Pioneering innovation and quality in labor education for over 60 years #
The Department of Labor Studies (LS) curriculum is formulated on our vision of being the leading collaborative program in labor and work issues in interdisciplinary scholarship, education, training, and empowerment nationally and internationally. Focusing on the rapidly changing conditions of work within a national and global perspective, the LS department prepares students to respond to the challenges faced by labor institutions and strengthen the qualities of the workforce.
LS degree graduates are prepared to assume leadership roles in the workplace and in communities and are well rounded critical thinkers trained with a liberal arts foundation to value the well-being of workers, working people, and their organizations through skills and knowledge to support, strengthen, advocate, and promote the history and developments of the labor movement locally and globally with an emphasis on social and economic justice.
Student Handbook #

Requirements #
The bachelor of science in labor studies is 120 credit hours, spread over three parts:
- The general education course credit hour requirements
- Labor Studies concentration (42 cr.)
- Electives
General Education Requirements #
Within the 120 credit hours required for the Labor Studies degree, students must have a minimum of 30 credit hours at the 300 or 400 level. General education and concentration requirements must be completed with a grade of C– or higher. 24 credit hours must be earned from Indiana University. A maximum of 21 credit hours may be earned within a single subject other than Labor Studies.
To be completed:
- The Bloomington campus wide general-education curriculum (39 cr.)
- Labor Studies Required Areas of Learning/additional general education courses (18 cr.)
As a part of these 57 credit hours, all students must successfully complete 12 credit hours from the Labor Studies Required Areas of Learning listed directly below. These courses can count toward the General Education core (39 cr.) or as general education courses (18 cr.).
Labor Studies Required Areas of Learning (12 credit hours)
- ENG-W 230 or ENG-W 131, CMLT-C 110 Writing the World, or ENG-W 270 Introduction to Argumentative Writing: Projects in Reading and Writing (This topic only)
- One additional 200/300 level writing course (ENG-W 231 or ENG-W 270)
- One economics course (LSTU-L 230 Labor and the Economy meets this requirement)
- One computer course
To be completed:
- The Indianapolis campus wide general-education curriculum (30 cr.)
- Labor Studies Required Areas of Learning/additional general education core courses (21 cr.)
Labor Studies Required Areas of Learning (12 credit hours)
To be completed within the General Education core courses (30 cr.), or in the remaining general education courses (21 cr.).
- ENG-W 230 or ENG-W 131
- One additional 200/300 level writing course (Visual Literacy: ENG-W231 or ENG-W 270)
- One economics course (LSTU-L 230 Labor and the Economy meets this requirement)
- One computer course
To be completed:
- The Northwest campus wide general-education courses (30 cr.)
- Labor Studies Required Areas of Learning/additional general education core courses (21 cr.)
As a part of these 51 credit hours, all students must successfully complete 12 credit hours from the Labor Studies Required Areas of Learning listed directly below. These courses can count toward the General Education core (30 cr.) or as general education courses (21 cr.).
Labor Studies Required Areas of Learning (12 credit hours)
To be completed within the General Education core courses (30 cr.), or in the remaining general education courses (21cr.).
- ENG-W 230 or ENG-W 131
- One additional 200/300 level writing course (ENG-W 231 or ENG-W 270)
- One economics course (LSTU-L 230 Labor and the Economy meets this requirement)
- One computer course
South Bend
To be completed:
- The South Bend campus wide general-education courses (30 cr.)
- Labor Studies Required Areas of Learning/additional general education core courses (21 cr.)
As a part of these 51 credit hours, all students must successfully complete 12 credit hours from the Labor Studies Required Areas of Learning listed directly below. These courses can count toward the General Education core (30 cr.) or as general education courses (21 cr.).
Labor Studies Required Areas of Learning (12 credit hours)
ENG-W 230 or ENG-W 131 or ENG-W 140 Reading, Writing, and Inquiry I-Honors
One additional 200/300 level writing course (ENG-W 231 or ENG-W 270)
One economics course (LSTU-L 230 Labor and the Economy meets this requirement)
One computer course

Electives #
Additional General Education courses required
Flexible electives:
- IU Bloomington = 21 cr.
- IU Fort Wayne = 24 cr.
- IU Indianapolis, IU South Bend, and IU Northwest = 27 cr.
We recommend that you take Labor Studies courses to strengthen your Labor Studies education.
Major Concentration #
There are no pre-requisites or co-requisite Labor Studies courses. Students can take the Labor Studies courses in any order, although, we do suggest a logical progression (100 level, 200 level, 300 level, etc.) and in consultation with LS advisor to desired degree goals.
- Labor Studies 100/200 level courses (15 cr.) except L190, L290, L299
- Labor Studies 200/300/400 level courses (27 cr.)