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Dr. Carol Hostetter Scholarship

P.A. Mack has had a distinguished career serving his country, primarily in working as Chief of Staff for Senator Birch Bayh, and in helping establish the national credit union movement. When he retired to Bloomington, Indiana, he focused on helping Indiana University strengthen its mission of excellence in teaching. He attended many conferences sponsored by FACET (IU’s Faculty Academy on Excellence in Teaching) and became a powerful voice at the table. Carol and P.A. met through FACET, strengthening their ties when Carol became the director of the Mack Center for Inquiry on Teaching and Learning. Unbeknownst to Carol, P.A. had a habit of endowing scholarships to appreciate and inspire faculty and students and thus endowed one in Carol’s name in September 2017. The Dr. Carol Hostetter Scholarship was created to support undergraduate social work students studying on Indiana University’s Bloomington campus.

Carol Hostetter is Professor and Director of the Bloomington BSW Program in the School of Social Work at Indiana University. Dr. Hostetter has won many teaching awards, including the top teaching award for all eight campuses of Indiana University. She studies anti-racism education, vicarious trauma in mental health practitioners during the pandemic, child welfare training and evaluation, and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL). She works actively on grants and publications, in addition to administering the undergraduate program. Carol spearheaded the Teaching Research in Social Work webinar series, sponsored by CSWE’s Commission on Research. In 2018 she established the SWERL collaborative (Social Work Engagement in Research Learning) for social work faculty. She is a founding member (2019) of the Social Work Coalition for Anti-Racist Educators and the Anti-Oppressive Education Committee of the IU Bloomington BSW program.

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2021 Dr. Carol Hostetter Scholarship Recipients #

Graduating high school, Mari knew she wanted to enter college with a major she would be passionate about. She learned about social work through her brother’s fiancé and knew that was all she wanted to do with her life. She always envisioned herself in a career where she could contribute not only the greater good of society but simply make someone’s day just a little easier for them. Upon further reflection, Mari decided becoming a child social worker then proceeding into becoming a family therapist.

Mari Consiglieri #

Graduating high school, Mari knew she wanted to enter college with a major she would be passionate about. She learned about social work through her brother’s fiancé and knew that was all she wanted to do with her life. She always envisioned herself in a career where she could contribute not only the greater good of society but simply make someone’s day just a little easier for them. Upon further reflection, Mari decided becoming a child social worker then proceeding into becoming a family therapist.

Taylor Ellis #

Taylor is currently a junior in the School of Social Work. While majoring in Social Work, she also is minoring in Non-profit management. Once she earns her BSW, Taylor has a desire to become a Department of Child Services Social Worker. She plans eventually to earn her MSW.

Madison Massoth #

Madison is a senior at Indiana University, majoring in social work. She plans to enter the MSW Advanced Standing program this summer, and then work toward her LCSW. Madison has a passion for rock climbing, backpacking, and teaching people about the outdoors. She hopes one day to merge my two passions and work in the wilderness therapy field.