BSW Program Honors
Dean's List #
The BSW program has a Dean’s list to recognize student excellence. The policy, as approved by the Faculty in 1997, reads as follows:
- BSW students with a semester GPA of 3.75 or better will be named to the Dean’s List.
- The BSW program will forward the names of the eligible students to the Office of the Dean. This information should be forwarded within two weeks following the posting of semester grades.
- The Dean of the School will notify students of their achievement by mail.
- The Dean’s List will be posted in a public place within the School.
- Only students taking a full course load in either the Fall or Spring semesters will be eligible.
- The Dean’s List will be compiled twice a year.

Graduating with Honors #
Each year, graduating students who rank in the upper 10 percent of their graduating class are recognized by graduating with Distinction (Highest, High, and With Distinction). These students are awarded specially colored “cords” which they wear attached to the shoulder of their graduation gowns during the commencement ceremony.
Phi Alpha Honor Society - Kappa Gamma Chapter #
Phi Alpha Honor Society was established in 1962 to foster connections between social work students and promote humanitarian goals and ideas. Emphasizing high educational standards for social workers, Phi Alpha offers membership to students who demonstrate academic excellence. BSW juniors and seniors and graduating MSW students in the top 35% of their class are invited to join the Kappa Gamma chapter of Phi Alpha Honor Society.