BSW Awards

Outstanding BSW Student Service and Leadership Award #
BSW Awards Eligibility Criteria
A Senior BSW student who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to what it means to be a student social worker committed to change.
The student must represent what it means to be a social work ambassador for the School. Through their commitment the student must have tangibly contributed to the school climate, campus activities, engagement in service, fostered and participated in community outreach, given selflessly of themselves through time, talent, treasure, and above all, they must have engaged in these efforts not just as a member but as a servant leader. They must do so while maintaining a 3.0 or above GPA.
BSW Awards Nomination Process
BSW students can self-nominate, nominate a peer, or be nominated by a faculty or staff member. An Awards Committee on each campus will review applications and render a decision based on criteria established for the award. An awards committee may include the campus program director, student services coordinator (if available on a given campus), and full time and associate faculty.
Excellence in BSW Scholarship Award #
BSW Awards Eligibility Criteria
This annual award is open to a Senior BSW student who has consistently demonstrated a commitment to high-quality critical thinking, active curiosity about learning, frequent self-reflection, and dedication to academic excellence.
This student’s quality of work reflects a pursuit of education grounded in the desire to excel as a social worker. The student’s participation in classes and in the program enhances the learning and growth of their colleagues.
BSW Awards Nomination Process
BSW students can self-nominate, nominate a peer, or be nominated by a faculty or staff member. An Awards Committee on each campus will review applications and render a decision based on criteria established for the award. An awards committee may include the campus program director, student services coordinator (if available on a given campus), and full time and associate faculty.
Excellence in BSW Research Award #
BSW Awards Eligibility Criteria
This annual award is open to a Senior BSW student who has shown excellence in a research project through a course or through an independent study arrangement.
This honor is given to a student who has consistently demonstrated a commitment to high-quality research methodology, critical thinking, and dedication to academic excellence. This student’s quality of work reflects a pursuit of education grounded in the desire to excel as a social worker. The student’s participation in classes and in the program enhances the learning and growth of their colleagues and instructors.
BSW Awards Nomination Process
BSW students can self-nominate, nominate a peer, or be nominated by a faculty or staff member. An Awards Committee on each campus will review applications and render a decision based on criteria established for the award. An awards committee may include the campus program director, student services coordinator (if available on a given campus), and full time and associate faculty.
BSW Student Award for Commitment to Social Justice and Human Rights #
BSW Awards Eligibility Criteria
This award is given to a Senior BSW student who has demonstrated, through course work and service work, an unwavering commitment to the process and goal of achieving social, economic, environmental, or racial justice and advancing human rights.
This student has a demonstrative record of impact during their time at the school of social work specifically addressing and ameliorating oppressive conditions.
BSW Awards Nomination Process
BSW students can self-nominate, nominate a peer, or be nominated by a faculty or staff member. An Awards Committee on each campus will review applications and render a decision based on criteria established for the award. An awards committee may include the campus program director, student services coordinator (if available on a given campus), and full time and associate faculty.
Spirit of IUSSW BSW Award #
BSW Awards Eligibility Criteria
This award is for a Senior BSW student who has demonstrated high levels of determination, tenacity, and resiliency throughout the BSW program.
This award recognizes the challenges of being successful in professional degree programs and celebrates a nominated student who has demonstrated the ability to persevere in holding on to his/her/their dreams, performing well in coursework, and embracing the values of the profession despite challenges or unique circumstances.
BSW Awards Nomination Process
BSW students can self-nominate, nominate a peer, or be nominated by a faculty or staff member. A subcommittee on each campus that may include the relevant program director, faculty, student services coordinator will review applications and make a consensus decision.
Outstanding BSW Student of the Year #
BSW Awards Eligibility Criteria
The Outstanding BSW Student of the year goes to the graduating BSW student(s) who:
- Demonstrated outstanding leadership in the program, the community and/or the field practicum site
- Maintained an outstanding academic performance with a minimum university Grade Point Average of 3.0 and a Grade Point Average in social work courses of a 3.5
- Demonstrated active engagement, creativity, and innovation within the classroom
- Demonstrated excellent teamwork skills
- Demonstrated a commitment and dedication to the ideals of social justice through their activities while a student in the social work program
- Demonstrated a strong commitment to social work values through their activities while a student in the social work program.
BSW Awards Nomination Process
Faculty members, staff, and program leaders nominate students and then vote on the slate of candidates.
Outstanding BSW Student Field Education Award #
BSW Awards Eligibility Criteria
This annual award is open to any senior BSW student who is completing field placement and is in good standing.
The student must have exemplified what it means to be an outstanding student practitioner acting professionally, performing ethically, thinking critically, and responding to clients and the agency in a manner conducive with the NASW Code of Ethics and the Indiana University School of Social Work. The student must have above average demonstrated skill set, excellent performance in the field practicum, and evaluation ratings from staff, faculty, and agency field and task instructors who value the student as superior to other students in their conduct and work. They must do so while maintaining a 3.0 or above GPA.
BSW Awards Nomination Process
Field Instructor or Liaison will submit nominations and a subcommittee of Field faculty will make decisions.
BSW Awards Selection Process
The judging committee will be identified by the Field Coordinator (campus specific).
- Nominations will be reviewed and a selection made by the committee.
- Field Coordinator will notify the BSW Program Director of the award winner.
System-wide Outstanding BSW Student Field Education Award #
BSW Awards Eligibility Criteria
The System-wide winner will be selected from the pool of winners from the campus-specific BSW Field Education Award.
BSW Awards Nomination Process
Winners of the Field Award from the individual campuses will all be considered.
BSW Awards Selection Process
An awards subcommittee of Systemwide Field Faculty will make the final decision.
Outstanding BSW Community Partner Award #
BSW Awards Eligibility Criteria
The Community Partner of the Year Award honors an individual, agency, or team who is doing great work for their community and is also undertaking additional effort to serve as partners in education to the School, demonstrating outstanding commitment to fostering student development.
BSW Awards Nomination Process
Nominations may be submitted by a student, staff or faculty member, or community partner organization. The nominee will provide evidence of how the community partner helped its student(s) make connections between course content, the experience, and the broader community context.