Office of e-Social Work Education & Practice

What We Do #
- Develop consistent, on-brand online courses for use across all campuses
- Adhere to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and standards of universal design for optimal user experience
- Incorporate educational technology innovations, interactivity, and principles of universal design to enhance user engagement across diverse populations
- Advance research on e-social work practices and online social work education
Our vision is to:
- Create a consistent, standardized learning experience for students across different all IUSSW courses and programs.
- Act on the CSWE Future Task Force’s (2018) call for educators to infuse technology-mediated practice into the social work curriculum
- Develop new, efficient, and collaborative online and hybrid education platforms to guide future teaching and learning at the school
Areas of Focus #
Social Work Distance Education
Toward our commitment to social work distance education, we collaborate with faculty to develop and maintain consistent, on-brand online courses for use across all iussw campuses. We use evidence-based design practices and strive to meet federal accessibility guidelines and distance education standards of regular and substantive student interaction.
Digital Social Work Practice
Toward our commitment to digital social work practice, we manage the e-social work practice graduate certificate program, promote the infusion of technology-mediated social work practice into the curriculum, develop e-simulations for online practice courses, and build CE course offerings through IU expand.