Program Policies
Student Handbook
The handbook has been designed as a reference to assist students in understanding the social work degree program including its curriculum, policies, and procedures. Students are encouraged to refer to this handbook at various points in their academic career. It is organized as an overview of the School of Social Work, including its history and mission; the Code of Ethics to which the School subscribes; the specifics regarding the BSW program; and services and opportunities available to the BSW students.
While every effort is made to provide accurate and current information, the Indiana University School of Social Work reserves the right to change with notice, curricula, policies, courses, rules or other matters. The School attempts to make changes only as necessary and only to enhance and improve the educational experience.
Field Manual
For continuance in and graduation from the program, you are required to:
- maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 in all letter-graded courses,
- maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 (or its equivalent) in all required social work courses,
- attain a minimum grade of C (2.0) or Satisfactory in each required social work course, and
- carry out professional activity in conformity with the values and ethics of the profession.
BSW students must satisfy all Indiana University General Education requirements.
A course in which a lower than acceptable grade is attained must be repeated or a comparable course substituted that has been approved by the School of Social Work faculty. Required social work courses may be repeated only after you are reinstated in the program with permission from the school.
Pass/Fail courses applied to the BSW degree are limited to four, and they may count only as electives. This policy does not apply to courses in which you have tested out or been granted special credit.
Academic credit for life experience and previous work experience is not given in whole or in part toward the Social Work Degree.
The handbook has been designed as a reference to assist students in understanding the social work degree program including its curriculum, policies, and procedures. Students are encouraged to refer to this handbook at various points in their academic career. It is organized as an overview of the School of Social Work, including its history and mission; the Code of Ethics to which the School subscribes; the specifics regarding the MSW program; and services and opportunities available to the MSW students.
While every effort is made to provide accurate and current information, the Indiana University School of Social Work reserves the right to change with notice, curricula, policies, courses, rules or other matters. The School attempts to make changes only as necessary and only to enhance and improve the educational experience.
Field Manual
Policy on Nondiscrimination #
Based on the tradition of the social work profession, and consistent with Indiana University’s Equal Opportunity Policy, the Indiana University School of Social Work affirms and conducts all aspects of its teaching, scholarship, and service activities without discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender, socio-economic status, marital status, national or ethnic origin, age, religion or creed, disability, or political or sexual orientation.
The School of Social Work has a strong commitment to diversity and nondiscrimination. Indeed, diversity is celebrated as a strength. This perspective is demonstrated by the composition of its faculty and student body, curriculum content, and recruitment and retention activities by an active Diversity Committee. Further commitment is demonstrated through participation in university committees dealing with oppressed populations, numerous service activities, including advocacy on behalf of the disadvantaged, the selection of field practicum sites, and by school policies related to promotion and tenure of its faculty.
Code of Ethics (NASW) #
Students are responsible for adhering to the National Association of Social Worker’s Code of Ethics. The purpose of the code of ethics is to achieve high levels of ethical consciousness, decision making and practice by all social workers. The NASW Code serves as the standard by which all social workers are evaluated in relation to ethical professional behavior.