia, Politica, Cultura e Socieadade and Graduate History Program (MAHIS), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2009). Social, Cultural and Political History as Objectives of Historical Research. History Department, Limoeiro do Norte, Ceará, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2009). The State, Mobilization and Political Participation. Fundação Konrad Adenhauer and the Political Science department of the State University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2009). In the Shadow of Conservative Trade Unionism, Fortaleza 1931-1940. State University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2009). Workers in Contemporary US History. National Association of Brazilian Historians - ANPUH, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2009). Modernity and Social Transformation. Fundação Konrad Adenhauer, Parnaiba, Piaui, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2009). Integralismo and Conservative Trade Unions in the Northeast Brazil, 1931-1937. National Association of Brazilian Historians, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2008). Class Identity in a Midwestern Town: The False Notions of a Working Middle Class. Center for the Study of Workking Class Life, Stoneybrook, NY United States.
Mello, W. J., & Tajalli, I. Q. (2008). Social Work and the Labor Movement, A Much Needed Partnership. NASW- Indiana, Indiana, United States.
Mello, W. J. (2007). Education, Power and Globalization. Secretary of Education and Mayors office of Gravatai, RS, Brazil, Gravatai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2007). The Longshormens Struggle for Power on the Docks. New York History Association.
Mello, W. J. (2007). Class Identity and Labors Political Power. United Association of Labor Educators, Washington DC, United States.
Mello, W. J. (2006). The ABC of Brazils Labor Movement. Center for the Study of Working Class Life, Stony Brook, NY United States.
Mello, W. J. (2006). Education, Technology and Globalization. Global Studies Association, Chicago, IL United States.
Mello, W. J. (2005). Education, Technology and the Struggle for Social Equality in Brazil. Secretary of Education and Mayors office of Gravatai, RS, Brazil, Gravatai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2005). Revisiting the Docks. A Critical Examination of "On the Waterfront". Higgins Labor Research Center, South Bend, IN United States.
Mello, W. J., & Needleman, R. (2004). Labor Education and Higher Education at Indiana University. World Social Forum, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Mello, W. J. (2004). Class and Power on the Docks.1945 -1955. Center for the Study of Working Class Life, Stony Brook, NY United States.
Mello, W. J. (2001). The Brooklyn Rank and File Committee. John D. Calandra Institute, New York, NY United States.
Mello, W. J. (1997). Pete Panto, Rank and File Radical on the Docks. John D. Calandra Institute and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New Yor, NY United States.
Contract Fellowship Grants
Curriculum Enhanceent Grant
Program Director (PD)/Principal Investigator (PI): Marquita Walker
Co-PD/PI: William Mello
Institutional Services
Committee Member
2021 - IFCAt-large member of the IUPUI - IFC - elected -
Board Member
2021 - IUPUI Faculty Council Board of ReveiwTerm February 2021 - January 2023 -
Committee Member
2020 - IUSSW Ad-Hoc Finance CommitteeThe Ad-hoc Finance committee was cretaed by Dean Davis as an advisory board for financial decisions necessary to mitigate the constraints imposed by the Covid 19 pandemic -
Committee Member
2020 - Labor Studies Grade Appeals CommitteeReview and adudicate student grade appeals requests -
Committee Member
2020 - Labor Studies Adjunct Instructor Review CommitteeReveiw and reorganize the hiring and course assignments of adjunct instructors for the Department of Labor Studies -
Committee Member
2019 - Labor Studies Sub-committee for Adjunct InstructionExamine and develop regulations for hiring and review of adjunct instructors. -
Committee Member
2019 - Labor Studies Curriculum Committee -
2017 - Brazilian Studies ProgramAffiliated Faculty of the IU Brazilian Studies Program -
2017 - Center for Latin American and Carribean Studies (CLACS)As an affiliated faculty member of CLACS and the Brazilian Studies Program I work to develop and support research and scholarship about issues in Latin America. -
Committee Member
2016 - IUSSW P&T CommitteeReview faculty dossiers for tenure and promotion and third year review. -
Committee Member
2020 - IUSSW Strategic Planning Subcommittee Structuring Organizational Systems to Support Faculty and StaffContribute to the development of systems that provide support and professional development for Faculty and Staff. -
Committee Member
2019 - IUSSW Strategic Planning Sub-Committee - "Supporting and Enhancing Academic Quality"Sub-committee part of strategic planning process for IUSSW charged to examine and develop objectives for academic excellence. -
Committee Member
2018 - IUSSW-LS Grade Appeals CommitteeReview, examine and adjudicate student appeals for change of grade. -
Committee Member
2016 - IUSSW Sabatical CommitteeReview faculty applications for sabbatical leave -
Committee Member
2015 - IUSSW Sabatical CommitteeReview faculty applications for sabbatical leave -
Committee Member
2014 - IUPUI P&T CommitteeReview and discuss campus wide dossiers of candidates for promotion and tenure. -
Committee Member
2010 - IUSSW P&T CommitteeReview faculty dossiers for tenure and promotion and third year review. -
Committee Member
2013 - IUPUI P&T CommitteeReview and discuss campus wide dossiers of candidates for promotion and tenure. -
Committee Member
2013 - IUSSW-LS Grade Appeals CommitteeReview, examine and adjudicate student appeals for change of grade. -
Committee Member
2012 - IUSSW-LS Grade Appeals CommitteeReview, examine and adjudicate student appeals for change of grade. -
Committee Member
2010 - IU Kokomo - Vice Chacellor Search and Screen CommitteeReview faculty applications for assistant professor position for IUK- SPEA, interview candidates, assist meetings to review interviews and identify possible candidates. -
Committee Member
2010 - IU Kokomo - SPEA Search and Screen CommitteeReview faculty applications for assistant professor position for IUK- SPEA, interview candidates, assist meetings to review interviews and identify possible candidates. -
Committee Member
2009 - IUSSW-LS Search and Screen CommitteeReview applications and identify possible candidates for position of Assistant Professor at IU Labor Studies - IUPUI -
Committee Member
2008 - IUSSW-LS Search and Screen CommitteeReview applications and identify possible candidates for position of Assistant Professor at IU Labor Studies - Bloomington -
Faculty Governance
2005 - Labor Studies Faculty Leadership CommitteEngage with faculty on different campus to organize statewide activity of LS program; Interface with IU administration and organizations of faculty governance; Promote and expand enrollments in the LS Program -
Committee Chair
2004 - Labor Studies Curriculum CommitteeReview, organize and promote faculty review of course content; Promote new course development; Assist with the transfer of the LS curriculum to an online format. -
2004 - Labor Studies Online Education Co-CoordinatorOrganize and promote faculty discussion regarding introduction of online education in the labor studies program. Identify problems with the transfer of the online education in LS. Promote faculty discussions regarding problems and best practices with the LS Online program. -
Committee Member
2004 - American Democracy Project - IU KokomoParticipate in committee charged with developing and organizing year long campus activities that examine multiple aspects of democracy in the United States and it impact on the daily lives of Americans. -
Board Member
2022 - IU Labor Studies- AFLCIO Advisory BoardDevelop and participate in the activities that reinforce the relationship of the DLS with the Indiana labor movement - organize and develop activities that promote IU-DLS and provide educational support for organized labor in the state of Indiana.
Media Appearance
Numero the elitores adolecentes cai quase 33% de 2010-2014
2014 - O Diario do Nordeste
Read the Story Numero the elitores adolecentes cai quase 33% de 2010-2014 -
Class and the Growing Inequality
2014 - The Workers Voice Radio Show
Read the Story Class and the Growing Inequality -
Labor Studies at IUK Reinvigorated
2007 - The Kokomo Perspective -
Outsourcing and Foreign Trade
2007 - Howard County Labor Radio Program - WIOU-AM
Read the Story Outsourcing and Foreign Trade -
The Politics of Inequality
2007 - The Kokomo Perspective -
The Current Situation of the US Working Class
2007 - Howard County Labor Radio Program - WIOU-AM
Read the Story The Current Situation of the US Working Class -
Workers and Education
2007 - Howard County Labor Radio Program - WIOU-AM
Read the Story Workers and Education -
Moments in Labor History
2006 - Howard County Labor Radio Program - WIOU-AM
Read the Story Moments in Labor History -
Crisis in the US Pension System?
2006 - Howard County Labor Radio Program - WIOU-AM
Read the Story Crisis in the US Pension System? -
Its the Economy
2005 - The Kokomo Perspective -
Economic Inequality in the United States
2005 - Howard County Labor Radio Program - WIOU-AM
Read the Story Economic Inequality in the United States -
The Split in the AFL-CIO
2005 - Website of the Higgins Labor Research Center - University of Notre Dame -
Workers Rights: Back to the Future?
2005 - The Kokomo Perspective -
Workers Rights: Which Side Are Your On?
2004 - The Kokomo Perspective -
The Ongoing Struggle for Workers Rights in the US
2004 - Howard County Labor Radio Program - WIOU-AM
Read the Story The Ongoing Struggle for Workers Rights in the US -
The Future of Labor Education in the United States
2003 - Howard County Labor Radio Program - WIOU-AM
Read the Story The Future of Labor Education in the United States
Labor and Working Class History Association
2020 to Present -
Latin American Studies Association
2020 to 2022 -
International Association of Strikes and Social Conflict
2010 to 2022 -
Working Class Studies Association
2010 to 2022 -
Higgens Labor Research Center at the University of Notre Dame
2008 to Present -
Labor and Politics Working Group of the APSA
2008 to 2019 -
American Political Science Association
2003 to 2014
Professional Services
Reviewer, Journal Article
2023 to 2023 - Labor Studies JournalManuscript review
Reviewer, Journal Article
2022 to 2022 - American Political Science ReviewRead and review journal article proposal for publication
Editorial Review Board Member
2022 to Present - CENTURIA - Electronic Jornal of History - PET- FAFIDAM/ State University of Ceara, Brazil - Fortaleza/ BrazilMember of the Editorial Board
Reviewer, Journal Article
2021 to 2021 - Journal of Working Class StudiesArticle "Missing Men? Precarity and the Declining Labor Force"
Reviewer, Journal Article
2021 to 2021 - Science & Society"Objective conditions in Venezuela, Maduros Defensive Strategies"
Editorial Review Board Member
2020 to Present - State University Press of Ceara - Eduece - BrazilMember of the Editorial Board for the editorial line SER-TÃO Editorial of the State University Press - EDUCE
Committee Member
2019 to 2022 - Working Class Studies AssociationElected to Working Class Studies Association, steering committee, chair of the associations election committee
Scientific Committee Member
2016 to 2016 - III International Conference on History, Memory, Culture and the Oral TraditionAs member of the Scientific Committee I was responsible for the review and approval of panel and paper proposals for the conference.
Reviewer, Journal Article
2016 to 2016 - Journal Historia e Culturas -
Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
2015 to 2015 - CAPES - Coordination for the Professional Development in Higher EducationReview national post doctoral research proposal in social history - #0691-15-1
Editorial Review Board Member
2013 to Present - Revista de Historia Bilros - Historia (s), Sociedade(s) e Cultura(s)Journal of the History Department - State University of Ceara. Member of Editorial Counsel - review articles for publication as needed. ISSN 2357-8556
Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
2013 to 2013 - CAPES - Coordination for the Professional Development in Higher EducationReview national post doctoral research proposal in social history - examining patrimony and post colonialism.
Scientific Committee Member
2013 to 2014 - II International Conference on History, Memory, Culture and the Oral TraditionAs member of the Scientific Committee I was responsible for the review and approval of panel and paper proposals for the conference.
Conference Organization Committee
2013 to 2014 - II International Conference on History, Memory, Culture and the Oral TraditionAn international conference of labor historians from Brazil, the US and Europe under the auspices Research Center Mundos do Trabalho, História, Politica e Cultura, the History Graduate Program of the State University of Ceará. I was engaged with organizing the thematic section of the conference "The World of Work" - reviewing paper and panel proposals and overall structure of panel presentations. Member of conference organizing committee;
Scientific Committee Member-Review Conference Proposals
2013 to 2015 - III International Conference of Strikes and Social ConflictReview conference proposal submissions.
Editorial Review Board Member
2012 to Present - Revista História e CulturasJournal of the History Graduate Program, State University of Ceara. Member of Editorial Board - review articles for publication as needed. ISSN 2318-8294
Editorial Review Board Member
2011 to Present - Revista SertõesJournal of the Research Center Nordeste: Sociedade e Cultura, State University of Rio Grande do Norte - Department of History. ISSN 2179-9040. Member of Editorial Board - review articles for publication as needed.
Editorial Review Board Member
2011 to Present - Revista EducareInterdisciplinary Journal of the Military Academy of Ceara. Member of Editorial Board - review articles for publication as needed. ISSN 1984-3283
Conference Organization Committee
2011 to 2012 - I International Conference on History, Memory, Culture and the Oral TraditionAn international conference of labor historians from Brazil, the US and Europe under the auspices Research Center Mundos do Trabalho, História, Politica e Cultura, the History Graduate Program of the State University of Ceará. I was engaged with organizing the thematic section of the conference "The World of Work" - reviewing paper and panel proposals and overall structure of panel presentations. Member of conference organizing committee;
Scientific Committee Member
2011 to 2012 - I International Conference on History, Memory, Culture and the Oral TraditionAs member of the Scientific Committee I was responsible for the review and approval of panel and paper proposals for the conference.
Editorial Review Board Member
2010 to 2018 - Revista Politica DemocraticaJournal of Politics and Society published by the Fundacao Astrogildo Pereira. Brazil.
Member of Editorial Board - review articles for publication as needed.
ISSN 1518-7446 -
Conference Organizer
2010 to 2010 - I International Seminary Worlds of Work, Memory, Culture, Politics and SocietyOrganized international seminary of labor historians from Brazil and the United States -under the auspices of the Research Group World of Work, Memory, Culture, Politics and Society and the Graduate History Program (MAHIS) of the State University of Ceará.
Group Leader
2009 to Present - Research Group The World of Work, History, Culture, Politics and Society.Leader of research group with focus on Brazilian labor history under the auspices of the Graduate History Program and the Chancellors Office for Graduate Research (PROGPQ) of the State University of Ceará – Brazil/ 2009-present. The group is certified by the
Educational Advisor
2003 to 2011 - Howard County Central Labor CouncilProvide information and promote labor education and training for labor organizations in Howard County. Participate in the monthly meetings of the Howard County Labor Council and the monthly Labor Breakfast Meetings.
Reviewer, Journal Article
to 2013 - Journal Vozes, Preterito e DevirPeer review of article for publication.
Reviewer, Journal Article
to 2016 - Journal Anthropology of workReview article submitted for publication
Reviewer, Journal Article
to 2013 - PS: Political Science and PoliticsPeer review of article for publication.
Reviewer, Journal Article
to 2016 - Journal História e CulturasPeer review of article for publication.
Reviewer, Journal Article
to 2018 - Journal EmbornalPeer review of article for publication.
Reviewer, Journal Article
to 2015 - Journal of American HistoriansPeer review of article submission for publication.
Reviewer, Journal Article
to 2011 - Journal Mundos do TrabalhoPeer review of article for publication.
Peer review of book chapter
to 2010 - Civil Society in a Comparative PerspectivePeer review of book chapter for publication.
Reviewer, Journal Article
to 2013 - Advances in Social WorkPeer review of two articles for publication.
Reviewer, Journal Article
to 2010 - Journal of International Review of Politics and PolicyPeer review of two articles for publication.
Reviewer, Journal Article
to 2009 - Journal Nature, Society and ThoughtPeer review of article for publication.
Reviewer, Journal Article
to 2009 - Journal Science and SocietyPeer review of article for publication.
Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
to 2016 - CAPES - • Programa de Cooperacao Internacional (Program for International CooperationReview post doctoral research grant proposal-Projeto de Cooperacao Internacional (PGCI) #8378-15-0
Reviewer, Journal Article
to 2019 - Advances in Social WorkPeer review of one article for publication.
Reviewer, Journal Article
to 2015 - Canadian Journal of Latin American and Carribbean StudiesPeer review of article for publication.