General #
Timesheets are located in the Placements Tab. There is a tab for Timesheets.
There is a drop down menu that allows students to select from 4 choices:
- Direct Practice
- Indirect Practice
- Field Seminar (if applicable)
- Field Supervision
For each day, select the type of activities and plug in the time. Students are likely to have 3-4 time sheet entries for any given day.
Direct is any work that has to do with the client system (individual, family, group, organization, community, etc.).
Examples include:
- One on one contact with clients,
- Preparing for sessions with clients
- Conducting a needs assessments,
- Participation in clinical staffing,
- Attending community meetings
- Observe/shadow others’ work (e.g., individual session) and process your observation with your supervisor.
- Do research to find Evidence Based Program or other treatment models to help you hone your skills or develop your group/individual session.
- Prepare the notes for court staffing and then report findings to supervisor in order to discuss what is needed to prepare for in court.
Indirect is anything to further the student’s knowledge but is not directly related to the client.
Example include:
- Attending an all staff meeting
- Attending a training, workshop or, conferences
The one hour per week supervision time between the student and Field Instructor.
Student #
If you have been assigned an agency for your practicum you will find your Field Instructor contact information by clicking on the Placements tab and then Details. If you have a Task Instructor, their contact information will also be found here.
If you have been assigned an agency for your practicum and your Faculty Liaison has been assigned you will find their contact information by clicking on the Placements tab and then Details.
If you submitted a form before intending to do so, contact your Field Coordinator and they can unsubmit it for you.
- Go to the App Store on you mobile device and search for the Sonia for Students App.
- Open the App and moved through a couple of screens until it gives you instructions on how to photograph the QR code; the flash occurred automatically.
- The next screen is “Welcome Your Name” (this should actually be your name).
- It will ask you to create a 4-digit passcode. After doing so, the Sonia for Students App will open.
First, did you save or submit the document? If yes, did your screen turn blue for a moment and did you receive a notice that your form was successfully saved or actioned?
- If yes to the above question, refresh your browser and it will appear.
- If you are still unable to see the form, contact your field coordinator.
First, after you entered the time, did you hit save?
- If yes to the above question, refresh your browser and it will appear.
- If you are still unable to see the timesheet entry, contact your field coordinator.
Timesheets should be completed daily or weekly, then saved, and submitted. To add and complete a timesheet, please follow the following instructions:
- On your screen, click on “Placements” at the top of your screen.
- Click on “timesheets”.
- Once you are in your “timesheets”, you can “+Add new attendance,” which will be at the top left of your screen beneath the light blue bar that says, “drag and drop.”
- Under the left column for Date, you will see a white window with a calendar. Plug in your date of your next time sheet.
- Move to the next column under “Time In” and continue to work your way through the columns.
- Be sure to remember to select the type of activity you did from the drop down in the “Activity” column: Direct Practice, Indirect Practice, Field Seminar (if applicable) or Field Supervision.
- Under time sheet status, you must submit.
- You will need to remind your field instructor to go into the Sonia system and approve it when you have supervision.
Each time you create a new supervision record entry, you need to do the following:
- Click on Forms
- Under “form self-selection” using the drop down, click on “IUSSW Supervision Record” and then click Add
- A new Supervision Record will appear. In the drop down, for “Placement Group” click on the placement group that you are assigned (it may be your only choice).
- After completing step 3, you will see a box for “Agency”. In the drop down, you will see the agency where you are doing your practicum – click on it.Note: Failure to follow these important steps will result in your supervision record NOT routing to your Field Instructor. Therefore, if you fail to do these things and tell your field instructor to go in and review before supervision, he or she will NOT see them because you have not routed your supervision record to him or her.
- Next click on the “edit” button and you can complete your supervision record.
- At the bottom of your completed supervision record, click “save” and then click “student submit”.
- Now you should have successfully submitted a supervision record that your field instructor can “see”, review and approve.
Field Instructor/Task Instructor #
You can find your assigned Liaison’s contact information by clicking on the Placements tab and then Details for the individual student. Both the Student and Liaison’s contact information will be found here.
You can find your assigned student’s contact information by clicking on the Placements tab and then Details for the individual student. Both the Student and Liaison’s contact information will be found here.
You have two options for approving forms:
- You will receive an email informing you that the form is ready for your review. You can click on the link provided and then review the form from there. If you are ok with it, you can click the submit button found at the bottom of the form. (If you are Field Instructor and there is not a Task Instructor assigned to the student, you will need to click submit on behalf of the Task Instructor and then you as the Field Instructor).
- Log in to Sonia and click the forms tab. The forms will appear in chronological order based on the last action taken on the form. If you have multiple students, you can sort by student’s first or last name and then only that student’s forms will appear. Click on the paper icon on the right and the form will appear. Review the form and if you are ok with the student’s submission, click submit at the bottom of the form. (If you are Field Instructor and there is not a Task Instructor assigned to the student, you will need to click submit on behalf of the Task Instructor and then you as the Field Instructor).
At this time, you can only provide feedback on the Draft Learning Plan and Supervision Record. You are unable to provide feedback to the student on other forms. You will need to provide the feedback through email, during supervision or through another form of communication.
If you approved or unapproved a timesheet entry and did not intend to do so, contact your Field Coordinator and they can unsubmit it for you.
If you approved/submitted a form before intending to do so, contact your Field Coordinator and they can unsubmit it for you.
Liaison #
You can find the Field Instructor’s contact information by clicking on the Placements tab and then Details for the individual student. Both the Student, Task Instructor, and Field Instructor’s contact information will be found here.
You can find the Student’s contact information by clicking on the Placements tab and then Details for the individual student. Both the Student, Task Instructor and Field Instructor’s contact information will be found here.
You have two options for approving forms:
- You will receive an email informing you that the form is ready for your review. You can click on the link provided and then review the form from there. If you are ok with it, you can click the submit button found at the bottom of the form.
- Log in to Sonia and click the forms tab. The forms will appear in chronological order based on the last action taken on the form. If you have multiple students, you can sort by student’s first or last name and then only that student’s forms will appear. Click on the paper icon on the right and the form will appear. Review the form and if you are ok with the student’s submission, click submit at the bottom of the form.
At this time, you can only provide feedback on the Draft Learning Plan and Supervision Record. You are unable to provide feedback to the student on other forms. You will need to provide the feedback through email, during supervision or through another form of communication.
If you approved/submitted a form before intending to do so, contact your Field Coordinator and they can unsubmit it for you.
Liaisons do not have the ability to approve timesheets, as this is a function of the Task Instructor and/or Field Instructor. The Liaison can review the timesheet entries as well as see a summary of the student’s hours and a breakdown of the activities. To do so, the Liaison clicks on the Placement Tab and then clicks Timesheet Tab for that student. Click the View tab associated with that student. A list of the student’s entries will appear and if you scroll to the bottom, you will find the summary and activity breakdown.