Social Work Minors
Social Welfare Advocacy Minor

About the Minor #
The 15 credit* Social Welfare Advocacy minor provides you with the knowledge and skills to engage in advocacy on social welfare issues. The minor demonstrates interest in social welfare and prepares students for advocacy roles.
*Students in the College of Arts and Sciences will be required to complete 18 credit hours for the minor supplementing the courses above with a second SWK-S 300 topics course.
Required Courses #
- SWK-S 102 Understanding Diversity in a Pluralistic Society (3 cr.)
- SWK-S 141 Introduction to Social Work (3 cr.)
- SWK-S 251 History and Analysis of Social Welfare Policy (3 cr.) (Fall only)
- SWK-S 352 Social Welfare Policy and Practices (3 cr.) (Spring only)
- Choose one:
- SWK-S 300 Topic Course (3cr.)
- SWK-S 305 Introduction to Child Protection (3 cr.)
- SWK-S 312 Substance Abuse and Social Services (3 cr.)
Minor Policies #
- A grade of C or higher is required for a course to count toward a requirement in the minor.
- Exceptions to minor requirements may be made with the approval of the Indiana University Bloomington BSW Program Director.
To declare a Social Welfare Advocacy Minor please contact your IU Bloomington academic advisor to request that this minor be added to your program plan.