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Bachelor of Social Work Program IUPUI Student Handbook Supplement 2024-2025

Last Revised by: IU School of Social Work Summer 2024

Welcome and Information About the BSW Program #

Message from Director, Dr. Katie McCarthy

Welcome to the IU School of Social Work and the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree program on the IUPUI campus!

As a student of social work, you have joined one of the noblest professions the world over.  No cause is greater than working in the interest and service of others.  And no mission is higher than working to create a society in which every person has equal access to all that is necessary and good.  Your decision to pursue a career in social work is both impressive and admirable.

A desire to help others must be combined with training of the highest quality.  To that end, your decision to attend the Indiana University School of Social Work was insightful and prudent.   The School of Social Work is the oldest university-affiliated social work program in the United States.  The school’s long, rich history began in 1911 in the form of a few courses offered through the Department of Economics and Social Sciences.  At present, the School of Social Work offers baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral degree programs in Social Work, and associate and bachelor’s degree programs in Labor Studies through the school’s Department of Labor Studies.  The BSW program is top-ranked nationally and has been consistently accredited by the Council on Social Work Education since its inception.  Our faculty are known locally, nationally, and internationally for their research and scholarship.  The school’s strong presence in the local community and throughout the state ensures partnerships with private and public agencies that provide our students with rich practicum opportunities and experiences.

I encourage you to take full advantage of the opportunities and experiences afforded to you by the School of Social Work and IUPUI.  Commit to your education and your future professional practice by learning the knowledge, skills, and values that will enable you to practice social work effectively and ethically.  Build relationships with your professors, the school’s administration and staff, and your peers, all of whom will become your future social worker network.  Become an active member of the Bachelor of Social Work Student Association.  Plan to continue your education in Social Work at the graduate level with us.

In the pages that follow, you will find information and resources to assist you in navigating IUPUI, the BSW program, and the social work profession.  The School of Social Work is committed to your success, so please let me know how I can be of assistance to you as you advance through the program.

Best wishes,

Katie McCarthy, LCSW, PhD

Assistant Professor

IUPUI BSW Program Director

IUPUI Profiles of Learning for Undergraduate Success #

IUPUI prepares undergraduate students to communicate, innovate, engage in local and global communities, and solve the problems of the twenty-first century.  These four profiles (i.e., Communicator, Innovator, Problem Solver, and Community Contributor) are the basis for all learning experiences at IUPUI—from first-year general education courses to engaged learning opportunities to a capstone experience. The Profiles help students develop knowledge and broad skills that will prepare them for their future, regardless of the field, industry, or area that they choose to pursue.

Each Profile will provide you with various opportunities to deepen disciplinary understanding, participate in engaged learning, and refine what it means to be a well-rounded, well-educated person prepared for lifelong learning and success.  You will become acquainted with each of the Profiles – Communicator, Innovator, Problem Solver, and Community Contributor – beginning in general education courses and first-year experiences and continuing as you progress along your pathway through your major coursework and co-curricular activities toward your capstone or culminating experience.  Learn more about Profiles of Learning for Undergraduate Success.

BSW Required Field Practicum #

During the senior year, students in the undergraduate program engage in two practicum courses (S481 & S482) to develop competencies in generalist practice. Field education allows social work students to demonstrate competency in practice, integrating knowledge, values, and skills gained in the professional education curriculum.

As an essential complement to the learning in the field, each student will participate in an integrative seminar course designed to assist the student in conceptualizing their practice with the projected aim of professional integration. The seminar activities are designed to be compatible with and support the development of behaviors outlined in the competencies defined by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Students will remain in the same seminar course over both semesters.

Student readiness to begin the Field Education component of the program includes the accomplishment of the following:

  1. Coursework in preparation for the field practicum.
  2. Successful completion of field pre-placement processes including the completion of the Application for Field Placement, c) placement interviews.
  3. Attending the IUSSW student field orientation.
  4. Read the IUSSW BSW Field Manual on the IUSSW Field website. It is imperative that you fully understand student roles and responsibilities in your practicum.

BSW Program Listserv #

The BSW Program Director at Indianapolis manages a LISTSERV to inform students about BSW program related matters, i.e. scholarships, graduation, advising, course information, conferences, workshops, jobs, etc. The LISTSERV is also a mechanism by which students can discuss social issues, trends in social

work, and the like. All students on the Indianapolis campus are added to the list upon admission to the BSW program using their university e-mail account. Students who want to forward the university account to a personal one should contact UITS at (317) 274-UITS.

Student Opportunities #

Students are encouraged to be involved with both school-sponsored organizations and programs as well as professional organizations external to the school and university.  Some organizations and programs are identified below.

The Bachelor of Social Work Student Association (BSWSA) is the official student organization of the BSW program at IUPUI. The BSW Program Director and Student Services Coordinator serve as co-advisors to the organization.  BSWSA provides social and academic support for BSW students and supports co-curricular activities planned by BSWSA members.   The association also serves as an important channel of communication between students, faculty, and the university, especially as it pertains to policy decisions regarding the BSW program.

The organization is a Registered Student Organization with the IUPUI Division of Student Affairs. The organization is supported by student activity fees and fundraising. The BSWSA organizes an apparel sale in the spring and uses the funds to support student activities and projects throughout the academic year.  Some projects include representing IUSSW at the IUPUI Regatta, providing funding to fellow students for graduation cap and gown rental, and making contributions to community service organizations.

The BSW Student Association (BSWSA) is actively recruiting new members and ideas for new clubs and activities in the School of Social Work. The association elects’ officers in the Spring semester of each year for the following academic year.  If you are interested in playing a role in the BSWSA, consider talking to a member today!

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest membership organization of professional social workers, with over 120,000 members worldwide.  NASW works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies.  As a member, students receive all the benefits and privileges of a regular member at a reduced cost.  Members receive the Social Work Journal, the monthly newsletter, the State newsletter, group rate health and disability insurance coverage, discounts on all NASW specialty journals, and other valuable benefits. Students are encouraged to become members of NASW immediately following their admission into the BSW program. The National Association of Social Workers Indiana Chapter is located at 1100 W. 42nd Street, Suite 226, Indianapolis, IN 46208, (317) 923-9878. Email or visit the NASW website.

The National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW) was established in May of 1968 in San Francisco, California, to promote the welfare, survival, and liberation of the Black community.  Membership is open to any African-American employed in a social work capacity, or others not employed but working in a voluntary capacity in a social work setting or program that accepts and adheres to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association.  Membership is also open to social work students.

The purpose of the organization is threefold: 1) to provide a structure and forum though which Black social workers, any workers in related fields of social service, and interested citizens may exchange ideas, offer their services, and develop or refine skills in the interest of the Black community and the community-at-large; 2) to work in cooperation with, or to support, develop, or sponsor community welfare projects and programs, which will serve the interest of the Black community and the community-at-large; and 3) to strengthen human services in all service systems in all aspects pertaining to the Black community, and to ensure that services are available to Black individuals, families, groups, and the community.

For information regarding the Indianapolis chapter of the NABSW, contact: National Association of Black Social Workers, Central Indiana Chapter, Inc., P.O. Box 20149, Indianapolis, IN 46220, (317) 767-5502, or visit the NABSW website.

The Child Welfare Scholars program provides BSW students special course work and practicum experiences that lead to employment as a public child welfare worker in Indiana.  Students who participate in the program receive financial support through the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) and graduate with the opportunity for employment with the department.  BSW students who are interested in this opportunity must submit an application to the Child Welfare Scholars program during the spring semester of their junior year.  If selected, students will receive full in-state tuition and mandatory fees, and a stipend during their senior year.  In return, students must work for DCS for 2 years post-graduation. Students must maintain full-time status (12 credit hours, minimum), a minimum 2.5 overall GPA, and a minimum 3.0 GPA in social work courses.  For more information, contact the Director, Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership, Pat Howes at

Indiana University School of Social Work offers a certificate in Child Abuse and Neglect on the IUPUI campus. The certificate provides additional pathways into careers in child welfare and those that support children and families vulnerable to child abuse and neglect. The Child Abuse and Neglect Certificate enhances students’ undergraduate degree and may make them more marketable in their chosen field of study.  The certificate program is open to students in all majors at IUPUI.

The Certificate in Child Abuse and Neglect addresses

  • Human diversity
  • Human growth and development across the life cycle
  • Family dynamics
  • Child abuse and neglect
  • Development of public and private social services

For admission requirements, coursework, and curriculum information visit IUSSW BSW Program or contact Wayne Hawk at or (317) 278-0242.

Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center and IUSSW have a fantastic partnership that provides placement opportunities at Eskenazi’s with their Care Coordinator Pathway Program for IUSSW students. The Program consists of courses designed to prepare students for practice with mental health and substance use and to become licensed as Licensed Bachelor Social Worker (LBSW).

The Program provides training, supervision, and experiences that help deepen the practical skills necessary for work as a Care Coordinator providing dual diagnosis treatment in a Community Mental Health setting. Students accepted:

  • Will receive a bi-weekly payment of an hourly rate of $17.68 for up to 560 hours (the minimum required number of hours to complete the practicum).
  • Will have priority interview in the spring semester for available Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center Care Coordinator positions.
  • and hired will be provided weekly supervision for licensure as LBSW and LACA

If you want to learn more about this amazing opportunity, please review the video and email Reneé Betts at with any questions.

Involvement #

Getting involved is about more than fun and games! It’s about preparing for life. Each year students participate in many on-and-off-campus activities. A variety of cultural, academic, social, and interest-specific clubs operate through the Division of Student Affairs.  If there is not a club for you, you can create one.

Network with peers. Learn about another culture. Participate in annual service projects. Serve your community.  Consider finding or creating your place to be involved in the School of Social Work and at IUPUI.  We highly encourage our students to get active and be involved.

Employment Opportunities #

The IUPUI Career Services Council Annual Spring Career in April on the Indianapolis campus provides excellent opportunities for students to meet professionals in the field as well as explore employment opportunities across disciplines/majors.

IUSSW Career Services and Alumni Relations brings in a nationally known presenter and trainer for licensing prep. The expert in the field shares tips and resources on how to take the national board exam.

In Indianapolis, announcements of job openings in the field of social work are posted in the Student Lounge, in the BSW LISTSERV, and on the Career Services, Job Opportunities website tab. This site provides students with an array of job search engines to explore opportunities globally.

If you are a student looking for internships, jobs, or volunteer opportunities in nonprofits or public service, please consider attending and/or volunteering at the Nonprofit Expo.  This annual event at IUPUI is a collaboration of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, School of Social Work, School of Liberal Arts, and the Center for Service & Learning.  The IUPUI Nonprofit Expo brings together nonprofit, government, and community partners that offer internship, volunteer, and job opportunities to IUPUI students and alumni. For more information, please contact Director of Career Services, Devina Jani at or (317) 274-0240.

Honors #

The Chancellor’s Scholar Award is bestowed each year on an outstanding undergraduate student in each of IUPUI’s twenty (20) academic units, including the School of Social Work, who has achieved the highest level of academic performance while working towards their degree. Chancellor’s Scholars are formally recognized in the Spring semester at the Chancellor’s Academic Honors Convocation.

Each year, the accomplishments of IUPUI’s top 100 junior and senior students are recognized.  The IUPUI Alumni Association solicits nominations from faculty, staff, and student organizations.  Eligible nominees must have completed at least 24 credit hours at the Indianapolis Campus. Top 100 nominees must also be actively engaged in at least five or more clubs and/or activities on campus.

Phi Alpha is a national Social Work Honor Society.  The purpose of Phi Alpha Honor Society is to provide a closer bond among students of social work and promote humanitarian goals and ideas.  Phi Alpha fosters high standards of education for social workers and invites into membership those who have attained excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work.  Indiana University School of Social Work joined the Phi Alpha Honor Society in 2001 and annually invites the top 35% of BSW Junior and Senior students to become a member.

In alignment with IUPUI’s mission, the William M. Plater Civic Engagement Medallion has been established to recognize undergraduate seniors who have demonstrated exemplary commitment to their communities through activities such as service learning, volunteerism, community/social issue advocacy, community work-study, and political engagement.

Students who are awarded the William M. Plater Civic Engagement Medallion will have exhibited personal development, intellectual growth, and positive community impact as a result of their civic engagement experiences. Recipients are expected to have engaged in a variety of activities demonstrating depth and diversity of commitment in serving their communities, while making a significant investment to at least one community experience over time.

Available for final year BSW students who can self-nominate or nominate others each February. Several awards exist: Outstanding BSW Service and Leadership Award, Excellence in BSW Scholarship Award, Excellence in BSW Research Award, BSW Student Award for Commitment to Social Justice and Human Rights, Spirit of IUSSW BSW Award, Outstanding BSW Student of the Year.

IUPUI Nondiscrimination Policy for People with Disabilities #

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis is committed to the spirit and letter of the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA). Heretofore, the University has been subject to the nondiscrimination provisions of Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Under Sections 503 and 504, the University has instituted various administrative policies, practices and procedures to ensure nondiscrimination against individuals with disabilities. These policies, practices and procedures have been amended to comply with the requirements of the ADAAA.

Accordingly, “no qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be either excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities” of Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. No qualified individual with a disability shall be discriminated against because of the disability of that individual with regard to job application procedures, the hiring or discharge of employees, compensation, advancement, job training, and other terms, conditions and privileges of employment. No faculty and staff shall discriminate or retaliate against any individual because that individual has opposed any act or practice that the individual believes is discriminatory on the disability, or because that individual made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an OCR or EEOC investigation. Moreover, university faculty and staff shall not coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with any individual in the exercise of enjoyment of the protections or rights granted by Section 504 or Title II.

Physical Arrangements and Campus Services #

Indianapolis Campus #

The BSW program on the Indianapolis campus is administratively located on the fourth floor of the Education/Social Work Building (ES).  Faculty and administrative offices and mailboxes, meeting rooms, and a faculty/staff lounge are also located on the fourth floor of the ES building.  Many social work classes are held on the second floor of the ES building and the second floor of University Hall (AD building).  The second floor of the AD building is also home to a student lounge, student computer cluster, and student mailboxes.

IUPUI Smoking Policy #

Tobacco use or sale, including, but not limited to smoking, is prohibited on university-owned, -operated, -or leased property. Exceptions may be granted for specific auxiliary enterprises, as approved by the chancellor. Tobacco use, including, but not limited to smoking, is not permitted in university-owned, -leased, or -operated vehicles.

Enforcement of this policy will depend upon the cooperation of all faculty, staff, and students not only to comply with this policy, but also to encourage others to comply with the policy, in order to promote a healthy environment in which to work, study, and live. Violations of this policy should be referred to the appropriate administrative office for review and appropriate administrative action: for faculty, the Office of Academic Policies, Procedures and Documentation; for staff, Human Resources Administration; or for students, the Office of The Dean of Students.

Computer Lab #

Students have 24-hour access to computers equipped with the newest software programs and printers.  Social work students are encouraged to use the computer lab in AD 2014 for their academic needs.  Campus computer labs are open during evenings and weekends. You will need your Crimson Card to gain access. If you need assistance with this contact Kelli Alred at or (317) 274-4811.

For locations of other computer labs on campus, students are encouraged to download the IU Mobile App (available in Play Store/App Store). This app also has other information relevant to your active participation on campus.

Following is a list of selected services available on the IUPUI campus #

Taylor Hall (UC), Room 100
815 W. Michigan Street

Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 274-3241
Video phone: (317) 278-2052

Accessible Educational Services, or AES, coordinates support services and academic accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Ensuring that these students have equal opportunities to pursue a college education, while also ensuring a high level of academic integrity is maintained. AES understands students with disabilities face unique challenges in college and our services are designed to maximize potential and minimize disability by providing professors, instructors, and university staff with expert advice and technical assistance. AES and IUPUI feel all students regardless of disability deserve equal opportunities to achieve and succeed. When students, faculty and administration do not see eye-to-eye when viewing equal access, AES acts as a liaison office, ensuring students and the IUPUI community understand and promote important legislation like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Services AES DOES and DOES NOT Provide:

Although AES provides a variety of accommodations to students with documented disabilities, there are limits to what AES provides. Also remember AES’ services are not automatic; students must request them. To learn which services AES does and does not provide, please contact or (317) 274-3241.

IUPUI Athletics Department

250 University Blvd.

Indianapolis, IN  46202

(317) 278-5247

The sports program at IUPUI is conducted under the auspices of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the National Association for Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), the two leading accrediting bodies for intercollegiate athletics in the United States.  Participation in sport teams is open to all full-time undergraduates who meet the eligibility requirements of the university and the NCAA.

Taylor Hall, Second Floor
815 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 274-4818

The mission of the Bepko Learning Center is to enhance the opportunities for undergraduate students to achieve educational goals and to assist in their development of academic skills through the guidance of more experienced, highly successful student peers. Collaborative learning, role modeling, peer interaction, and peer support play key parts in this process. To assist students in realizing their full academic potential, the Bepko Learning Center houses three offices: the Office of Academic Enrichment, the Office of Academic Mentoring, and the Office of Tutorial Support.

IUPUI Bookstore (Follett)
Campus Center, Suite 155
420 University Boulevard

Indianapolis, IN 46202

(317) 261-6366

University Tower, Suite 202

911 W North Street

Indianapolis, IN 46202

Campus Career and Advising Services works collaboratively with IUPUI’s schools, colleges, and relevant campus councils to promote the integration of academic planning and career planning through educator-facing and employer-facing services. Career services at IUPUI are distributed, which means multiple career services offices exist on campus, serving different target populations of students and alumni. These offices also have varying resources to assist employers with candidate searches.

The Office of Student Employment utilizes Handshake as the resource and job posting system where IUPUI students can search and apply for part-time opportunities both on and off campus. Students must be enrolled in courses at IUPUI in order to access the job posting system. Once access is granted, students must use their IU login to sign into the system. Handshake can also be accessed on iPhone or Android devices by downloading the free app “Handshake Jobs & Career”. Select IUPUI and sign in with your IU login. JagJobs is managed by the IUPUI Office of Student Employment. Visit the Student Employment website to find part-time job resources, schedule an appointment, or find our drop-in hours.

IUPUI Center for Young Children

321 North Limestone Street

(317) 274-3508

The Center for Young Children is a world of friendly houses and parks, both inside and out. Included are thoughtful details to foster the development of young children, ages 2 through Kindergarten.  The center is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. year-round (except major holidays) and provides exemplary childcare and early childhood education for the university’s diverse population of students, staff, and faculty.  The Center maintains a waiting list, so early arrangements are encouraged.

P.O. Box 1472 Indianapolis, IN 46206

(317) 274-6500

Community-Engaged Alliance is a nonprofit partnership of Indiana’s public, private, and community college higher education institutions. Since 1993, their mission has been to advocate, implement and improve service-learning and community engagement efforts so that college students graduate as well-informed, engaged, and productive members of society who are fully equipped to advance the public good in their communities. Community-Engaged Alliance enables students to create positive social change by advancing the field of community engagement in higher education through support, education, and collaboration with partners.

(317) 274-2548

CAPS’ email is not monitored after business hours. Please do not use in emergencies.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers a variety of programs designed to assist students with intellectual, emotional, or social problems through individual and group counseling as well as developmental workshops. Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) offers 6 FREE counseling sessions following initial payment of $15.00. Group or individual counseling can be extremely beneficial and additional services are offered.

LD 120

(317) 274-6753

The Clinical Psychology Mental Health Center offers therapy, health education, relaxation and mindfulness training, in addition to psychological assessments. IUPUI students can get 6 free sessions, with later sessions charged at $10/ session. Please visit Mental Health Center for additional fees for services.

IUPUI Campus Center, CE 250
(317) 274-4162

Financial aid at IUPUI is available based upon financial need and/or scholarship ability.  The Office of Student Financial Aid administers federal, state, university, and private funds.  Funds are available in the form of scholarships, grants, fee remission, loans, and part-time employment. If these times are not accommodating, please email or call and the contact information above. Contact Angelina Reid at with financial aid questions or concerns.

Coleman Hall Student Health Clinic, Coleman Hall Suite 100, (317) 274-8214

Campus Center Student Health Clinic, Campus Center 213, (317) 274-2274

IUPUI Campus Health offers a variety of medical services on a fee-for-service basis to IUPUI students at two campus locations:  Coleman Hall Student Health Clinic and Campus Center Student Health Clinic.

For more information or to make an appointment contact Student Health at (317) 274-8214 or (317) 274-2274.

Campus Center, Suite 270

Walk-in office hours are available

If you need an immediate connection to local resources, call 211. If you’re experiencing a medical or safety emergency, please call 911.

The Registry of Options And Resources is the one stop shop for how IUPUI students can get more assistance. Always a good place to start. If you can’t find what you’re looking for on their website, contact the Office of Student Advocacy and Support by emailing or speak to a member of the team during their office hours.

Office of Housing and Residence Life

415 Porto Alegre Street, Suite 150

(317) 274-7200

IUPUI Housing and Residence Life is here to support you in your on-campus life. While campus may look different in some ways, we are doing our best to ensure all students living on campus have a fulfilling living experience. As IUPUI navigates through this unique time, we look forward to facilitating your college experience!

CrimsonCard is the official photo ID card for IUPUI students, faculty, and staff. It provides access to a variety of essential services and features including secure entry to buildings, printing services, university libraries, dining services meal points, and sports and recreation facilities. It is also accepted as payment at a wide range of on- and off-campus retailers. Learn more about CrimsonCard at

While all libraries are open to all students, undergraduates tend to use the resources available at the University Library.  An interlibrary loan service connects the IUPUI libraries with all IU libraries, as well as with other libraries throughout the country. You can also conduct your l literature search online, book study rooms, and more. The staff at the University Library help students locates books at other libraries. Lending policies and procedures vary slightly among the different libraries, consult with each library before checking out books and other materials.

School of Social Work, like many Schools, has its own Subject Librarian. Please feel free to make contact ( The IUPUI library system is composed of the following libraries (

University Library
755 West Michigan St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 274-0462

School of Dentistry Library
1121 West Michigan St., DS 128
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 274-7204

Herron School of Art Library
735 West New York St., HR 117
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 278-9484

Ruth Lilly Medical Library
975 Walnut Street, Building, IB100
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
(317) 274-7182

Ruth Lilly Law Library
530 West New York Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
(317) 274-4028

Taylor Hall 101A

815 West Michigan Street

(317) 278-8333

LGBTQ+ Center is an inclusive campus community that welcomes people of all identities and provides support, resources, and advocacy to IUPUI students, staff, faculty, alumni, and the surrounding community. The LGBTQ+ Center is dedicated to serving the IUPUI LGBTQ+ community. They are a great spot for resources, support, and community.

The Department of Mathematical Sciences and the University Writing Center offer free one-on-one tutoring. Math tutoring is available for MATH 163, 164, 221, and 222 through the Math department. The Math Assistance Center is located in the basement of the Taylor Building at 815 W. Michigan Street, B01. The MAC website is and the phone number is (317) 274-798. Information for the Writing Center can be found at or by calling (317) 274-2049. Other departments will help students identify tutors who charge for their services. The Resource Center can provide additional information on the availability of tutors.

Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis

815 W. Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202

(317) 274-2815

The center looks to support the entire student population promoting the value of diversity, broadening multicultural awareness and sensitivity and advancing the supporting cultural competence and civic responsibility among all members of the IUPUI community. For more information, please visit the website at

University Hall, Suite 4054
(317) 278-3820

The mission of the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is to educate, advocate, engage and empower the IUPUI community by cultivating partnerships and resources to create and sustain an environment that is inclusive, equitable and diverse. The vision of the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is to be the IUPUI resource that ensures the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion are embedded in the framework of everything we do and celebrated throughout the campus community.

Education/Social Work Building, Room ES 2126

(317) 274-7000

The Office of International Affairs provides a wide range of services to international applicants and students. If you want to join or participate in IUPUI’s growing global community, visit our website or email

Campus Center 270

(317) 274-4431

The Office of Student Advocacy can help you in a lot of ways, especially when you need help and are not sure where to go or how to get the help you need. They have drop-in zoom hours or you can schedule an appointment with them. They can help you navigate campus policies, and they can help you problem solve situations that are interfering with your school success. They are specially focused on emergency resources, food and clothing services, and preventing and responding to issues of interpersonal violence. They are your champions. Please visit the Student Advocacy page.

Campus Center 130

Make an appointment in advance to shop for free food and personal hygiene products at Paws’ Pantry and shop for free clothing and accessories at Paws’ Closet. Appointments are required to be made 24 hours in advance. Each appointment will allow 15 minutes for shopping. The appointment form is open Fridays at 10 a.m. and closes on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. All appointments must be made online 24 hours in advance.

South Garage, 1004 West Vermont Street, (317) 274-4232.

Please visit IUPUI Parking for new developments in parking facilities.

The campus shuttle runs continuously between parking lots to the center of campus. The Office of Parking Services provides jump-start and escort services.  The escort service is provided from the time it gets dark until midnight.  In addition, the IUPUI Police Department offers a lockout service to help students who lock their keys in their cars.

The Division of Student Affairs at IUPUI, as educators and advocates, provides student-centered services, consulting, and facilities, learning experiences and programs for students, faculty, staff, alumni and the community. It is located in the IUPUI Campus Center.

Engineering Science and Technology Building SL070
723 W. Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202

(317) 274-6916

The IUPUI Testing Center has responsibility for the administration of tests and psychometric instruments used for the counseling and development of students.  Tests administered by the center include English, math, and reading placement tests; foreign language placement; CLEP; SAT; interest inventories; leaning style indicators; and diagnostic academic skills tests.  You may schedule tests by calling the IUPUI Testing Center between 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

All IUPUI students may take advantage of tutoring in math through the Department of Mathematical Sciences or tutoring in writing through the University Writing Center.  These services are free.  Certain other departments may provide tutoring.  Contact the department that teaches the course you are having difficulty with to determine if tutoring is available.  Paid tutors may also be available.

For tutor availability, please check out Bepko Learning Center Tutoring . The website contains an up-to-date list of free tutoring services across Campus along with a list of all the courses for which the Bepko Learning Center has paid tutors. Students will need their campus username and password to access the website.

420 University Blvd, Room 386, Suite J

Student Government at IUPUI consists of three branches- The Undergraduate Student Government, Graduate and Professional Student Government, and Supreme Court. All three help to manage campus wide events, enact new campus legislation, and work with faculty, staff, and administrators to build coalitions for positive change. The Undergraduate Student Government (USG) provides a platform for student involvement, while providing education surrounding social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Members are either elected by the student body or chosen as representatives from student organizations.

If being a USG representative sounds good to you, then it’s time to step up. All registered student organizations who have undergraduate students as members are strongly encouraged to have a USG senator. Depending on your student organization, you may be voted or appointed into the Senate. As a senator, you’ll attend weekly meetings, cast important votes, and play a key role in crafting projects, events, and initiatives at IUPUI. The Senate also appoints and approves members of the executive board, committee directors, and other chair positions.

ICTC 126


Phone: (317) 274-4357

Chat: IT Help Live


Online: Knowledge Base

University Information Technology Services (UITS) develops and supports the campus technological environment, offering a single point of contact for all centralized computing, telephone, and media services.  Free handouts and brochures are available in all public learning centers. The learning centers are located throughout the campus, containing both DOS/Windows and Macintosh computers.  Students have access to mainframe computers, as well as microcomputer applications such as word processing, database, and spreadsheet.  Consultants are available in the centers for help in using the systems and resolving problems. Learning Centers are open throughout the week, with hours varying depending upon location. Walk-in support is available at ICTC 126 and the Campus Center Information Desk. For more information, call (317) 274-4357, or go to UITS Help.

The STEPS (Student Technology Education Programs) program provides a hands-on workshop atmosphere where students can learn the basics of technology use. For more information on STEPS enrollment and class availability, phone (317) 274-7383, or visit STEPS.

Production services, including video and audio production, photography and photo lab processing, and graphic material preparation are available to students by contacting the Office of Student Activities at (317) 274-3931, Campus Center 370.

Cavanaugh Hall 427

University Library 2125

(317) 274-2049

The University Writing Center (UWC) has two physical locations and one online location. Consultants and UWC programming are the same at both locations. We offer sessions during regular business hours and in the evening in order to accommodate student schedules. Online appointments are also available.

Students can take any writing project to the center when they need help finding a topic, focusing, organizing, writing, and revising; and overcoming writer’s block. For more information, visit University Writing Center.

If you want an extra writing course English W320, Writing in the Arts and Sciences.

Also, consider Pearson Writer, a writing app for social workers that can guide your work.

Program Requirements #

IUPUI Common Core (30 credit hours) #

IUPUI Common Core (30 credit hours)

*If Social Work major courses are used to fulfill any part of the IUPUI Common Core requirement, the course will also count toward the major. Student still must achieve 120 graduation hours.

  1. Core Communication (2 courses; 6 cr.)
    • Written Communication course from approved list:
      • ENG W131 – Writing I
    • Speaking and listening course from approved list:
      • COMM R110 – Public Speaking
  1. Mathematics/Analytical Reasoning (2 courses; 6 cr.)

From approved list, at least one must be college level math

Recommended: MATH M118 (Finite) and SWK-S372 (Statistics)

  1. Life and Physical Sciences (2 courses; 6 cr.)

From approved list:

Recommended: (BIOL N100 or BIOL-N200 or BIOL-N212)

  1. Cultural Understanding (1 course; 3 cr.)

From approved list:

Recommended: (SWK S102)

  1. Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences (3 courses; 9 cr.)

From approved list, with at least 3 credits in each area:

Recommended: (PSY B110; SOC R100; HIST H106; or POLS Y103)

Specific Course Requirements for the Baccalaureate in Social Work (21 credits) #

*Classes in this area must be a minimum of 3 credits each

Courses listed below are specific requirements within Social Work. Courses below in bold face type are specific requirements that meet a portion of IUPUI’s Common Core. If used to meet a common core requirement, add an elective.

Required courses for Social Work: #

  • PSY B110 Introduction to Psychology
  • SOC R100 Introduction to Sociology
  • HIST H106 American History II
  • POLS Y103 Intro to American Politics                           
  • BIOL N100 Contemporary Biology (OR BIOL-N200 or BIOL-N212)
  • 300-Level Psychology or Sociology or Social Work
  • A second writing course (Choose one from):
    • ENG-W231 Professional Writing Skills (Preferred)
    • ENG-W270 Argumentative Writing (Alternative)

This sheet is for planning purposes only. Students are responsible for reviewing iGPS, asking questions to clarify requirements, and tracking their own progress toward graduation.

Required courses for Social Work: #

Social Work Major Courses (15 Courses; 52 Cr.)

Required: (Can be taken prior to being admitted to IUSSW Program)

  • SWK S102 Diversity in a Pluralistic Society
  • SWK S141 Introduction to Social Work
  • SWK S221 Human Growth & Development in Social Environment
  • SWK S251 History and Analysis of Social Welfare Policy

Required: (Must be admitted to IUSSW prior to taking the following)

  • SWK-S331 Generalist Social Work Practice I: Theory & Skills (3cr.) Offered in the Fall
  • SWK-S322 Small Group Theory & Practice (3cr.) Offered in the Fall
  • SWK-S332 Generalist Social Work Practice II: Theory & Skills (3cr.) Offered in the Spring
  • SWK-S352 Social Welfare Policy Practice (3cr.) Offered in the Spring
  • SWK-S371 Social Work Research (3cr.) Offered in the Spring
  • SWK-S423 Organizational Theory and Practice (3cr.) Offered in the Fall
  • SWK-S442 Practice-Policy Seminar in Fields of Practice (3cr.) Offered in the Fall
  • SWK-S481 Social Work Practicum I (6cr.) Offered in the Fall
  • SWK-S433 Community Behavior and Practice (3cr.) Offered in the Spring
  • SWK-S472 Practice Evaluation (3cr.) Offered in the Spring
  • SWK-S482 Social Work Practicum II (7cr.) Offered in the Spring

All SWK courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

Open Electives (approx. 18 cr.) #

Additional courses beyond the General Education and Major requirements to total 120 credit hours (these are not required to be SWK courses but could be):

UCOL-U110 or SWK-S102 (TLC) First Year Seminar (1cr.)

Admission Requirements: #

  • Admission to the University
  • Completion of 12 credit hours (includes transfer hours).
  • Completion of SWK-S141 – Introduction to Social Work with a “C” or better
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
  • Completion of the School of Social Work application

Admission Deadlines: #

Applications are accepted in the Spring semester for Fall admission.

Priority application deadline: April 1st

Application deadline: May 15th

Transfer Course Policy: #

No more than 64 semester credit hours earned from Associate’s Colleges may be applied to any Indiana University baccalaureate degree system-wide and no new articulation agreements with Associate’s College may exceed this limit.

Thank you for choosing

IU School of Social Work at IUPUI.

We wish you success!

You are in, let us make a difference

for the world around us TOGETHER!