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MSW Student Handbook


Introduction #

Welcome to the Indiana University School of Social Work (IUSSW) and the Master of Social Work (MSW) program. The MSW Student Handbook has been designed as a set of documents that provide a guide for your graduate education. The Handbook supplements the Bulletin of the School of Social Work and other University materials. The MSW Student Handbook provides the historical background of the School, curriculum information, and policies and procedures for all students accepted into the graduate program, regardless of campus. Each campus has its own supplement that helps students identify campus-specific services as well as any minor nuances in program delivery at that site.

The central administrative offices of the IUSSW are located in the state capital on the Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IU Indianapolis) campus. These include the Office of the Dean and other administrative personnel that provide support to programs on all campuses. This Handbook will address statewide administrative functions and policies. Students should also review their own campus supplement for additional administrative and faculty support information.

Indiana University School of Social Work: A History of Tradition and a Future of Excellence #

In the late 19th Century, the State of Indiana began developing its unique set of organizations and institutions. Still predominantly rural, the population was beginning to shift from farms to towns and cities. As industrialized centers began to emerge, what is now Indiana University was first organized as a seminary by legislative provision in 1820. As time went on, the college remained a small liberal arts institution with the addition of a law school. In 1908, the new University School of Medicine was launched in Indianapolis, the state capital.

The early 1900’s were a time when scientific and technical knowledge expanded rapidly, and school enrollments increased as young people came to see the value of education for entry into professions and specialized work. Indiana University President William Lowe Bryan recognized this in his 1902 inaugural address. “What people want is open paths from every corner of the

state, through the school, to the highest and best things which men (sic) can achieve.” In 1909, Indiana University was admitted to the American Association of American Universities. Bryan said this would not have occurred if the University had failed to expand its offerings into professional fields (Rogers, 1982).

In 1911, the first courses in the field of social work practice were offered through the Department of Economics and Sociology. Between 1911 and 1944 various administrative and curricular changes were put into effect, and degree programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels were offered. In 1944, the Indiana University Division of Social Services was established by action of the Trustees of Indiana University. The organizational status was changed in 1966 when the Graduate School of Social Service was created. In 1973, the name was changed to the School of Social Service and, in 1977, the Indiana University School of Social Work, in order to reflect more clearly its identification with the profession.

The IU School of Social Work has been accredited by the Council of Social Work Education (CSWE) since 1923 with the most recent reaffirmation of accreditation in 2021. The Education Policy and Accreditation Standards (2015) of the Council on Social Work Education is available for viewing at CSWE. The Master of Social Work Program is currently offered on seven campuses of the Indiana University system: Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis (IU Indianapolis); Indiana University Bloomington ; Indiana University Northwest in Gary; Indiana University East in Richmond; Indiana University South Bend, Indiana University Southeast in New Albany, and Indiana University Fort Wayne. The IU School of Social Work also offers MSW Direct, an accredited fully-online MSW program.

The main campus of the Indiana University School of Social Work is housed on the campus of IU Indianapolis. IU Indianapolis is an innovative experiment in higher education. Created in 1969, it represents a unique merger of two major state universities, Indiana University and Purdue University. IU Indianapolis draws upon the traditional strengths of each institution, bringing together in downtown Indianapolis the best of both universities. Purdue University oversees educational programs in science, engineering, and technology, while Indiana University assumes responsibility for academic programs in art, medicine, nursing, optometry, physical education, dentistry, law, public and environmental affairs and social work. For budgetary and administrative management, IU Indianapolis is housed within Indiana University.

IU Indianapolis is a vast and complex educational institution. Each year approximately 30,000 students enroll in courses. Approximately 350 degree programs are offered at IU Indianapolis. Educational resources include a state-of-the-art library, sophisticated computer technology centers available in convenient locations around the campus, and nearby access to the headquarters of major industries and to state government. IU Indianapolis is an urban university that is involved with communities throughout the city of Indianapolis and the State of Indiana.

The Profession of Social Work and the MSW Program at Indiana University #

The Preamble of the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers (2017) states:

The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty. A historic and defining feature of social work is the profession’s focus on individual well- being in a social context and the well-being of society. Fundamental to social work is attention to the environmental forces that create, contribute to, and address problems in living.

Social workers promote the social justice and social change with and on behalf of clients. “Clients” is used inclusively to refer to individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Social workers are sensitive to cultural and ethnic diversity and strive to end discrimination, oppression, poverty, and other forms of social injustice. These activities may be in the form of direct practice, community organizing, supervision, consultation, administration, advocacy, social and political action, policy development and implementation, education, and research and evaluation. Social workers seek to enhance the capacity of people to address their own needs. Social workers also seek to promote the responsiveness of organizations, communities, and other social institutions to individuals’ needs and social problems. (p.1)

Social workers and social work students practice within the fundamental values and ethical principles of the social work profession. The Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers (2017) is the primary guiding document.

Through professional social work education that is based upon a liberal arts perspective, graduates acquire the essential knowledge, learn to apply the fundamental values and ethics of the profession, and learn to use the integral skills of social work in competent professional practice. Graduates of the IU Master of Social Work (MSW) program are prepared for social work practice across the continuum of clinical to community, or micro to macro, areas of practice. Additionally, students complete specialized coursework in one of six focus areas: 1) Children, Youth and Families; 2) Health; 3) Leadership; 4) Mental Health and Addictions; 5) Schools, or 6) Special Practice Areas in Social Work. Different campuses offer different areas of focus, and only Indiana University East and MSW Direct offer Special Practice Areas in Social Work as their area of focus.

Social Work Policy on Nondiscrimination #

Based on the tradition of the social work profession, and consistent with Indiana University’s Equal Opportunity Policy, the Indiana University School of Social Work affirms and conducts all aspects of its teaching, scholarship, and service activities without discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender, socioeconomic status, marital status, national or ethnic origin, age, religion/creed, disability, political affiliation, sexual orientation or gender identity. The School of Social Work has a strong commitment to diversity and nondiscrimination. Indeed, diversity is celebrated as strength. This perspective is demonstrated by the composition of its faculty and student body, curriculum content, recruitment and retention activities, participation in University committees dealing with oppressed populations, numerous service activities including advocacy on behalf of the disadvantaged, selection of field practicum sites, and School policies related to promotion and tenure of its faculty.

MSW Program Structure and Roles #

The Dean of the IU School of Social Work provides overall administrative oversight and decision-making for all programs, fiscal affairs, university and community relations. The Associate Dean supports the Dean in this role with primary responsibility for internal and academic affairs.

The Senior MSW Program Director in coordination with MSW Program Directors and/or Coordinators on the IU Fort Wayne, IU North, IU South Bend and IU Indianapolis campuses, as well as a Director for MSW Direct, provides administrative leadership on their respective campus, including implementation of the classroom and field curriculum, course scheduling, admissions, financial aid, orientations, advising, and student services. Administrative leadership for the IU Fort Wayne, IU South, and IU East campuses falls under the IU Indianapolis directorship. As a team convened by the Associate Dean, the Senior MSW Program Director and the Directors/Coordinators provide overall administrative and curriculum leadership for the MSW Program statewide, assuring program delivery that is in compliance with accreditation standards of the CSWE.

The Faculty of the School of Social Work consists of full- and part-time members on each of the seven campuses. The Faculty Senate is the governing body from which a Chairperson of the MSW Curriculum Committee is appointed to coordinate faculty involvement in all aspects of MSW curriculum planning and program assessment.

The MSW Student Services Coordinators and the Director of Admissions work in all aspects of student services, including MSW student recruitment and admissions, as well as registration, new student orientation, financial aid, commencement, and special events. The Child Welfare Scholars program has a Student Services Coordinator specifically assigned to that program, as does MSW Direct.

Field Coordinators are faculty that specialize in delivering field education at IUSSW. The IU Indianapolis campus currently has MSW Field Coordinators who, in addition to the generalist focus, have specialized focuses based upon the current MSW focus areas. One MSW Field Coordinator currently serves students on all campuses who are pursuing international field placement opportunities. The Child Welfare Scholars Program Field Coordinator and MSW Direct Field Coordinators manage field assignments for MSW students in those programs.

Field Liaisons are faculty members assigned to students when they enter each field placement. Field liaisons serve as the educational link to help students integrate classroom learning with the agency experience and are also the institutional links between the placement site and the School of Social Work.

Program support staff include the MSW Recorders and Student Services staff who perform much of the record-keeping and handle the processing of paperwork for such things as student address changes through the university, grade changes, removals of incomplete grades, etc.

The MSW Senior Field Secretary of Field Education coordinates the paperwork related to field placement agencies, student field records, field liaison assignments, and provides communication with students, field liaisons, and students. The Administrative Secretaries on all campuses provide direct support to the MSW Directors/Coordinators and faculty, including the Child Welfare Scholars Program.

A comprehensive list of program administrators, faculty, and staff appears on the IU School of Social Work.

Mission of the Indiana University School of Social Work MSW Program #

The mission of the Indiana University School of Social Work MSW program is to educate students to be prepared for practice with specialized expertise that includes advocating for social, racial and economic justice; to be critically-thinking, research-informed, continuously- learning, ethical, and competent social workers at a rural, urban and global level.

Goals of the MSW Program #

The mission and goals of the MSW Program at Indiana University are consistent with the purposes, values, and ethics of the social work profession, the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accreditation standards, and the unique needs of the State of Indiana which the University serves. Program goals guide the educational preparation of students in ways that assure adherence to professional knowledge, values and skills. These goals reflect attention to promoting the general welfare of all segments of society and promoting social and economic justice, utilizing competency-based education.

The Master of Social Work program goals are to:

Educate students to be effective and knowledgeable professionals prepared for advanced social work practice.

Build upon a liberal arts perspective to prepare students to continue their professional growth and development through a lifetime of learning, scholarship, and service.

Educate students to understand and apply the fundamental values and ethics of the social work profession in their practice.

Prepare students for social work practice with diverse populations and with client systems of all sizes.

Educate students about the social contexts of social work practice, the changing nature of those contexts, the behavior of organizations, and the dynamics of change.

  • Engage in scholarly activity including the discovery, integration, application, dissemination, and evaluation of knowledge for practice.
  • Promote and advocate for social and economic

MSW Program Competencies #

The MSW Program, in compliance with the educational policy of the Council on Social Work Education is a competency-based educational program. At the end of their curriculum, all MSW students will demonstrate mastery of the nine core social work competencies as operationalized by advanced practice behaviors measured in the concentration and field curriculum.

The core competencies are:

  1. Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior
  2. Engage diversity and difference in practice
  3. Advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice
  4. Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice
  5. Engage in policy practice
  6. Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
  7. Assess with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
  8. Intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
  9. Evaluate practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities

Curriculum #

Overview of the Curriculum #

The MSW curriculum includes three distinct levels through which students progress toward the advanced degree in social work. Upon admission, students enter into seven courses that constitute the generalist foundation of social work practice:

  1. SWK 502 – Research I (3 CR)
  2. SWK 505 – Social Policy Analysis and Practice (3 CR)
  3. SWK 506 – Introduction to the Social Work Profession (1 CR)
  4. SWK 507 – Diversity, Human Rights, and Social Justice (3 CR)
  5. SWK 508 – Generalist Theory & Practice (3 CR)
  6. SWK 509 – Social Work Practice with Organizations, Communities, and Societies (3 CR)
  7. SWK 555 – Field placement of 320 hours (3 CR)

Students who have already achieved a Bachelor of Social Work degree may be granted a waiver of this foundation curriculum if they are offered Advanced Standing status.

The second level of preparation is the Clinical and Community Practice concentration curriculum, which entails seven courses:

  1. SWK 517 – Assessment in Mental Health & Addictions (3 CR)
  2. SWK 518 – Clinical Theory & Practice (3 CR)
  3. SWK 519 – Community and Global Theory & Practice (3 CR)
  4. SWK 618 – Social Policy and Services (in the focus area) (3 CR)
  5. SWK 623/624 – Practice/Program Evaluation (in the focus area) (3 CR)
  6. SWK 651/652 – Field placement of 600 hours (in the focus area) (8 CR)
  7. SWK 661 – Executive Leadership Practice (3 CR)

The purpose of the concentration curriculum is to prepare students with more breadth and depth in their knowledge base for working across the micro to macro continuum and preparing for multiple types of clinical or community practice environments. In addition, the concentration curriculum serves to advance students’ critical thinking and practice skills for entry into specialized areas of practice.

The MSW program offers multiple scheduling paths, including full-time and part-time options on the IU Indianapolis, IU Bloomington, and IU South Bend campuses, part-time only options on the IU North, IU South, IU East, and IU Fort Wayne campuses, and a fully online option with MSW Direct. Students complete the first 31 credit hours of the curriculum in a cohort with other students following the same sequence of classes (note MSW Direct students are not placed in cohorts). When entering focus area courses, students are no longer in cohorts and class times vary depending on the focus area chosen.

Advanced Standing #

Students who have received a BSW from a CSWE-accredited program no more than five years prior to the intended MSW program start date are eligible for advanced standing admission.

Students may also qualify for advanced standing if they received a BSW from a CSWE- accredited program no more than 10 years prior to the intended MSW program start date, and have social work practice experience or have maintained active social work licensure during the five years prior to the intended MSW program start date.

Students who received a BSW outside this time frame or who have a bachelor’s degree other

than a BSW are eligible for regular standing admission.

Focus Areas #

Following the first 31 hours of the curriculum, students enter into one of six focus areas. Four of the focus areas are direct practice/clinical in nature: Children, Youth and Families; Health; Mental Health and Addictions; and School Social Work. Community and Organizational Leadership has a macro focus and prepares students for roles in supervision, administration, policy advocacy, and community planning. The sixth area, Special Practice Areas in Social Work, applies an advanced generalist model to specific populations often served in social work practice.

The courses in the focus areas are offered throughout the week at a variety of day and evening times. It is imperative that each student understand that this schedule will be driven by the individual choice of specialization, not by their entering cohort. Therefore, each student can anticipate that in the final year of coursework, classes may need to be taken during the daytime and evenings. The IU School of Social Work tries to provide as much variety in course offerings as possible, but cannot guarantee offerings at any specific day or time.

Part-time students are accepted into the MSW program on a three year schedule. The first year of course work is spread over two years. The final year requires students to take nearly a full- time course load. This means that part-time students must be prepared to complete a 2- semester practicum during the day, or a full-time block practicum along with coursework, during their final year. If any student requests to spread the third year over two years in order to continue or proceed on a part-time schedule, all course work must be completed entirely before the practicum ends. This may mean that the start of practicum is delayed. Please remember that all MSW degrees must be completed within six years of matriculation.

The best way for students to appreciate the scope of practice within each area is to speak to a faculty member who practices and teaches in that area. The IUSSW Faculty and Staff Directory, found on the IUSSW (, provides information that might guide students to the appropriate instructors. Here is an overview of each area:

Academic Policies and Procedures #

Advising #

After admission, students receive an advisor who assists with course planning and graduation requirements. Advisors serve as the initial point of contact for students facing challenges in coursework, seeking policy exceptions, or experiencing status changes. While students are encouraged to meet with their advisor during their first year, they can request a meeting at any time. Advisors collaborate with the MSW Program Director, who holds authority on their respective campus to consider students’ special circumstances related to admission, enrollment, academic progress, or appeals.

Class Attendance and Participation #

Attendance in classes and practicum course meetings is a fundamental responsibility for MSW students. Actively participating in course activities is the norm. When participating, students should demonstrate interest and respect for their colleagues, aligning with the values, ethics, and skills of the social work profession. Absences are only acceptable due to illness, and students must discuss any class absences with their instructors. For specific classroom attendance and participation policies, consult the course syllabi.

Bereavement Policy #

In keeping with the mission of Indiana University School of Social Work (IUSSW) to promote health and well-being for all, it is the IUSSW policy to recognize the effects that a significant loss can have on a student and their academic work.

In the event that a student experiences the death of a family member, relative, or other significant loss, the student will be excused from class for bereavement for up to seven (7) calendar days. Requests for bereavement leave and/or additional days, e.g. for travel, cultural, or faith traditions, must be made to the program director or the designee for the campus in which the student is enrolled. The student must provide the request in writing via email. The program director or designee will notify the student’s instructors of the request. Upon return, the student must contact each faculty member to arrange to make up any missed assignments.

Students who are in a practicum placement must also notify their Field and/or Task Instructor to negotiate absences from their agency. Students must make up any hours missed in order to accumulate the required number of hours for each practicum.

In exceptional situations, absences in excess of what is covered by this policy may significantly impede a student’s ability to successfully complete a course. In such cases, the student should first discuss options for course completion or withdrawal with their instructors. If the student determines they are not able to return after 7 days, they should contact their program director or designee about possible options.

If a student will be absent because of a significant loss, the student is responsible for notifying the program director or designee as soon as possible of the absence. The program director or designee will communicate with the individual’s course instructors of record about the bereavement leave of absence. The program director or designee may ask for additional documentation if necessary.

Students facing grief and loss benefit from supportive, empathetic environments in which they can process their experience. See Section University Services for supportive services on each campus.

This policy applies to all classes offered by the IUSSW. The program director or designee will request that students’ other professors also honor and respect the terms of this policy. It is the right of other professors outside of the IUSSW to follow or not follow this policy. The School of Social Work cannot enforce this policy outside of our system school. A student could petition the Office of Academic Affairs on their respective campuses regarding other classes if needed.

Academic Course Load #

A student enrolled in 9 credit hours during the fall or spring term is considered a full-time student in graduate school. However, the MSW program on many of our campuses uses a cohort model, which may require more credit hours. For example, the full-time cohort at IU Indianapolis requires 15-16 credit hours in order to graduate in two years. A student enrolled in 6 credit hours during the fall or spring term is considered a part-time student. Students are typically permitted to enroll in up to 6 credit hours during the summer. Any student seeking to enroll in more than the maximum should seek special approval from their advisor and/or program director prior to enrollment.

Students enrolled in MSW 555 and MSW 651-652 summer block courses are not permitted to participate in study abroad programs during the same period. This restriction is in place to ensure that students can fully commit to their coursework and meet all academic requirements without the additional burden of international travel and study commitments. The intensive nature of MSW 555 and MSW 651-652 summer block courses demands full engagement and dedication from students. Concurrent participation in study abroad programs may compromise academic performance and learning outcomes.

Timeline for Program Completion #

The MSW program must be completed within six years. Students enter the program with a planned graduation date, but may temporarily stop out or change cohort if needed with permission from their academic advisor. Stop-outs or cohort changes do not extend the six year limit. Special circumstances may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

No Credit for Life Experience #

Academic credit for life experience and previous work experience is not given in whole or in part toward the social work degree.

Transfer of Credits #

Transfer students from other CSWE-accredited MSW programs may apply to the IUSSW

Master’s program at any time. The following documentation is required:

  • A letter from the previous MSW Program Director stating that the applicant left in good standing and verifying competence in the field of social work.
  • A transcript reflecting all completed MSW
  • A course syllabus from every completed MSW

The completed application goes through committee review. If accepted, the transcript and course syllabi are reviewed to determine which credits earned will transfer to Indiana University. In all circumstances, students must complete all required courses in the chosen curriculum.

An admitted student with graduate credits in a behavioral science field may potentially transfer one three credit hour course to the MSW program with the following caveats:

  • The school must approve it as an
  • The course must not be more than five years old at the time of MSW
  • The coursework is not part of a conferred graduate or undergraduate

Intercampus Transfers #

MSW students may transfer to another IU campus one time during the MSW program, pending sufficient space in the requested program and the approval of both program directors. To request a transfer, students must be in good standing in their current program. Students may be requested to complete at least one semester at the original campus before transferring to a second campus at the discretion of the program director.

If interested in transferring to another campus or MSW Direct, students should first consult with their advisor to receive a copy of the MSW Campus Transfer Request Form. Along with the form, students should submit a written statement of the reason for their requested transfer.

Social Media Policy for MSW Students #

Students are expected to adhere to the standards and guidelines of the social work profession when interacting with classmates, field instructors, and colleagues using social media or social networking sites. Establishing informal relationships with faculty and clients through social media and networking sites can make it difficult to maintain professional boundaries and are thus not appropriate.

Students should be aware that all social networking postings can potentially be made available to the public at large including their prospective clients, employers, colleagues and court proceedings. Privacy settings are never absolute, and confidential or personal information about peers, clients, and faculty should not be posted online. It is expected that students follow confidentiality standards in both face to face and online environments. For policies related to the Use of Technology in Field Placements, please refer to the MSW Field Manual.

Before communicating online, students are cautioned to think through carefully their postings which reflect on themselves, their field agency, the IUSSW and the social work profession itself. All postings should be professional and respectful in tone including those “private” posts between site members. Violations of the NASW Code of Ethics as evidenced online can result in disciplinary action including an official student review and/or possible dismissal. Please note the applicable portions of the NASW Code of Ethics.

Scholarly Writing #

In written assignments, students are expected to prepare documents in a scholarly and professional manner. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), Sixth Edition, serves as the definitive guide for style and format of all papers submitted in the MSW program. For example, paper submissions should be typewritten in double-spaced format and carefully edited for spelling and grammar. All direct quotations, paraphrases, empirical research findings and other statements of the research, scholarship or creative work of others must be appropriately annotated using the standard bibliographic citation methods set out by the most current APA manual.

Competent and effective social work practice requires well-developed and refined communication skills, including the use of the written word. Writing well helps social workers communicate information accurately and concisely to others involved in helping client systems. For this reason, formal writing assignments in social work courses will be evaluated on both the quality of the scholarly content as well as the quality of its presentation. Students experiencing writing difficulties are advised to seek assistance at their campus writing center.

Academic Dishonesty #

Plagiarism, or the use of another’s work without proper citation, is academic dishonesty and treated as a very serious matter in the School and larger University. Some students are not as familiar as they need to be with what constitutes acts of plagiarism and therefore plagiarize as a result of this lack of knowledge. Other students simply cheat. Neither form of plagiarism is tolerated at IUSSW and may be grounds for immediate dismissal from IUSSW and Indiana University.

An area that potentially allows for student problems to emerge is in the process of giving and taking help. The process of learning is as important as the actual outcome. Sharing projects, term papers, book reports, or other assignments denies the student the opportunity to learn and is considered cheating. It is very important to understand the difference between appropriate group work and the notion of sharing assignments.

Very rarely do faculty members allow the submission of the same paper in two courses. Students should discuss any exception to this rule with both instructors beforehand and demonstrate how the submission goes beyond requirements and serves the learning expectations of each course. Otherwise, duplicate submissions will be treated as academic dishonesty and may be grounds for immediate dismissal from IUSSW and Indiana University.

Grades of Incomplete #

(Revised and adopted by the Faculty Senate, February 2010)

A grade of Incomplete (I) may be assigned by an instructor only when exceptional circumstances such as an illness, injury, or a family emergency prevents a student from finishing all the work required for the course. The grade of Incomplete may be considered only when a substantial portion of the course work has already been completed, the coursework is of satisfactory quality, and no more than one major exam or assignment is outstanding. The student who does not meet these requirements should meet with their advisor to withdraw from the course(s) in question. The student should refer to the Registrar’s Office on their respective campus regarding the policies and deadline for automatic withdrawal for the semester in question.

The student is responsible for initiating the request for a grade of Incomplete. If the instructor agrees, the instructor and student complete and sign a Record of Incomplete and Contract for Completion of Course Requirements form to ensure that a sound educational plan and time frame for completion of course requirements have been established. Failure to fulfill the terms of this contract within the stipulated time frame may result in a failing grade. For removal of a grade of Incomplete, the student is subject to the IUSSW policy, which has precedence over the University policy. The student in the School of Social Work is expected to complete outstanding course work expeditiously, since many courses serve as prerequisites for others. Additionally, the following apply:

  • Students must satisfactorily complete all foundation courses or have an approved contract for removing grades of Incomplete before taking any concentration
  • Students must satisfactorily complete all concentration courses (except for 618 and 623, since those are offered in specific focus areas) before entering a specified focus area.
  • Generally, students may carry no more than one grade of Incomplete at any given However, in cases of severe crisis, a student may work with their advisor to request grades of Incomplete in multiple courses.

Independent Study #

MSW students may seek permission to substitute a course of independent study for an MSW elective under the direction of an IUSSW full-time professor. The student must seek permission from their academic advisor and the full-time faculty member prior to enrollment in the independent study. Independent study affords a student an opportunity to explore a topic not addressed in classroom courses or to examine a subject in greater depth. Sometimes the independent study involves research of human subjects. When that is the case, the proposed research project must receive formal approval of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to course registration (website information is provided under Academic and Scholarly Guidelines below).

Please consult with your advisor to obtain the necessary forms for requesting an independent study. Faculty members, advisors and program directors will generally take the following into account when formally agreeing to a student’s proposal for independent study:

  1. The proposed course of independent study bears a direct relationship to professional social work and requires graduate level scholarship.
  2. The student’s academic advisor initially approves the independent study as relevant to the student’s focus area.
  3. The course of independent study is not duplicative of work done in another course taken for MSW credit.
  4. The course of independent study is not to be used to meet requirements for another
  5. The level and amount of work required is comparable to the number of graduate credits to be earned. A general guideline is that about three clock hours of work per week are needed for each credit (total effort must be approximately 45-50 hours per credit hour per semester).
  6. A full-time faculty member must be consulted in the planning and agree to oversee the independent study.

Human Subjects in Scholarly Research #

Any student involved in research with human subjects must adhere to the policies and procedures set forth by the Indiana University Human Research Protection Program (HRPP). As stated on its website, “the overarching mission of the Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) at Indiana University is to protect the rights and welfare of human research participants recruited to participate in research conducted under the auspices of Indiana University. Rather than ensuring mere compliance with the federal regulations, IU’s HRPP strives to adhere to the highest ethical standards in its protection of human research participants and seeks to further develop the methods and mechanisms for protecting human research participants. The Human Subjects Office ensures that each human subject receives respect, beneficence, and justice during their involvement in research.” Students should access relevant information at IU Research Compliance.

MSW Policy on Student Continuation, Review, and Dismissal #

(Revised and Adopted by the Faculty Senate, February 2010)

All students are admitted to the MSW Program based on evidence in their admissions applications that they have the potential academic ability and personal suitability for completing the professional graduate social work program. Once admitted, all students in the MSW Program are expected to maintain the standards established by the School of Social Work and those held by the social work profession.

Student Continuation #

Ongoing Academic Student Performance Review #

At the end of each academic semester (December and May), at the end of each summer session (June and August), or at any time a delayed grade is submitted, the student’s advisor will review academic performance for adherence to the academic and professional requirements.

Academic Probation #

The Senior MSW Program Director and/or Program Director/Coordinator may place a student on academic probation if they violate any of the academic and professional requirements. The condition of probation for each requirement shall be:

  1. If a student earns a grade lower than “C” in any social work course, they must repeat that course in timely fashion in order to progress in the A failing grade due to academic dishonesty is a distinct case and subject to automatic dismissal from the program.
  2. If a student’s GPA falls below the required 0, they will have 12 additional credit hours of coursework to raise it to 3.0. The student must thereafter maintain a 3.0 GPA or be subject to automatic dismissal.
  3. If a student receives a grade entry of Incomplete in any one semester, the advisor and Program Director will monitor the timely completion of the course. If the same student receives grades of Incomplete in subsequent semesters, the Program Director will place the student on academic probation and advise the student that they cannot progress in the program until all Incompletes are satisfied.
  4. There is no probationary period or condition for a student who earns a failing grade in any practicum. Students who fail a practicum will be dismissed from the program. If a student feels in jeopardy of not passing a practicum, they should seek guidance from their field liaison and advisor to remedy the situation.

Conduct that Violates Academic, Professional and Ethical Standards #

The following list provides examples of academic and professional conduct that may subject a student to a performance review, probation, or dismissal:

  1. Conduct that is not congruent with the values and ethics of the social work profession (e.g., NASW, NABSW, CSWE) and the academic code of conduct for students at Indiana University. This includes behavior in the student’s field work and the classroom that is not appropriate or professional.
  2. Behavior that interferes with the student’s functioning and/or jeopardizes the welfare of those to whom the student has responsibility, such as clients, colleagues, and co-
  3. Failure to communicate effectively, both verbally and in written form, including interviewing skills and interpersonal skills, which permit comfortable interaction with other people.
  4. Failure to adhere to the School’s field policies or practicum agency’s policies and professional standards.
  5. Failure to use sound judgment, both in work with clients and colleagues, and in regard to oneself, such as failure to seek professional help for physical or emotional problems which interfere with professional functioning.
  6. Academic dishonesty, including cheating on examinations or plagiarism, which involves presenting the work of someone else as one’s own. Plagiarism typically results in a failing grade that makes the student subject to automatic dismissal on academic grounds as well.
  7. A request by a faculty member for a review due to student’s poor course work performance or classroom behavior.

Procedures for Review of Academic and Professional Performance and Dismissal #

The MSW Program has established mechanisms to respond to requests for students’ performance reviews. A request for a student performance review can be initiated at any time by a faculty member, advisor, field coordinator, field instructor or liaison, the student their self, or the Program Director/Coordinator. The request is made to the Program Director/Coordinator on the student’s campus – IU Indianapolis (including IU Fort Wayne and IU East) and IU South Bend, or IU North and may be reviewed by the Senior MSW Program Director. The performance review is conceptualized as a mechanism to address as early as possible any developing problems with a student’s academic and/or professional performance.

Upon receiving the request, the Program Director/Coordinator will form a committee comprised of the individual(s) making the request, the student and the student’s advisor, at a minimum, and an additional faculty member if appropriate. The Program Director may decide to chair the committee. If deemed appropriate by the Program Director, the student may invite up to 2 guests to attend, but only those with direct information about the issue may speak. The committee determines what, if any, course of action could bring the student’s performance into compliance with School and professional standards. In situations where such action is feasible and desirable, a contract will be created. The contract will set forth problems to be solved, actions to be taken to solve said problems, and a time period for completion of designated actions and re-evaluation of student performance. Consequences for non-performance also will be included in the contract. The advisor will then work with the student and other relevant parties.

If the student fails to fulfill the contract, or, if while working on the contract some serious impropriety or failing academic performance occurs, the Program Director/Coordinator may decide that the student cannot continue in the MSW program. Discontinuance can occur during any semester of enrollment in the MSW Program, including the last semester of enrollment. The Program Director/Coordinator will send an email and a letter by certified mail to the student indicating that they has been discontinued from the program for non- compliance with the contract and explain the due process procedures. Copies of the letter will be forwarded to the student’s advisor and student file. Such notice will occur in sufficient time for the student to withdraw from classes in the subsequent semester.

In the case of academic probation, the Program Director/Coordinator is not required to convene a performance review committee for each student, but may review the progress of all probationary students with their advisors to decide if conditions are met. The Program Director/Coordinator will then inform students in writing of release from probation or dismissal.

Reinstatement Procedures #

Within 15 working days following receipt of a letter of dismissal, the student who wishes reinstatement must petition to the Program Director. The petition should be presented in writing and should address two major points. First, the student should identify extenuating factors, if any, which contributed to the reasons for dismissal. Second, the student should discuss the steps which they would take to alleviate the impact of those factors and to improve performance if permitted to continue in the program.

Upon receiving the student’s petition, the Program Director/Coordinator will review the case, including consultation with the Senior MSW Program Director, appropriate faculty such as the student’s advisor, and make a decision about whether the process for reinstatement will go forward. The Program Director/Coordinator controls the process and outcomes for all petitions for reinstatement. They may decide to readmit or utilize a performance review committee to assist in the decision if one had not been previously formed to address the student issue. If the Program Director/Coordinator accepts the petition, they will advise the student and advisor of the decision via email and certified mail. The letter will include a statement that the student must comply with all academic and professional requirements as a condition of reinstatement and that no further opportunities for reinstatement will be considered. If the Program Director/Coordinator denies the petition, they will also advise the student of their right to petition for reconsideration by the Dean’s Office or their designee.

Appeal Procedures at the Dean’s Office Level #

Within 15 days of receiving a Program Director/Coordinator’s decision to deny a petition for reinstatement, the student may send a written appeal to the Dean’s Office. The appeal is reviewed by the Dean or their designee, typically the Senior MSW Program Director unless the Senior MSW Program Director was involved at an earlier level of review. The Dean’s Office is the final option for appeal within the Indiana University School of Social Work.

In conducting a review of the case, the Dean or their designee may decide to convene an Appeal Committee if more information is needed. This step is entirely at the discretion of the Dean (or designee). The Appeal Committee will consist of at least three full-time faculty members who are not primary actors in the reason for the student’s dismissal.

If an Appeal Committee is convened, the Chair of the Committee will inform all parties involved. The student will receive at least two weeks’ notice by email and certified mail of its meeting date. The student will have the right to:

  1. Present information on their behalf;
  2. Have up to two additional guests present. The student should inform the Chair of the Committee in advance regarding the names of guests and the nature of information they The Chair reserves the right to structure the hearing and the length of time each party can speak. Generally, only those guests with information relevant to the issue that led to the dismissal are invited to speak. The student and student’s guests may be present only for the information-giving portion of the meeting and must leave prior to deliberation by the Committee.

The student’s advisor will meet with their prior to the hearing and, in the hearing, present comprehensive information concerning the student’s overall academic/professional performance. To prepare this background statement, the advisor shall secure performance information from classroom and field faculty who have taught the student. The advisor may ask questions at any time during the hearing, including during the committee’s deliberations. The advisor may also recommend actions to resolve the performance problem. However, the advisor shall not have a vote in the proceedings.

The recommended actions of the Appeal Committee shall be forwarded in writing to the Dean’s Office of the School of Social Work. Copies will be sent to the student, student’s advisor, and placed in the student’s file. The action by the Dean or their designee is final.

Grade Appeal Policies and Procedures #

If a student believes that a semester grade was an error, improper, or unwarranted, they need to use the following steps to seek resolution of the matter:

  1. The student must first try to contact the instructor of the course within 10 business days of receiving the grade, in an attempt to resolve the matter.
  2. If the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student, or if the student does not hear back from the instructor after two attempts, they should discuss the issue with the respective campus MSW Program Director or Coordinator within 15 working-days after their second attempt. The director/coordinator may request written documentation. The director/coordinator will then try to meet with the student and instructor separately or together to attempt a resolution. The program director/coordinator will thereafter advise the student and the instructor of the outcome of their decision in writing. If the program director/coordinator is the instructor of the course in question, the student would be referred to the Senior Program Director.* The student would be referred to the Associate Dean if the Senior MSW Program Director is the instructor of the course in question.
  3. If the decision does not result in a mutually agreeable solution, the student may submit a formal appeal to the Senior MSW Program Director. If the Senior MSW Program Director has already been involved, the appeal should go to the Associate Dean of Academic However, if the Associate Dean has already been involved in the grade issue because the instructor is the Senior MSW Program Director, the appeal will be handled by the Dean or their designee.
  4. If the appeal is denied, the student may consult the University grade appeal policies and procedures for further action.

*Students on the Gary campus follow the IU Northwest appeal process which involves the Dean of the College of Health and Human Services. Information regarding the appeal process on the campus can be found in the IU Northwest supplement of this handbook.

Grievance Petition Procedures #

If a student believes that they have been treated unfairly or unprofessionally by a faculty or staff member, or that a policy or procedure is unjust or unwise, then the student may submit, in writing, a formal grievance petition. Students are encouraged to first consult the National

Association of Social Workers’ Code of Ethics and then discuss their concerns with the person involved before writing a petition. Should the issue remain unresolved or if it poses a concern, a formal grievance petition should be submitted to the MSW Program Director/Coordinator, unless it involves that director/coordinator. If the Director/Coordinator of that campus is involved, the petition should go to the Senior MSW Program Director. If the grievance involves the Senior MSW Program Director, the petition should be sent to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. However, if the Associate Dean has already been involved in the grade issue because the instructor is the Senior MSW Program Director, the appeal will be handled by the Dean or their designee.*

Grievance petitions are reserved for those issues or incidences that warrant formal and thorough investigation. Such petitions should be submitted in a professional manner, consistent with social work values and ethics.

Student complaints regarding discrimination, sexual harassment, racial harassment, and harassment on the basis of sexual orientation have established complaint procedures available in the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. The Code is also available at

*Students on the Gary campus follow the IU Northwest appeal process which involves the Dean of the College of Health and Human Services. Information regarding the appeal process on the campus can be found in the IU Northwest supplement of this handbook.

Guidance on Online Courses and Programs #

Courses in the on-campus MSW program are primarily offered in-person. Sections of some courses may be offered online, however. Due to financial aid restrictions, students in an in- person program must complete 51% of their required credits (contact hours) on campus.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the academic year 2020 – 2021 is not calculated into the courses. SWK-S555, SWK-S651, and SWK-S652 are not considered online. Students enrolled in MSW Direct must complete 80 – 100% of their coursework online. Students should monitor the number of online credits in collaboration with their advisor. For more information about university policy related to the above see more. Students should also consult the policies on their campus.

Confidentiality #

In accordance with applicable requirements, all procedures must be carried out in a manner that assures protection of the student’s right to privacy regarding information about their academic records, performance, or any of their personal affairs. All written documents prepared for dismissal or review will be placed in the student’s permanent file. The student has the right to review all written information that is presented to either the Performance Review or the Appeal Committee.

Members of the committees are expected to maintain confidentiality with regard to all aspects of the process. Actions of the committee, the Director and the Dean are to remain confidential and are to be shared only with those persons involved with the student in an educational capacity.

Student Rights and Responsibilities #

Graduate students are viewed as competent adults who have a right to participate in decision- making activities about the educational program and School in which they have enrolled. Students regularly contribute to the continued development and growth of our programs. Indeed, the School values student input in several critical areas: faculty evaluation, School committee work, faculty hiring, and student field placements.

Course and Faculty Evaluation #

Faculty of Indiana University School of Social Work subscribe to the principle that a course syllabus constitutes a contract with the students and that constructive feedback represents an essential process for healthy social systems. The course syllabi will contain learning activities, experiences, assignments and evaluation procedures that relate logically to the course competencies and objectives. Toward the end of the semester, formal course/instructor evaluations are distributed electronically to all students. When completed, these evaluations are forwarded to the School’s administration for aggregation, review, and analysis before being forwarded to each instructor. These formal course/instructor evaluations are used for numerous purposes, including promotion and tenure decisions, merit raises, and various faculty development activities. These are important to complete and provide essential information to the instructor, Program Director, and the School about the course and instructor quality.


  • Students have the opportunity to meet both informally and formally with any candidates being considered for faculty positions.
  • Students have the right to provide feedback about school policies and procedures as well as the behavior of faculty and staff (In providing either positive or critical feedback, students are expected to follow professional social work norms, values and ethics). Students should contact the Program Director with concerns or questions about school policies, procedures, or faculty and staff.
  • If a student believes that she or he has been treated unfairly or unprofessionally by a faculty or staff member, or that a policy or procedure is unjust or unwise, then the student may submit in writing a formal grievance petition to the Dean of the School of Social Work. Grievance petitions are reserved for those issues or incidences that warrant formal investigations and full exploration, and such petitions should be submitted in a professional manner, consistent with social work norms, values and ethics.
  • Student complaints regarding discrimination, sexual harassment, racial harassment, and harassment on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity have established complaint procedures available in the Indiana University code of student ethics.

University and IUSSW Policies #

Equal Opportunity #

Indiana University and the Indiana University School of Social Work are equal opportunity, affirmative action educators, employers and contractors.

Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Handbook #

This document explains procedures and regulations for which each student is held responsible while enrolled in Indiana University programs as well as their rights. This IU Handbook is available on the web at IU code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, & Conduct.

Sexual Misconduct #

IU Does not tolerate acts of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and all forms of sexual violence. If you have experienced sexual misconduct, or know someone who has, the University can help. It is important to know that federal regulations and University policy require faculty to promptly ensure that appropriate measures are taken and resources are made available. The University will work with you to protect your privacy by sharing information with only those that need to know to ensure the University can respond and assist. If you are seeking help and would like to speak to someone confidentially, you can make an appointment with a Mental Health Counselor on campus (contact information available at IU Stop Sexual Violence. For more information about sexual violence, including campus and community resources, see IU Stop Sexual Violence.

Criminal Offense Disclosure and Sexual Offenders Policy #

As part of the application process, students provide a disclosure statement regarding past criminal offenses. Master of Social Work graduates are eligible to apply for legal licensure by the State of Indiana. While such disclosure does not pre-empt an admissions decision, admitted students must realize that a criminal history may affect their eligibility for licensure.

It is the policy of the School of Social Work that no student or applicant who has been convicted of sex offenses against children shall be eligible for admission or matriculation into the BSW, MSW or PhD programs. Any student who is already in an IUSSW program and whose name appears on the Registry during the time of matriculation, or has been convicted of an offense for which the student can be listed on the Registry, shall be ineligible for continuation or completion of the MSW degree. Any faculty member, student, field instructor, or other person within the school who becomes aware of such a situation should bring it to the attention of the respective program director for appropriate action.

Nothing in this policy shall be deemed to preclude the School from taking other appropriate action in such cases, or in the case of applicants or students involved in other conduct or criminal activities not covered in this policy. Any applicant or student already admitted to one of the Indiana University School of Social Work programs who is deemed ineligible for admission or continuation based upon a record of criminal conviction may appeal to the Dean of the School for reconsideration if they believe there are extenuating circumstances that might mitigate the findings. The Dean will appoint a review panel of three full-time faculty members to consider the student’s appeal. The review panel, in consultation with the office of University Counsel, will consider all pertinent information and make a ruling that shall be considered final.

Student Organizations and Professional Associations #

Students are encouraged to be involved with both School sponsored organizations and professional associations. Some of the organizations are listed below. Students should check on their campus for campus-specific student organization and leadership opportunities.

Professional Membership Opportunities #

University Services #

Adaptive Education and Disabilities Services #

Each campus of the Indiana University system has its own office that coordinates support services for students with disabilities. Within this group are students who are hearing impaired or deaf, visually impaired or blind, learning disabled, orthopedically disabled, medically disabled, temporarily disabled or disabled veterans. Medical disabilities include chronic illnesses, traumatic injuries, emotional disorders and rehabilitation from chemical or substance abuse. Efforts and services are directed toward enabling students to achieve their academic goals by augmenting their existing strengths and abilities.

Adaptive Education and Disabilities Services will not provide direct services until the student has documented need. A “documented” student is one who has filed with the office the appropriate forms and supporting information such as test results, evaluations by medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, high school teachers, principals and/or counselors or appropriate service agencies. The primary method by which the office identifies students with disabilities is self-identification soon after admission. Students who discover disabilities while in college may document their disabilities even up to their final semester at Indiana University.

Indiana University School of Social Work strives to maintain a supportive, constructive relationship with Adaptive Education and Disabilities Services offices to ensure that otherwise qualified students with disabilities can achieve their professional education goals. For more information, visit campus websites.

International Student Affairs #

The Office of International Affairs on the IU Indianapolis campus is located in the Education/Social Work Building, Room 2126, 317-274-7000. This office provides the following services to IU Indianapolis students:

  • Admission processing for all foreign applicants and permanent resident applicants with fewer than two years of study in a U.S. high school
  • Student ID cards for international travel
  • Non-immigrant documentation for foreign students
  • Advising on opportunities and scholarships for study and internship programs
  • Advising on nonimmigrant regulations, employment authorization, university procedures, housing, and adjustment to life in Indiana
  • Orientation activities and programs
  • Additional information is available at IU Indianapolis Office of International Affairs.

Students on other campuses may reference the above information. IU South Bend students may reference IU South Bend Office of International Student Services.

Indiana University Indianapolis (IU Indianapolis) Supplement #

School of Social Work Facilities at IU Indianapolis #

Administrative offices of the Dean, Associate Dean, and Program Directors (PhD, MSW, BSW) are located on the southern end of the Education/Social Work (ES) Building off New York Street. The reception area is located in ES 4138 and may be reached by the elevator located at Entry 4 of the Educational/Social Work Building. Faculty offices are found along the long hallways that define the physical space of the School.

University Hall (AD building) opened its doors in June 2015. Students have the following space dedicated to them: AD 2010 – open area lounge; AD 2012 – kitchen area; and AD 2014 – computer lab. The MSW and BSW Student Associations share the maintenance of the lounges and they appreciate voluntary assistance in making this a pleasant and welcoming environment.

All School of Social Work facilities are typically accessible from 8am-5PM Monday through Friday, but doors may be locked at other times.

IU Indianapolis Supports/Services #