Apply to Labor Studies

Apply Today #
The Department of Labor Studies offers online courses on all Indiana University campuses and opportunities for life-long learning, university credit for work-life experience, a Certificate, and degree options including an Associate of Science and Bachelor of Science, as well as a minor in Labor Studies.
Our courses serve a broad array of undergraduate students from many academic disciplines to deepen exposure to labor issues within the workforce, fair employment practices, and how each influences society.
Application Materials #
In addition to answering the questions on the form, provide the following information/documentation within the relevant section:
Please submit one current academic transcript from each college/university you have attended. This includes transcripts from study abroad, from institutions where you were enrolled for academic credit as a non-degree student, and/or for credits that you transferred to another college/university. Provided transcripts must show all completed and/or in-progress coursework. Scanned student copies or unofficial transcripts are accepted. However, self-reported or advising transcripts are not accepted. Please note that if you attended Indiana University, you do not need to submit your Indiana University transcripts.
Submitted transcripts must include:
- your name
- the institution’s name
- your dates of attendance
- the grades you received for each completed course in all of the terms you attended
Degree information, including the degree received and the date of its receipt (if applicable) must be on the transcript. If degree information is on a separate degree document (i.e., a diploma), please create one PDF that includes both the transcript and the degree document. Please do this, as applicable, for each college/university for which you are submitting a transcript.
Include a copy of the transcript key or interpretation guide. This information appears either on the back of the transcript or in a separate document. If your transcript(s) is not in English, please provide a certified English translation.
Before uploading the documents to the relevant section of the online application form, mark out your social security number and birth date so they cannot be read.
The School reserves the right to revoke an offer of admission if any discrepancies are found on your transcripts and/or if transcripts are not provided to the School in a timely manner.
Criteria & Decisions #
Enrollment in the Department of Labor Studies requires formal admission to Indiana University. The following are the minimum requirements for consideration for admission to the Department of Labor Studies:
- Regular admission to the university.
- Submission of the Department of Labor Studies’ application.
Once you submit your application, you will receive an email confirming your submission and a request to contact an Indiana University academic advisor.
Once the review is complete, you will receive an email with a decision of admission. You accept or reject the offer via contact with your academic advisor.
International Students #
The Office of International Affairs is located at 902 W. New York Street, Room ES 2126 and provides a wide range of services to international applicants and students.