Kid Tracks #

Welcome to the Kid Tracks Overview. Cat developed and presented by the Indiana Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership.
Summary of software
Kid tracks is the system used by DCS to manage invoicing for foster parents, contractors and service providers. It’s where you’ll go to electronically submit invoices to DCS in order to see a reimbursement for essential caregiving expenses.
As is the case with any software which handles financial transactions. There are a number of important steps and safeguards in place to ensure that money only flows where it needs to and only when all necessary information has been correctly supplied to the system. In this course, we will familiarize you not only with the layout of the system itself, but also how to properly submit invoices of various types along with downloadable step by step PDFs for your reference to keep after you complete this course.
Topics will include:
- Platform navigation
- Submitting a Perdem invoice
- Submitting an invoice for personal allowance
- Birthday holiday expenses
While there are many more potential invoices that you may at some point need to submit, the three invoices above are the most common and will help you understand the submission process in general.
Common Errors
The most common errors in kid tracks are also quite often the most simple. For instance, and extra space is included in an important reference number. An invoice date range doesn’t match the days that a service was provided or an incorrect service type is selected. These errors, while simple, can result in your invoice being denied or other error codes preventing invoice submission altogether. But not to worry, no matter your comfort level with technology, there are several checkpoints built into the system to help ensure your invoice submission is valid.
Software Interface
Introduction to Kid Tracks Interface
- Overview: Let’s start off by getting the lay of the land for the kid tracks interface.
Top Blue Bar Features
- Account Home Page: Taking a look at the blue bar that runs along the top of the screen. We are currently on the account home page.
- User Identification: When you log in, your name will appear here as well.
Key Tabs on the Interface
- Invoices: Next we have invoices, which will be one of the tabs where you spend a lot of your time in kid tracks. This is where you will go to create and submit invoices for per dem, personal allowance, birthday holiday, and others.
- Payments: Following invoices is payments and this is where our record of payments made to you will appear.
- Contracts: Contracts is easy for our purposes because if you’re a foster parent, you won’t use it. This tab is for DCS contracted providers and we can ignore this tab altogether.
- Referrals: Referrals comes next. And this has a little arrow indicating that there are some subcategories within a drop down menu here. The two subcategories are service referrals and placement referrals.
Understanding Referrals
- Usage: Now most new kid tracks users might gloss over this section and focus on invoices. But the Referrals menu is a really great way to view all of your active referrals at a glance. Instead of searching through several e mails to find the same information.
- Service vs. Placement Referrals: We’ll take a closer look at these two options in a moment. But for now, the important distinction to make for invoicing is that service referrals are used for personal allowance invoicing, whereas placement referrals contain information used for per diem.
Additional Features
- Cases Tab: Cases is where you find information for the kids in your care as well as the case worker managing the case and service referrals for that case in question.
- Help Button: You can see that there is also a Help button on the top menu bar. This opens a new E mail to get in contact with Technical support. Kit has requested that you utilize your case manager as your first point of contact should any problems arise with submitting an invoice before using this Help option. As most errors are simply a case of mistyping a referral number or billing for incorrect dates. And not necessarily an issue with the system itself.
Vendor Profile and Email Settings
- Vendor Profile: Moving our attention above the blue bar, you can see vendor profile and a vendor in this case is you, the foster parent.
- Email Notifications: Clicking the checkbox here will enable kid tracks to send you an E mail, new payments process. You can also add e mail addresses here in the center. This allows you to receive new ICP R’s and service referrals to your preferred E mails inbox as they are created. It’s recommended to set these e mails up because Kid Tracks includes direct links to the new CPR or new referral within the e mail. It makes it really easy to just jump into kid tracks and see what’s new or what’s changed.
Account Management
- Authorized Users: With the case at the bottom, you can add additional authorized users to this account. These are people that have a need to be in kid tracks to handle invoicing and should really only be the primary caregivers of the child. In general, the section will have one or two people.
- Account Profile: Account profile is just simple information like the e mail associated with your account first and last name, and the ability to change your password if you need to.
- Messages Tab: Finally, there’s a messages tab for any messaging that you may receive.
4-software interface overview 2
Overview of Sections in Kit Trex
- Introduction: With that overview out of the way, let’s start to dive into the sections you’ll spend some real time in.
Invoice Section Details
- Tabs Under Invoice Section:
- Find Existing Invoice
- Add New Submit Pending Invoice
- Using Add New Submit Pending Tab: Clicking on Add New Submit Pending tab brings us to this screen.
Invoice Creation Screen
- Description of Screen: Here you’ll likely see the screen a lot when you become comfortable with Kit Trex. You can see that we have several textboxes and drop down menus to fill out.
- Purpose of Screen: All you need to know for navigation purposes is that this screen is where you will begin the invoice creation process.
Other Invoice Tabs
- Import Invoice Tab: You won’t ever need to import an invoice. This is for service providers that upload very large volumes of data.
- Pending Not Submitted Invoices Tab: As for pending not submitted invoices, you can think of this as the section containing invoice drafts.
Handling Invoice Interruptions
- Example Scenario: For example, if you need to log off line in the middle of creating an invoice or your Wi-Fi went out during a storm, whatever data kid tracks managed to hold onto that would be here.
Payments Section
- Initial View: In payments, you can see this is empty for now, but as you invoice DCS, this section will populate.
- Customizing Display: You can also adjust how many previous payments appear on the screen by clicking the dropdown menu to select a different date range of invoices and then press the Go button.
Referrals Section
- Service Referrals Tab: Now for referrals, you can click Service Referrals to find any services referred to a case.
- Required Information: But you’ll want to have your CPR handy because it contains some of the information.
- Finding Referrals: For example, the case ID that you need to locate those referrals, you’d simply type in one or more of the bits of information that track asked for in order to find that service referral in question.
Using Service Referral Tab
- Scenario for Use: Now when would you need to go in here to the service referral tab and why? Well, say you want to submit invoice to cover the cost of summer camp.
- Invoicing Process: This would be invoicing for personal allowance and it would require a service referral in order to complete the service referral would contain the necessary information for you to invoice DCS in this way, we’ll practice that later.
Placement Referrals Tab
- Content and Purpose: Next is placement referrals, and this is the home of your CPR, which contains information needing for submitting invoices for per diem.
- Key Terms: You’re going to hear the term PL number used quite a bit when talking about CPRs and per diem. A PL number and a referral ID are interchangeable in this specific case and you will use that PL number in order to invoice for Pdm as you’ll see in this later walk through.
Introduction to Kid Tracks System
- Kid Tracks is the system used by DCS to manage invoicing for foster parents, contractors, and service providers.
- It allows for the electronic submission of invoices to DCS for reimbursement of essential caregiving expenses.
Financial Transaction Safeguards
- Kid Tracks incorporates important steps and safeguards for financial transactions.
- These ensure that funds are transferred appropriately and contingent on the correct submission of information.
Common Errors in Kid Tracks
- The most common errors are often simple, such as:
- An extra space in a reference number.
- Mismatched invoice date ranges and service provision days.
- Incorrect selection of service type.
- Despite being simple, these errors can lead to invoice denials or submission issues.
Invoice Submission Assistance
- The system has several checkpoints to validate invoice submissions, regardless of your comfort level with technology.
- This course will guide you through the system layout and proper invoice submission processes.
Course Content
- Topics covered include:
- Platform navigation.
- Submitting a Perdem invoice.
- Invoicing for personal allowance and birthday/holiday expenses.
- Each section ends with key takeaways and the option to revisit any topic.
Invoice Types and Submission Process
- Focus is on the three most common invoices: Perdem, personal allowance, and birthday/holiday expenses.
- These examples are intended to help understand the general submission process.
Starting Invoice Process in Kid Tracks
- We’ll begin by understanding the invoicing process in Kid Tracks.
- Focus on the most frequent invoice type: Pretim.
Essentials for Creating an Invoice
- Necessary details: the correct date range of care and the child’s PL number or Billable Unit Referral ID.
- Find the PL number under the Referrals tab.
Navigating to Referral ID
- Go to the Referrals tab and select Placement Referrals.
- Look for the Referral ID code starting with “PL-” followed by numbers.
Changing PL Numbers
- PL numbers change regularly due to new CAN scores or age categories.
- Always check the current PL number in the Referrals tab.
Creating an Invoice
- Go to the Invoices tab and select Add New/Submit Pending Invoice.
- Follow step-by-step through dropdown menus and text fields.
Selecting Invoice Details
- Choose appropriate options for voucher type, bill type, and invoice service type.
- Invoice number should be a personal identifier, like the month and year of service.
Inputting Dates and Details
- Use the calendar icon to select start and end dates.
- Ensure email and phone number fields are correctly populated.
Adding Invoice Line
- Click Add Invoice Line and fill out necessary fields.
- Use the PL number for accurate and efficient data entry.
Special Features to Reduce Errors
- Utilize Kid Tracks’ special features to autofill data and reduce mistakes.
- Ensure start and end dates are correctly inputted, considering the child’s stay duration.
Finalizing the Invoice
- Input the correct number of service days.
- Click Calc Amount to compute the total per diem.
Submitting the Invoice
- Confirm all information is correct.
- Submit the invoice and agree to terms of use.
- Invoices will be paid within 7-10 business days.
- Track submitted invoices under the Find Existing Invoice tab.
Introduction to Upcoming Invoice Types
- The process for submitting invoices for personal allowance and birthday/holiday expenses shares similarities with the one we just covered.
Accessing Additional Resources
- A PDF guide detailing the steps for invoice submission is available for download.
Introduction to Personal Allowance Invoice Submission
- We will cover how to submit a personal allowance invoice for expenses up to $300 per child per year.
- Expenses can include field trips, prom dresses, musical instruments, gaming systems, and computer hardware/software.
Eligibility and Process
- Eligibility starts eight days after the child is placed with you.
- Contact your case manager to discuss the expense and get a referral for the purchase.
Important Reminders Before Invoicing
- Ensure you have a referral from your case manager before submitting an invoice.
- Keep your receipt or purchase record, as it’s required for reimbursement.
Starting the Invoice Process
- Similar to the Pdm invoice, you need a specific code (RF number) for personal allowance invoicing, found under Service Referrals.
- Access the RF number by clicking on the Referral tab and then Service Referrals.
Entering Invoice Information
- On the invoices screen, select Family Foster Home for voucher type.
- Choose First Bill for bill type (select Rebill for denied invoices due to missing receipt).
- For invoice service type, select Foster Parent.
Filling Out Invoice Details
- Create a unique invoice number for identification (e.g., Hc23 for High Chair in 2023).
- Enter start and end dates, which should be the month of service provided.
- Your email and phone number will auto-populate.
Adding Invoice Line
- Use the RF number saved earlier for referral ID.
- Click the special icon next to the referral ID to auto-populate referral information.
Finalizing the Invoice
- Enter the specific dates of purchase in the start and end date fields.
- Input the quantity of the item(s) purchased and select ‘each’ for the unit.
- Fill in the purchase amount and click ‘Calc Amount’ for the total reimbursement.
Attaching the Receipt
- Upload a clear photo or scanned copy of the receipt in the attachment tab.
- Ensure the receipt shows the item, cost, and purchase date.
Submitting the Invoice
- After attaching the receipt, submit the invoice.
- Certify the information is true and agree to the terms of use before final submission.
Summary of Progress
- You have completed two types of invoices: per diem and personal allowance.
- Note the similarities and differences in the processes of these two invoice types.
Available Resources for Reference
- A PDF guide detailing the steps for both invoice processes is available for download.
- You can revisit any part of the training by using the icons at the top right of your screen.
Introduction to Birthday and Holiday Expenses
- The next and final part of the training covers invoicing for birthday and holiday expenses.
- When you’re ready to proceed, click the ‘Next’ button to start this section.
Introduction to Birthday and Holiday Invoices
- The final invoice type to learn is for birthday and holiday expenses.
- Requirements: For birthdays, the child must have been with you on their birthday; for holidays, on December 25.
Unique Aspects of This Invoice Type
- No billable unit referral ID is required for these invoices.
- Each child is eligible for $50 for their birthday and $50 for the December 25 holiday.
- Keep the receipt for the purchase.
Starting the Invoice Process
- Click on the Invoices tab, then Add New/Submit Pending Invoice.
- Select Family Foster Home for voucher type.
Filling Out Invoice Details
- For service type, select Foster Parent.
- Create an invoice number (e.g., BIR23 for Birthday in 2023).
- Use the month of purchase for period start and end dates.
Adding Invoice Line
- Since there’s no referral ID, leave that section blank.
- Select Personal Allowance from the Service dropdown, despite it being a birthday or holiday expense.
- Choose either Birthday Allowance or Holiday Allowance from the next dropdown.
Entering Person and Case IDs
- Use Person ID and Case ID from the child’s CPR.
- Enter the date of purchase as start and end dates.
Finalizing the Invoice
- Enter the quantity of items (usually 1) and select ‘each’ as the unit.
- Enter the amount spent, up to $50, and click ‘Calc Amount’.
Attaching the Receipt
- Upload the receipt in the Attachments tab.
- Ensure the receipt clearly states the item, cost, and purchase date.
Submitting the Invoice
- Certify the information is correct and agree to the terms of use.
- Click the Submit and Continue button to complete the submission.
Course Completion and Next Steps
- With the completion of these four topics, you now have the skills to navigate Kid Tracks and submit basic invoices independently.
Access to Additional Resources
- This page provides links to videos and PDFs for all previously covered topics.
- These resources are available for download for your future reference.
Ensuring Successful Invoice Submission
- By precisely following the steps outlined in this training and the provided resources, you can submit future invoices successfully.
- Critical pieces of information and tips are displayed on your screen to aid in smooth invoice submission.
Review and Course Completion
- Take a moment to review these tips and resources.
- Revisit any previous topic for a refresher if needed.