PhD Scholarly Work
Scholarly Work #
The following list of presentations and publications provides evidence of both collaborative and independent scholarly work of social work doctoral students. Students’ names appear in bold. Items with an asterisk are co-authored with a faculty member.
*Ashirifi, G., Karikari, G. & Adamek, M. (2021). Prioritizing the National Aging Policy in Ghana: Critical next steps. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, https://doi:10.1080/08959420.2021.1927621
Atteberry-Ash, B., Speer, S. R., Kattari, S. K., & Kinney, M. K. (2019). Does it get better? LGBTQ social work students and experiences with harmful discourse. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services. https://doi:10.1080/10538720.2019.1568337
*Bartholomew, J.B., Miller, K.M., Carroll, D.W., & Carlson, J. (2022). Social work doctoral students and academic presentations: Results from a student-led PhD speaker series. Perspectives on Social Work, 17 (1), 14-21.
*Bartholomew, J. B., Agley, J., Carlson, J., Lay, K., & Tidd, D. (2021). Interprofessional development case study of an SBIRT web-based app for education and practice. Journal of Technology in Human Service, 39(1), 92-109.
Bartholomew, J. B. & Bute, J. (2021). Exploring internal medicine interns’ educational experiences on opioid addiction: A narrative analysis, Health Communication.
*✝Bateman, D., Brady, E., Wilkerson D., Yi, E., Karanam, Y. & Callahan, C. (2017). Comparing crowdsourcing and friendsourcing: A social media based feasibility study to support Alzheimer’s disease caregivers. JMIR Research Protocols, 6(4), e56. https://doi:10.2196/resprot.6904
*Beerbower, E., Winters, D., & Kondrat, D. (2018). Bio-psycho-social-spiritual needs of adolescents and young adults with life-threatening illnesses: Implications for social work practice. Social Work in Health Care, 57(4), 250-266.
✝✝Bishop, C., & Makki Alamdari, S. (2018). The impact of paternal involvement and United States stay length on Latino youth’s depressive symptoms. Perspectives on Social Work, 14(2), 2-16.
Brandon-Friedman, R. A. (2017). Deviance, power, stigma, and control: A sociological reconceptualization of sexuality within social work services. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 44(1), 141-164.
✝*Brandon-Friedman, R.A., *Swafford, T.R., & Heinz, M.J. (Under Review). Meeting the information needs of family members of gender-diverse youth: A Mixed-methods inquiry.
*✝Brown, J., Karikari, I., Abraham, S., & Akakpo, T. (2018). Left off the route: A qualitative examination of urban bus drivers wanting to be players in the bully prevention solution. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1-25. https://doi: 10.1177/0886260518787204
*Brown, J. R., Holloway, E. D., Maurer, E., Bruno, D. G., Ashirifi, G. D., & Aalsma, M. C. (2019). How previously detained youths perceive “mental health” and “counseling”. Children and Youth Services Review, 102, 27-33.
*✝Brown, J., Keesler, J., Karikari, I., Ashirifi, G. D., & Kausch, M. (2020). School principals putting bullying policy to practice. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1-25.
Canada, M., & Formica, S. (2022). Implementation of a post-overdose quick response team in the rural Midwest: A team case study. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 7(2), 59-66.
*Carroll, D., Presnell, J., & Hea-Won, K. (2021, Under Review). From Color-Blind to Color-Conscience: An Examination of Color-Blindness in Clinical Social Work Practice. Journal of Social Work Education.
*Chen, H., & Adamek, M. E. (2017). Civic engagement of older adults in mainland China: Past, present, and future. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 85(2), 204-226. https://doi:10.1177/0091415016685326
Chonody, J. M., Sultzman, V., & Hippie, J. (2020). Are social work students concerned about the environment? The role of personal beliefs in predicting positive attitudes. Journal of Social Work Education, 56 (4), 809-824.
*Curd, J. & Hong, M. (in press). We are all just walking each other home”: Exploring the lived experiences of rural hospice social workers in companioning the dying. Journal of Social Work and End-of-Life in Palliative Care,
*Fultz, A., & Kondrat, D. (2018). Privilege, white identity, and motivation: A call to action in social work. Journal of Progressive Human Services, 30(3), 260-277. https://doi:10.1080/10428232.2018.1525236
Funk, K. (2021). The last mile: COVID-19, telehealth, and broadband disparities in rural Indiana. Advances in Social Work, 21 (1), 45-58.
*Gallagher R., Nordberg, A., Francis, Z., Menon, P., Canada, M., & Minasian, R. (2021). A focus group analysis with a drug court team: Opioid use disorders and the role of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) in programming. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 21(2), 139-148. https://doi:10.1080/1533256X.2021.1912964
*✝Gentle-Genitty, C., Kim, J., Yi, E., Slater, D. Reynolds, B., & Bragg, N. (2017). Comprehensive assessment of youth violence in five Caribbean countries: Gender and age differences. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 27, (7) 745-759. https://doi:10.1080/10911359.2016.1273811
✝Gregory, V. L., Jr. (2018). Cognitive-Behavioral therapy for anxious symptoms in persons of African descent: A meta-analysis. Journal of Social Service Research.
✝Gregory, V. L., Jr., & Ellis, R. J. (2020). Cognitive-behavioral therapy with buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse.
✝Gregory, V. L., Jr. (2019). Psychological perspective: Psychodynamic, humanistic, and cognitive-behavioral theories. In R. Ow &A. Poon (Eds.), Social Work and Mental Health, (1-19). Springer. Advance online publication.
✝Gregory, V. L., Jr. (2019). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for adults with inflammatory bowel disease: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials with implications for clinical social work. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 16(4), 363-385.
*✝Hall, J. A., Imburgia, T. M., Bloomquist, K. R., Kim, J., Armstrong-Richardson, E., Danh, M., & Hensel, D. J. (2017). Partnership for Multimethod Evaluation in child welfare: Title IV-E Waiver demonstration program. Child Welfare, 95(5), 59-78.
Harris, K., Ashirifi, G., Harris, C., & Trauth, J. (2021). Are grandparents raising grandchildren receiving the services they need? Journal of Childhood, Education, & Society, 2(2), 167–177.
*Hong, M., Yi, E., Johnson, K., & Adamek, M. E. (2018). Facilitators and barriers for advance care planning among ethnic minorities in the U.S.: A systematic review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 20(5), 1277–1287.
*Imburgia, T., Hensel, D., Armstrong-Richardson, E., Pierce, B., & Hall, J. (2018). Strategies to improve adolescents’ status in caregiver substance abuse cases in the child welfare system. Journal of Adolescent Health, 62(2), S134-S135.
*Jaggers, J., Beerbower, E., Kondrat, D., Aalsma, M., & Hall, J. (2018). Contextual factors influencing recommendations for service provision by Guardia ad litem and Court Appointed Special Advocates. Families in Society, 99(3), 244–255.
*Jaggers, J. W., Richardson, E. A., & Hall, J. A. (2018). Effect of mental health treatment, juvenile justice involvement, and child welfare effectiveness on severity of mental health problems. Child Welfare, 96(3), 81-102.
*Karikari, I., Brown, J. R., Ashirifi, G. D., & Storms, J. (2020). Bullying prevention in schools: The need for a multiple stakeholder approach. Advances in Social Work, 20(1), 61-81.
*Keesler, J.M. & Presnell, J.A. (2021). Research-based service learning: MSW student reflections on interviewing incarcerated individuals. Journal of Social Work Education, online, 1-13.
*✝Kim, H-W., Park, T., Quiring, S., & Barrett, D. (2018) The anti-human trafficking collaboration model and serving victims: Providers’ perspectives on the impact and experience. Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work, 15(2), 186-203. doi:10.1080/23761407.2018.1432433
*✝Kim, J. Yi, E., Pierce, B., & Hall, J. (2019). Effective workload management in child welfare: Understanding the relationship between caseload and workload. Social Policy & Administration, 1-13.
*Khaja, K., & Alhajri, W. (2019). Bullying experiences of Muslim students in the United States. British Journal of Social Work.
✝Lessy, Z., Adamek, M., & Khaja, K. (2020). Philanthropic zakat for the disadvantaged: Recipient perspectives from Indonesia. Asian Social Work & Policy Review, 14(3), 138-147.
Lin, I-H. (2018). Ranking work-family policies across OECD countries: Implications for work-family conflict, gender equality, and child well-being. Social Work & Society 16(1).
*Lyons, S., Schrader, S., Galyean, E., Romito, L., Everidge, C., Smith, M. & Mandapati, S. R. (2021). A collaborative assessment of barriers to oral health care: Are social workers needed? Advances in Social Work 21(1), 115-134.
Malliar Bellian, P. (2021). Cultural humility: An inevitable virtue to be embraced. Kadosh Marian Voice, Quarterly Magazine, 3(12), 27-28.
Malliar Bellian, P. (2020). International voluntary migration and integral development in India: A philosophical inquiry. Sacred Perspectives, 10(1), 42-53.
*McCabe, H. A., Kinney, M. K., Quiring, S. Q., & Jerolimov, D. (2017). Expanding the base: A case for increased interprofessional collaboration in public health law and policy. Interprofessional Public Health Law and Policy Competencies, 14(1), 97-111. doi:10.18060/3911.0030
*McCarthy, K., Wilkerson, D., & Ashirifi, D. G. (2021). Student and faculty perceptions on feedback in a social work distance education program. Journal of Teaching in Social Work.
Mohaqeqi Kamal., S. H., Basakha, M., Ghaedamini Harouni, G., Makki Alamdari, S., & Sajjadi, S. (2019). Alcohol use among homeless men in Tehran, Iran: Risk and protective factors. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 13(3), e81346. doi: 10.5812/ijpbs.81346.
Mohaqeqi Kamal., S. H., Ghaedamini Harouni, G., Basakha, M., & Makki Alamdari, S. (2019). Multidimensional child poverty index in Iran: Distribution of deprivations across provinces. Journal of Poverty.
Mohler, G., Mishra, S., Ray, B., Magee, L., Huynh, P., Canada, M., O’Donnell, D., & Flaxman, S. (2021). A modified two-process Knox text for investigating the relationship between law enforcement opioid seizures and overdoses. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physics and Engineering Sciences.
Muzzy, F., Kinney, K., Maas, M., & McCauley, H. (2021). Support networks of transmasculine and nonbinary young adults during chosen name transition. Psychology & Sexuality.
Muzzey, F.K., Kinney, M.K., Maas, M.K., & McCauley, H.L. (2019). Supporting networks of transmasculine and nonbinary young adults during chosen name transition. Psychology and Sexuality.
✝Park, T., & Pierce, B. (2020). Impacts of transformational leadership intention of child welfare workers. Children and Youth Services Review.
Philips, J. D., & Walsh, M. A. (2019). Teaming up in child welfare: The perspective of Guardians ad Litem on the components of interprofessional collaboration. Children and Youth Services Review, 96, 17-26.
*Pierce, B., Carlson, J., Thurston, W., Klemme, P., Fultz, A., Oglesby, N., Studley, M., & Tate, V. (2019). Trust in participatory action community-engaged partnerships: Relationships and historical trauma matter. Engage!, 1(1). doi:10.18060/22815
*Presnell, J. & Keesler, J. M. (2021). Community inclusion for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A call to action for social work. Advances in Social Work, 21 (4), 1229-1245. 2022 CSWE Disability Manuscript Award
*Presnell, J. & Keesler, J. M., & Thomas-Giyer, J. (2022). Assessing alignment between intellectual and developmental disability service providers and trauma-informed care: An exploratory study. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 60(5), 351-368.
*Provence, M. (2018). From nuisances to neighbors: Inclusion of patrons experiencing homelessness through library & social work partnerships. Advances in Social Work, 18(4), 1053-1067. doi:10.18060/22321.
*Provence, M. A. (2020). Encouraging the humanization of patrons experiencing homelessness: A case study of the role of the U.S. public library social worker. Library Quarterly, 90(4), 431-446.
*Provence, M., Wahler, E., Helling, J., & Williams, M. (2021). Self-reported psychosocial needs of public library patrons: Comparisons based on housing status, Public Library Quarterly, 40(3), 244-257, https://doi:10.1080/01616846.2020.1730738
*Quiring, S. Q., Boys, S., & Harris, E. (2017). The role of self-efficacy in employability: Implications for pedagogical change. Thurgood Marshall Law Review, 43 (1), 533-550.
Ressler, J. D. (2022). Social capital, serious mental illness, and the intersection of disaster: Recommendations for enabling resilience. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
✝Rollins, A. L., Wright-Berryman, J. L., Henry, N. H., Quash, A. M., Benbow, K., Bonfils, K. A., … & Salyers, M. P. (2017). Managing physical and mental health conditions: Consumer perspectives on integrated care. Social Work in Mental Health, 15(1), 66-79. https://doi:10.1080/15332985.2016.1173160
✝Tian, L., & Bai, J. (2017). A comparative study on the employment pressure for college students in the United States and China: A perspective of ideological and political education. Journal of Zunyi Normal College, 5. (in Chinese)
✝Tian, L., & Bai, J. (2017). A comparative study on the service-learning pedagogy in the United States and China. Heihe Journal, 5. (in Chinese) Tonui, B. C., Miller, V. J., & Adeniji, D. O. (2022). Older immigrant adults’ experiences with social isolation: a qualitative interpretive meta synthesis. Aging & Mental Health, 1-9. DOI:10.1080/13607863.2022.2068131
*Victor, B. G., Rousson, A. N., Henry, C., Dalvi, H. B., & Mariscal, E. S. (2021). Child protective services guidelines for substantiating exposure to domestic violence as maltreatment and assigning caregiver responsibility: Policy analysis and recommendations. Child Maltreatment.
*Victor, B.G., Henry, C., Dalvi, H., Rousson, A., & Mariscal, E.S. (2021). Substantiating caregivers for children’s exposure to domestic violence: An analysis of child welfare policies from across the United States. Child Maltreatment, 1-12.
Wahler, E. A., Provence, M. A., Helling, J., & Williams, M. A. (2019). The changing role of libraries: How social workers can help. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services.
Walls, N. E., Kattari, S. K., Speer, S. R., & Kinney, M. K. (2019). Transfeminine spectrum parenting: Evidence from the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. Social Work Research, 43(3), 133-144. doi:10.1093/swr/svz005
*Walsh, M. A., & Jaggers, J. W. (2017). Addressing the needs crossover youth: What key professionals are saying. Children and Youth Services Review, 75, 110-115. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.02.016
*✝Wilkerson, D.A., Wolfe-Taylor, S.N., Deck. C., Wahler, E.A., & Davis, T. S. (2020). Telebehavioral practice basics responding to COVID-19. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 39(8), 1137-1145.
*✝Wilkerson, D., Brady, E., Yi, E., & Bateman, D. (2018). Friendsourcing peer support for Alzheimer’s caregivers using facebook social media. Journal of Technology in Human Services. doi:10.1080/15228835.2018.1449709
*✝Wilkerson, D., Wolfe-Taylor, S., & Kinney, K. M. (2019). Adopting e-social work practice: Pedagogical strategies for student decision-making to address technology uncertainty. Journal of Social Work Education. https://doi:10.1080/10437797.2019.1661920
*✝Winters, D.E., Wu, W., & Fukui, S. Longitudinal effects of cognitive and affective empathy on adolescent substance use. Substance Use & Misuse, 55(6), 983-989.
Winters, D. E., & Beerbower, E. (2017). Mindfulness and meditation as an adjunctive treatment for adolescents involved in the juvenile justice system: Is repairing the brain and nervous system possible? Social Work in Health Care, 56(7), 615-635.
*Winters, D. E., Fukui, S., Leibenluft, E., & Hulvershorn, L. A. (2018). Improvements in irritability with open-label methylphenidate treatment in youth with comorbid attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 28(5), 298-305. doi:10.1089/cap.2017.0124
*Winters, D. E., Wu, W., Fukui, S. (2020). Longitudinal effects of cognitive and affective empathy on adolescent substance use. Substance Use & Misuse, 55(6), 983-989. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2020.1717537
*Winters, D. E., Pruitt, P., Fukui, S., Cyders, M., Pierce, B., Lay, K., & Damoiseaux. (2021). Network functional connectivity underlying dissociable cognitive and affective components of empathy in adolescence. Neuropsychologia, 156.
*✝Winters, D. E., Brandon-Friedman, R. A., Yepes, G., & Hinckley, J.D. (2020). Systematic review and meta-analysis of socio-affective processes association with adolescent substance use. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 219.
✝Wright-Berryman, J. L., & Cremering, A. (2017). Physical health decision-making and decision aid preferences of individuals with severe mental illness. Social Work in Mental Health, 15(6), 651-662. doi:10.1080/15332985.2017.1279584
*Xiao, Y., Hinrichs, R., Johnson, N., McKinley, A., Carlson, J., Agley, J., & Yip, P. S. F. (2021). Suicide prevention among college students before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(5), e26948.
Yi, E. (2019). Does acculturation matter? End-of-life care planning and preferences among foreign-born older immigrants in the U. S. Innovation in Aging, 3(2), 1-14. DOI: 10.1093/geroni/igz012
*Yi, E., & Adamek, M. (2020). Alzheimer’s caregivers’ experience with and perceptions of the Affordable Care Act: Thematic analysis of online discussion forums. Journal of Applied Gerontology.
*Zelalem, A., Kotecho, M., & Adamek, M. (2021). “The ugly face of old age:” Elders’ unmet expectations for care and support in rural Ethiopia. International Journal of Aging & Human Development, 92(2), 215-239.
*Zelalem, A., Kotecho, M., & Adamek, M. (in press). Barriers to active aging in rural Ethiopia: A call for a paradigm shift to a rights-based approach. Journal of Aging & Social Policy.
*Armstrong-Richardson, E., Winters, D. E., & Jaggers, J. (2018). Mental health in prison populations. In W. T. Church & D. W. Springer (Eds.), Serving the stigmatized: Working within the incarcerated environment. Oxford University Press.
*Brandon-Friedman, R. A., & Folaron, G. M. (2018). Coming out in rural America: The case of Emilio Hernandez. In: J. Riebschleger, & B. J. Pierce (Eds). Rural child welfare: Stories from the field. Oxford University Press.
Brandon-Friedman, R. A., & Kinney, M. K. (2019). Sexual and gender diverse youth in the child welfare system: Using an ecomap to manage disclosure of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. In J. S. Whitman & C. J. Boyd (Eds.), Homework assignments and handouts for LGBTQ+ clients: A mental health and counseling handbook (2nd ed.). Harrington Park Press.
Brandon-Friedman, R. A., & Kinney, M. K. (in press). Using an ecomap to manage disclosure of youths’ sexual orientation and/or gender identity. In J. Whitman & C. Boyd (Eds.), The therapist’s notebook of sexual and gender diverse clients: Homework, handouts, and activities for use in counseling, training, and psychotherapy. Harrington Park Press.
Brandon-Friedman, R. A. (Forthcoming). Gender dysphoria. In H. Armstrong (Ed.), Encyclopedia of sex and sexuality: Understanding biology, psychology, and culture. ABC-CLIO.
Brandon-Friedman, R. A. (Forthcoming). LGBTQ+. In H. Armstrong (Ed.), Encyclopedia of sex and sexuality: Understanding biology, psychology, and culture. ABC-CLIO.
Brandon-Friedman, R. A. (Forthcoming). Outing. In H. Armstrong (Ed.), Encyclopedia of sex and sexuality: Understanding biology, psychology, and culture. ABC-CLIO.
Brandon-Friedman, R. A. (Forthcoming). Sexual identity. In H. Armstrong (Ed.), Encyclopedia of sex and sexuality: Understanding biology, psychology, and culture. ABC-CLIO.
Brandon-Friedman, R. A., & Kinney, M. K. (Forthcoming). Sexual and gender diverse youth in the child welfare system: Using an ecomap to manage disclosure of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. In J. Whitman & C. Boyd (Eds.), The therapist’s notebook of sexual and gender diverse clients: Homework, handouts, and activities for use in counseling, training, and psychotherapy. Harrington Park Press.
✝Gentle-Genitty, C. (in press). Tips for managing emails in teaching online. In L. Hitchcock, M. Sage, & N. Smyth (Eds.), Teaching social work with digital technology. CSWE Press.
Hyer, S. (2018). Domestic violence post deployment: The case of the Martin family. In J. Riebschleger & B. J. Pierce (Eds.), Rural child welfare: Stories from the field. Oxford University Press.
Kattari, S. K., Kinney, M. K., Kattari, L., & Walls, N. E. (Eds.) (2020). Social work and health care practice with transgender and nonbinary individuals and communities: Voices for Equity, Inclusion, and Resilience. Taylor & Francis.
Kinney, M. K., & Kattari, S. K. (Forthcoming). Introduction (intersectionality, empowerment, resilience). In S K. Kattari, N. E. Walls, L. Kattari, & M. K. Kinney (Eds.), Social Work and Health Care with Transgender/Nonbinary Individuals and Communities. Taylor & Francis.
Kinney, M. K., Meininger, E., & Wiener, S. (Forthcoming). Trans/NB Youth and Access to Medical Care. In S K. Kattari, N. E. Walls, L. Kattari, & M. K. Kinney (Eds.), Social Work and Health Care with Transgender/Nonbinary Individuals and Communities. Taylor & Francis.
Kinney, M. K., & Muzzey, F. K. (Forthcoming). Supporting trans/NB youth in their coming out process. In S K. Kattari, N. E. Walls, L. Kattari, & M. K. Kinney (Eds.), Social Work and Health Care with Transgender/Nonbinary Individuals and Communities. Taylor & Francis.
Kinney, M.K., & Brandon-Friedman, R.A. (2020). Exploring gender identity with a photo diary. In J. Whitman & C. Boyd (Eds.), Homework assignments and handouts for LGBTQ+ Clients: A mental health and counseling handbook (pp. 340-347). Columbia University Press.
Kinney, M. K. (2019). Gender diversity. In H. Armstrong (Ed.), Encyclopedia of sex and sexuality: Understanding biology, psychology, and culture (2nd ed.). ABC-CILO.
Kinney, M. K. (2019). Gender development. In H. Armstrong (Ed.), Encyclopedia of sex and sexuality: Understanding biology, psychology, and culture (2nd ed.). ABC-CILO.
Kinney, M. K. (2019). Gender identity. In H. Armstrong (Ed.), Encyclopedia of sex and sexuality: Understanding biology, psychology, and culture (2nd ed.). ABC-CILO.
Kinney, M. K. (2019). Nonbinary. In H. Armstrong (Ed.), Encyclopedia of sex and sexuality: Understanding biology, psychology, and culture (2nd ed.). ABC-CILO.
*Kinney, M. K., & Brandon-Friedman, R. A. (2019). Exploring gender identity with a photo diary. In J. S. Whitman & C. J. Boyd (Eds.), Homework assignments and handouts for LGBTQ+ clients: a mental health and counseling handbook (2nd ed.). Harrington Park Press.
Kinney, M. K., & Brandon-Friedman, R. A. (Forthcoming). Exploring gender identity with a photo diary. In J. Whitman & C. Boyd (eds.), The therapist’s notebook of sexual and gender diverse clients: Homework, handouts, and activities for use in counseling, training, and psychotherapy. Harrington Park Press.
Kinney, M. K., & Brandon-Friedman, R. A. (in press). Exploring gender identity with a photo diary. In J. S. Whitman & C. J. Boyd (Eds.), The therapist’s notebook of sexual and gender diverse clients: Homework, handouts, and activities for use in counseling, training, and psychotherapy (2nd ed.). Harrington Park Press.
✝Khandare, L., & Garud, P. (2018). Dalit Camera -“Through an Untouchable Eye.” In O. Guntarik & V. Grieves-Williams (Eds.), From sit-ins to #revolutions: Media and the changing nature of protests. Bloomsbury Academic.
Kotecho, M., Chane, S., Gebeyaw, G., Zelalem, A., Dawud, M., & Adamek, M. (2022). Life is hard and getting harder: The experience of aging in Ethiopia. In S. Helaine (Ed.). Aging Across Cultures: Growing Old in the Non-Western World. Springer.
Lewis-Flenaugh, J., Turnbow. E., & Myricks, S. L. (2019). When Intersections Collide: Young Black Women Combat Sexism, Racism, & Ageism in Higher Education. In S.Y. Evans, A. Domingue, & T.D. Mitchell (Eds.) Black women and social justice education: Legacies and lessons. SUNY Press.
Myricks, S. L., DePree, A. F., & Landaw, J. M. (2019). The Transfer PASSPORT: The Transitional Journey from a Community College to a 4-Year Public Institution. In K. Branch, J. Hart-Steffes, & C. M. Wilson (Eds.) Applying student development theories holistically. Routledge.
*Nordberg, A., Gallagher, J., & Canada, M. (Forthcoming). Mental health courts: Forensic social work to promote mental health recovery in the criminal justice system. In Handbook of Forensic Social Work.
Canada, M., Savitskas, L., & Short, C. (2022). Analysis of toxicology results for Indiana’s overdose fatality review teams. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana Department of Health.
Decker, V., & Hernandez, M. V. (2021). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Indiana Training Needs Assessment (ITNA) For Supervisors, 2016 (Report No. 2021-5). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., & Hernandez, M. V. (2021). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 4th Quarter 2021 (Report No. 2021-4). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., & Hernandez, M. V. (2021). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 3rd Quarter 2021 (Report No. 2021-3). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., & Hernandez, M. V. (2021). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 2nd Quarter 2021 (Report No. 2021-2). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., & Hernandez, M. V. (2021). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 1st Quarter 2021 (Report No. 2021-1). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., & Hernandez, M. V. (2020). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Indiana Training Needs Assessment (ITNA) For Supervisors, 2016 (Report No. 2020-5). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., & Hernandez, M. V. (2020). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 4th Quarter 2020 (Report No. 2020-4). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., & Hernandez, M. V. (2020). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 3rd Quarter 2020 (Report No. 2020-3). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., & Hernandez, M. V. (2020). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 2nd Quarter 2020 (Report No. 2020-2). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., & Hernandez, M. V. (2020). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 1st Quarter 2020 (Report No. 2020-1). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., & Hernandez, M. V. (2019). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Indiana Training Needs Assessment (ITNA) For Supervisors, 2016 (Report No. 2019-5). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., & Hernandez, M. V. (2019). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 4th Quarter 2019 (Report No. 2019-4). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., & Hernandez, M. V. (2019). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 3rd Quarter 2019 (Report No. 2019-3). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., & Hernandez, M. V. (2019). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 2nd Quarter 2019 (Report No. 2019-2). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., & Hernandez, M. V. (2019). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 1st Quarter 2019 (Report No. 2019-1). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., Hostetter, C., & Hernandez, M. V. (2018). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Indiana Training Needs Assessment (ITNA) For Supervisors, 2016 (Report No. 2018-5). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., Hostetter, C., & Hernandez, M. V. (2018). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 4th Quarter 2018 (Report No. 2018-4). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., Hostetter, C., & Hernandez, M. V. (2018). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 3rd Quarter 2018 (Report No. 2018-3). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Decker, V., Hostetter, C., & Hernandez, M. V. (2018). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 2nd Quarter 2018 (Report No. 2018-2). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
*Decker, V., Hostetter, C., & Hernandez, M. V. (2018). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 1st Quarter 2018 (Report No. 2018-1). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
*Decker, V., Hostetter, C., & Hernandez, M. V. (2017). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Indiana Training Needs Assessment (ITNA) For Supervisors, 2016 (Report No. 2017-5). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
*Decker, V., Hostetter, C., & Hernandez, M. V. (2017). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 4th Quarter 2017 (Report No. 2017-4). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
*Decker, V., Hostetter, C., & Hernandez, M. V. (2017). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 3rd Quarter 2017 (Report No. 2017-3). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
*Decker, V., Hostetter, C., & Hernandez, M. V. (2017). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 2nd Quarter 2017 (Report No. 2017-2). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
*Decker, V., Hostetter, C., & Hernandez, M. V. (2017). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 1st Quarter 2017 (Report No. 2017-1). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
*Decker, V., Hostetter, C., & Hernandez, M. V. (2017). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Indiana Training Needs Assessment (ITNA) For Supervisors, 2016 (Report No. 2017-1). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
*Decker, V., Hostetter, C., & Hernandez, M. V. (2017). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Training Evaluation Quarterly Report, 1st Quarter 2017 (Report No. 2017-3). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
*Garry, C., Karikari, I., & Walton, B. (2018, October). System of Care Implementation Survey (SOCIS) Statewide Regional Report. Prepared for the Division of Mental Health and Addictions, Indiana Family and Social Services Administration. Indiana University School of Social Work and Indiana Family and Social Services Administration. Indianapolis, IN.
Hernandez, M. V., & Decker, V. (2021). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Organizational Culture and Climate Survey (Report No. 2021-7). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Hernandez, M. V., & Decker, V. (2021). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Marion County Organizational Culture and Climate Survey (Report No. 2021-6). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
*Hernandez, M. V., Decker, V., & Hostetter, C. (2018). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Organizational Culture and Climate Survey (Report No. 2018-6). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
*Hernandez, M. V., Decker, V., & Hostetter, C. (2017). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Organizational Culture and Climate Survey (Report No. 2017-6). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
*Hernandez, M. V., Decker, V., & Hostetter, C. (2017). Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership: Organizational Culture and Climate Survey (Report No. 2017-2). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
Huyhn, P., Ray, B., Martyn, K., Magee, L., Canada, M., & O’Donnell, D. (2019, December). Analysis of drug seizures in Marion County: Trends on non-fatal and fatal overdoses. Public Policy Institute, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN.
✝Karikari, I. & Walton, B. A. (2019, January). Child and family study brief report: Examining the characteristics of children/youth and program outcomes for a Child Mental Health Wraparound program. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
*✝✝Karikari, I., Walton, B. A., & Gibson, C. (2019, March). Child and family study report: Examining the characteristics of children/youth and program outcomes for a Child Mental Health Wraparound program. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
✝Walton, B. A. (2019, March). Intensive Indiana Child Mental Health Service Trends: Summary Comparison of Medicaid Mental Health Claims Data, 2014-2018. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
✝Walton, B. A. (2019, July). Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) Service Utilization Trend Update, 2010 – 2018. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
✝Walton, B. A. (2019, December). Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) in Indiana. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
*✝Walton, B. A., McClain, R., Kim, H., & Garry, C. (2018, February). CMHW eligibility study review. Indiana University School of Social Work & Indiana Family & Social Services Administration, Indianapolis, IN.
*✝Walton, B. A., Karikari, I., Garry, C., & Moynihan, S. (2018, February). Residential Services Trends (2011-2017): Evaluation Brief. Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis, IN.
*✝Walton, B. A., Karikari, I., Garry, C., & Moynihan, S. (2018, December). System of Care Implementation Survey (SOCIS) statewide comprehensive overview. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University School of Social Work.
*✝Walton, B. A., Karikari, I., Moynihan, S., & Garry, C. (2018, December). Comparison of Children & Youth Eligible for CMHW or CMHI & CMHW Enrollment. Prepared for the Division of Mental Health and Addictions, Indiana Family and Social Services Administration.
Vicarelli, M., Canada, M., Htut Tin, Y-Y.,, Gishin, A., Leue, M., Murphy, E., Shrestha, A., Tyagi, T. (2021). “Impacts of COVID-19 on Vermont Households: A Survey Analysis.” School of Public Policy, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA, USA.
Vicarelli, M., Alsadadi, A., Canada, M., Htut Tin, Y. Y., Gishin,,A., Leue, M., Murphy, E., Shrestha, A., & Tyagi, Y. (2022). Impacts of COVID-19: A survey of Massachusetts households. School of Public Policy, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Bartholomew, J. B. (2020). Treating opioid addiction with medication-assisted treatment: Improving patient health outcomes and saving lives. [Policy Brief]. Fairfax, VA: Society for Social Work and Research.
Adeniji, D., Ashirifi, G., & Adamek, M. (2022, November). Nobody knows me here: Loneliness among older African immigrants. The 74th Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
Adeniji, D., Catlin, S., & Adamek, M. (2021, November). The effectiveness of an intergenerational technology program for older adults: A pilot study. The 73rd Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting Online.
*Adeniji, D., & Hong, M, (2019, November). Factors associated with meaningful activities among ethnically diverse older adults. Poster presentation at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA)’s Annual Scientific Meeting Austin, TX.
Armstrong-Richardson, E., Alhajri, W., Johnson, N., & Kinney, M. K. (2017, January). Predictors of educational outcomes for foster youth who received independent living services in Indiana. Poster presentation at the 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.
*Armstrong-Richardson, E., Kim, J., Imburgia T. M., Jaggers J., & Hall J. (2017, March). Relationship between systems-related indicators and connectivity among transition aged youth in foster care. Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Bartholomew, J. B., & Bute, J. J. (2020, November). Exploring internal medicine interns’ educational experiences on opioid addiction: A narrative analysis. Oral presentation at the National Communication Association 106th Virtual Annual Convention, Indianapolis, IN.
*Bartholomew, J. B., Miller, K. M., & Carlson, J. M. (2020, November). Speak it or write it: Student-led research communication programs. Oral presentation at the Council on Social Work Education 66th Virtual Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO.
*Hong, M., Kim, H., Cornet, V. & Adeniji, D. O. (January 2020). Public Perceptions towards Older Adults in Korea: Sentiment analysis of Tweets. Poster presentation at Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) 24th Annual Conference at Washington DC.
*Klemme, P., Hea-Won, K. & Adeniji, D.O (November 2020). Assessing Clinical Needs and Barriers. CSWE’s 66th Annual Program Meeting.
Miles, M., Bartholomew, J. B., & Goldman, M. (2020, October). The development of an addiction curriculum for internal medicine residents on night float. Poster presentation at the American Medical Association Virtual GME Innovation Summit, Chicago, IL.
Miller, V. J., Tonui, B. & Adeniji, D. O. (November 2021). Older Immigrant Adults Experiences with Social Isolation: A Qualitative Interpretive Meta Synthesis. Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Annual Scientific Meeting.
Bartholomew, J. B. (2019, October). The lack of addiction education in medicine: Is social work the answer? E-Poster presentation at the Council on Social Work Education 65th Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO.
Bartholomew, J. B. (2019, November). Addiction education, opioid addiction, and MAT: Experiences and views from internal medicine residents. Poster presentation for the 147th America Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting and Expo, Philadelphia, PA.
Behrens, S., Hippie, J., Wightman, R., & Donahue, R. (2019). Interprofessional continuing education and interprofessional practice – How a unique, collaborative team is making a difference. Oral presentation at the Collaborating Across Borders VII Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
Beerbower, E. (2017, October). Personal histories of trauma and course experiences among BSW students enrolled in a trauma course. Presentation at the Council on Social Work Education 63rd Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, TX.
Beerbower, E. (2018, January). Personal histories of trauma and course experience among BSW students enrolled in a trauma course. Presentation at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
*Boys, S., & Lyons, S. (2019, October). Policy field unit: Preparing students for careers in politics and policy advocacy. Oral Presentation at the Council on Social Work Education 65th Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO.
Bragg, N. (2017, October). Social work in a reinvented national political climate: A thematic analysis. Presentation at the Council on Social Work Education 63rd Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, TX.
Bragg, N. (2018, June). Risks of extreme drinking to women’s wellness: Building awareness in social work. Roundtable session presented at the 5th Annual Global Well-Being and Social Change Conference, Millersville University – The School of Social Work, Lancaster, PA.
*Bragg, N., & McCarthy, K. (2019, October). Social theory scaffolding of master-level social work students. Presentation at the 65th Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education, Denver, CO.
Brandon-Friedman, R. A. (2018, November). Community attitudes toward Sex Offenders Inventory, Version 2 (CATSO-II): A pilot study. Poster presentation at the 60th Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
*Brandon-Friedman, R. A., & Kim, H-W. (2017, January). Using social support levels to predict sexual identity development among sexual minority college students. Poster presentation at the 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.
*Brandon-Friedman, R. A., Kinney, M. K., Pierce, B. J., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2017, January). Former foster youth’s perceptions of their acquisition of sexual health information while in foster care. Poster presentation at the 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.
*Brandon-Friedman, R. A., & Kim, H-W. (2017, January). Using social support levels to predict sexual identity development among sexual minority college students. Poster presentation at the 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.
Brandon-Friedman, R. A., & Kinney, M. K. (2018, November). Community involvement and intersectionality: Improving wellbeing for LGBTQ+ people of color. Poster presented at the 64th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Orlando, FL.
*✝Brandon-Friedman, R. A. & Swafford, T. (2021, November). Meeting the needs of family members of gender-diverse youth: A mixed-methods inquiry. The 67th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Orlando, FL.
*Carroll, D., & Khaja, K. (2021, November). White supremacy, white nationalism, and anti-racist practice: Development of a new course. The 67th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Orlando, FL.
Collins, E., Curd, J., Rush, M., Saathoff, A. & Walker, V. (2021). “EOL Doulas: A collaborative approach to family-centered hospice & palliative care.” Oral presentation. National
Hospice & Palliative Care Organization. Virtual.
Curd, J. & Nguyen, T (2022). “I was always on the outside, watching quietly”: Autistic women reflect on school experiences.” Oral presentation. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting. (Accepted to present April 2022).
*Curd, J. & Hong, M. (2021). “We are all just walking each other home”: Exploring the lived experiences of rural hospice social workers in companioning the dying. Poster
presentation. Social Work Hospice & Palliative Care Network, Virtual.
Curd, J. (2021, July). Windshield time: Reflections from hospice social workers on the beauty, trials, and travels to patients in rural Indiana. The 46th National Institute on Social Work and Human Services in Rural Area. California University of Pennsylvania, Virtual Conference.
Dalvi, H. (2019, October). CSWE EPAS (2015) Core competencies and the field instructors. Poster presentation at the 65th Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO.
Dalvi, H., & Dhaske, G. (2021, November). The challenges of ending vulnerabilities during the pandemic. The 67th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Orlando, FL.
Funk, K. (2021, July). The last mile: COVID-19, telehealth, and broadband disparities in rural Indiana. The 46th National Institute on Social Work and Human Services in Rural Areas. California University of Pennsylvania, Virtual Conference.
*Funk, K. & Wilkerson, D. (2022, April 6). We train to practice online-can clients access our services? Teaching lessons of digital equity. Social Work Distance Education 2022
Conference. Our Lady of the Lake University Worden School of Social Service, Virtual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Garry, C. (2018, March). Proposed solutions to aid in improving Latino youth’s educational outcomes. 31st Annual Research and Policy Conference on Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health, Tampa, FL.
Garry, C., Bragg, N., & Lim, M. (2018, November). Awareness, acceptance, and perceptions of cultural diversity amongst MSW students. Presentation at the Council on Social Work Education’s 64th Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL.
*Hall J., Imburgia T., Kim J., Armstrong-Richardson E., Bloomquist K., & Pierce B. (2017, January). Multimethod evaluation: Title IV-E Waiver Demonstration Program. Symposium presented by Hall and Pierce at the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.
Harris, E. (2019, October). Legal engagement as policy practice. Oral presentation at the Council on Social Work Education 65th Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO.
Harris, E. (2019, October). Protecting transgender employees: The sixth circuit’s extension of Title VII rights. Oral presentation at the Council on Social Work Education 65th Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO.
*Hippie, J. & Gordon, S. (2021, November). Navigating the critical, complex puzzle pieces: Field education and law enforcement partnerships. The 67th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Orlando, FL.
*Hong, M., Yi, E., Johnson, K., & Adamek, M. E. (2017, July). Facilitators and barriers for advance care planning among ethnic minorities: Systematic review. Poster presentation at the 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, San Francisco, CA.
*Hutcherson A., Yi, E., Kim, J., & Kim, H-W. (2017, January). The effects of different types of social capital on undergraduate students’ motivation to persist in college. The 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.
*✝Hutcherson, A., Yi, E., Kim, J., & Kim, H-W. (2017, January). College social capital and educational completion: A moderation effect of first-generation college status. Poster presentation at the 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.
Hutcherson, A., & Quiring, S. (2018, January). New directions for social policy and practice in social work: Integrating science, strategy, and technology to achieve equal opportunity, equity, and justice. Workshop at the Society for Social Work and Research 22nd Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
*Hyer, S. M., & Lay, K. A. (2017, January). Officer first, social worker second: A case study of uniformed military social workers. Poster presentation at the 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.
*Imburgia, T. M., Hensel, D. J., Pierce, B. J., Armstrong-Richardson, E., & Hall, J. A. (2018, March). Strategies to improve adolescents’ status in caregiver substance abuse cases in the child welfare system. Poster presentation at the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
*Johnson, K. & Adeniji, D., (2019, November). Does connection to a neighborhood reduce loneliness? Poster presentation at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA)’s Annual Scientific Meeting Austin, TX.
*✝✝Karikari, I., Walton, B. A., & Garry, C. (2019, March). Future direction for child mental health: Developing a blueprint using the System of Care Framework. 32nd Annual Research & Policy Conference on Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health, Tampa, FL.
Kattari, S. K., Kinney, M. K., Walls, N. E., Atterberry-Ash, B., Bakko, M. M., & Kattari, L. (2019, January). One size does not fit all: Differential transgender health experiences by gender identity. Paper presentation at 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, San Francisco, CA.
✝Khandare, L, Choi, Y., & Rai, A. (2017, October). State of domestic violence content in MSW curriculum in the U.S. Presentation at the Council on Social Work Education 63rd Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, TX.
Kim, J., & Armstrong-Richardson E. (2017, January). Improving the quality of teaming from multiple stakeholder perspectives. Symposium presented by Armstrong Richardson at the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.
*Kim, J., Pierce, B., & Hall, J. A. (2018, January). Understanding the relationship between caseload and workload in child welfare. The 22nd Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.
Kinney, M. K. (2018, January). A resilience based approach to exploring non-binary identities. Poster presentation at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.
Kinney, M. K., & Brandon-Friedman, R. A. (2017, May). Non-binary identities and gender expression: A Photo Voice pilot study. Paper presentation at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Research Symposium: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on LGBTQ Research in the Social Sciences, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Kinney, M. K., & Muzzey, F. K. (2019, January). Transmen, transwomen, and nonbinary people of color: Findings from the Social Justice Sexuality Project. Paper presentation at 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, San Francisco, CA.
Kinney, M. K., & Muzzey, F. K. (2019, March). Expanding transgender health care: Multiple perspectives for affirming non-binary identities inc Clinical practice. Workshop at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, Washington, DC.
Kinney, M. K., Muzzey, F. K., & McCauley, H. (2019, March). Identity development through chosen names among nonbinary young adults. Paper presentation at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, Washington, DC.
Kinney, M. K., & Walsh, J. A. (2018, January). Peer mentoring in social work education: Strengths and challenges. The Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.
Kinney, M. K. (2018, March). “The first line of acceptance:” Bolstering resilience among non-binary clients through affirming health care practice. The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, Seattle, WA.
Lin, I-H. (2018, June). Critical realist view of work-family conflict through a gender lens: An integrated theoretical framework. Presentation at the 2018 Work and Family Researchers Network Conference, Washington, DC.
Lin, I-H. (2018, June). How well countries do in addressing work-family conflict and promoting gender equality: Ranking work-family policies across OECD countries. Presentation at the 2018 Work and Family Researchers Network Conference, Washington, DC.
Lyons, S., Romito, L., Schrader, S., & Galyean, E. (2019, October). Dentistry and social work interprofessional education and practice; Establishing and implementing a collaborative model. Workshop at the 2019 Collaborating Across Borders VII, Indianapolis, IN.
Makki Alamdari, S. (2017, March). Improving civic engagement: A strength-based strategy to address post-resettlement challenges. Presentation at the Refugee Provider Conference, Canyon, TX.
Malliar Bellian, P. & Swafford, T. (2022, June). Social workers using spiritual interventions for wholeness and healing. Experiential Workshop, Society for Spirituality and Social Work, Morgan State University.
Muzzey, F. K., Kinney, M. K., & McCauley, H. (2019, March). Support networks of transmasculine and nonbinary young adults during chosen name transition. Paper presentation at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, Washington, DC.
Philips, J.,D., & Walsh, M. A. (2018, November). Teaming up in child welfare: The perspective of Guardians ad Litem on the components of interprofessional collaboration. Poster presentation at CSWE’s 64th Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL.
*Pike, C. K., Quiring, S. Q., & Arle, H. (2018, May). Our curriculum development story [Webinar]. In CSWE Learning Academy Webinar Series in conjunction with CSWE Assessment Academy.
Pittman-Munke, P., Kattari, S. K., Kinney, M. K., & Knockel, K. A. (2017, October). Addressing transgender/nonbinary needs: Challenging health care and social service provision disparities. Hot Topic panel discussion presented at the Council on Social Work Education 63rd Annual Planning Meeting, Dallas, TX.
*Presnell, J., Keesler, J., & Thomas-Giyer, J. (2021, November). It’s time: A critical conversation about trauma and disability services. Paper presentation at the 67th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Orlando, FL.
Presnell, J., & Keesler, J.M., (2021, June 22). An Exploratory Study of Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care Among Disability Providers. Poster presentation at the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) 145th Annual Meeting Virtual.
Presnell, J. A., & Keesler, J. M. (2020, January). Exploring the Relationship Among Disability, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Health. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) 2021 Virtual Annual Conference.
Presnell, J. A., & Keesler, J. M. (2020, November). Community Inclusion for Individuals with Development Disabilities: Where is Social Work? Poster presentation at the Council on Social Work Education’s (CSWE) Virtual Annual Program Meeting (APM).
*Provence, M., & Wahler, E. A. (2018, November). Social work values transfer: Modeling and teaching a way of being. Poster presentation at the Council on Social Work Education 64th Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Provence, M. (2019, October). Psychosocial needs of public library patrons: Implications for library/social work program partnerships. Presentation at the 65th Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO.
Romito, L., Everidge, C., Lyons, S., & Schrader, S. (2019, August). Strategies for designing and developing a dentistry-social work interprofessional education and collaborative practice model. Workshop at the 2019 Heartland Interprofessional Education Conference, Omaha, NE.
Rudd, S. (2019, October). Students prepared to lead: Cultural competence, preparedness, and social justice. Poster presentation at the 65th Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO.
*Satre, C., & Walsh, M. A. (2017, October). Using focus groups to alter primary care practicum experiences for MSW students. Oral presentation at the 63rd Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, TX.
*Sultzman, V., Chonody, J. & Hippie, J. (2019). Are social work students in the U.S. concerned about the environment? The role of personal beliefs. Poster Presentation, Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO.
Swafford, T. (2021, June). Transidentity theory: Queering the feminist and feminizing the queer. Roundtable, 2021 LGBTQ Research Symposium Virtual Conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
Swafford, T. (2022, February). Daddying 2.0: Using Role and Relational-Cultural Theories to Reimagine Black Fathers and Fathering in the United States. Presentation, The 12th Annual African, African American, and Diaspora Conference, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Swafford, T. (2022, April). “Bouncing Back:” Gay Men Reconcile Self-Love, Hurt, and the Pentecostal Church. Presentation, Life Paths/Resilience Con, Nashville, TN.
Swafford, T. (2022, June). From Being Slain to Slaying: The Use of Black Women’s Bodies to (Re)situate Identity, Sexuality, and Pleasure. Presentation, 2022 LGBTQ Research Symposium Virtual Conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
Swafford, T. (2022, June). Joining Forces: Clergy and Social Workers Support Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse Post-Disclosure. Presentation, Society for Spirituality and Social Work, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD.
Swafford, T. (2022, June). Spiritualities of Their Own: Gay Men Reconcile Self-Love, Hurt, and the Pentecostal Church. Presentation, Society for Spirituality and Social Work, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD.
*Swafford, T. & ✝Brandon-Friedman, R.A. (2022, March). Defining Safety: The Experiences of Transgender people of color. Presentation, LGBTQ Health Care Conference
Tabb, A. (2019, November). Clinician perspectives on treatment of pornography use with adolescents with sexually harmful behaviors. Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abuse National Conference.
Teshome, A., Kotecho, M., & Adamek, M. (2022, November). Is active aging possible in Ethiopia? Perceptions of rural older adults. The 74th Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
*Wahler, E. A., & Provence, M. (2019, January). Predictors of self-efficacy for participants of a capacity-building group intervention for individuals living in poverty. Presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Walsh, M. A. (2017, January). Challenges in implementing an additional practicum experience in primary care settings for advanced MSW students. Poster presentation at the 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.
Walsh, M. A., & Armstrong Richardson, E. (2017, January). Predictors of job satisfaction and intention to leave among child welfare service providers working within multidisciplinary teams. Poster presentation at the 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.
Walsh, M. A., & Armstrong Richardson, E. (2019, January). Becoming a professor: A collaborative autoethnography of doctoral students during their first teaching experience. Poster presentation at the 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), San Francisco, CA.
Walsh, M. A. (2017, October). The journey to home-based therapy: A qualitative case study. Poster presentation at CSWE’s 63rd Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, TX.
*Walsh, M. A., Jaggers, J. W., Satre, C., & Hall, J. A. (2018, January). Program modification: Using focus groups to alter primary care practicum experiences for HRSA fellows. Poster presentation at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.
*Walsh, M. A., Jaggers, J. W., Satre, C., & Hall, J. A. (2018, November). MSW students views of interprofessional collaboration after first-hand experiences. Poster presentation at CSWE’s 64th Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL.
*✝✝Walton, B. A., Karikari, I., Garry, C., & Moynihan, S. (2018, March). Participatory and collaborative evaluation strategies to support data-informed decisions and management. 31st Annual Research and Policy Conference on Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health, Tampa, FL.
*✝✝Walton, B. A., Karikari, I., Garry, C., & Tock, E. (2018, July). Knowledge diffusion and utilization within a system of care model: Successes and challenges. University of Maryland, Baltimore’s Training Institutes, Washington, DC.
*Walton, B., Karikari, I., & Garry, C. (2018, July). A longitudinal review of system of care (SOC) development: A case study from the Mid-West. University of Maryland, Baltimore Training Institutes, Washington, DC.
*✝Wilkerson, D. A., & Wolfe-Taylor, S. N. (2017, April). Teaching e-social work practice. Presentation at the 2nd Annual Social Work Distance Education Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Winters, D. E. (2019, October). Social cognitive-affective functioning in youths at high risk for substance use disorder. The 65th Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education, Denver, CO.
Winters, D. E., (2020, January). Longitudinal effects of cognitive and affective empathy on adolescent substance use, Society for Social Work & Research, Washington, DC.
Winters, D. E., (2020, January). Effects of concrete service spending on stability for youth receiving child welfare services, Society for Social Work & Research, Washington, DC.
Wolfe-Taylor, S. (2017, April). How to develop assignments that infuse technology and social media into online practice courses. Presentation at the 2nd Annual Social Work Distance Education Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Wolfe-Taylor, S., Deck, C., & Armstrong, J. L. (2021, July). Using technology-mediated practices to address contemporary mental health challenges in rural communities during a pandemic. The 46th National Institute on Social Work and Human Services in Rural Area. California University of Pennsylvania, Virtual Conference.
*Wolfe-Taylor, S., & Wilkerson, D. (2017, October). Assessment innovation through technology: Adapting OSCE assessments for online social work programs. Paper presentation at the Council on Social Work Education 63rd Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, TX.
*Wolfe-Taylor, S., Wilkerson, D., & Kinney, M. K. (2018, October). OSCE development, implementation, and evaluation in online graduate social work practice courses. Curriculum Enhancement Grant Symposium, IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning, Indianapolis, IN.
Wolfe-Taylor, S., & Deck, C. (2021, November). Using design-based practices and e-simulations to prepare students for telehealth practices. The 67th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Orlando, FL.
Yi, E., Bateman, D., Wilkerson, D., & Brady, E. (2017, July). Increasing Alzheimer’s caregivers’ informational and emotional support through online peer group and social micro-volunteering. Poster presentation at the 2017 National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence (NHCGNE) Leadership Conference, San Francisco, CA.
*Yi, E., Kim, J., Jaggers, J., Pierce, B., & Hall, J. (2017, October). Evaluation of service quality in the Title IV-E Waiver Demonstration Program in Indiana. Paper presentation at the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) 2017 Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, TX.
*Yi, E., & Adamek, M. (2018, January). Perspectives of Alzheimer’s caregivers on the Affordable Care Act: A thematic analysis of social media discussions. Paper presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) 22nd Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
*Yi, E., Bateman, D., Wilkerson, D., & Brady, E. (2018, March). Increasing Alzheimer’s caregiver’s informational/emotional support through online support group. Poster presentation at the 2018 American Society on Aging (ASA)’s Aging in America Conference, San Francisco, CA.
*Yi, E. G., & Adamek, M. (2018, June). Perceptions and experiences of Alzheimer’s caregivers on the Affordable Care Act and federal healthcare programs: Thematic analysis using online discussion forums. National Association of Social Workers (NASW) National Conference, Washington, DC.
*Yi, E., Kim, J., & Hall, J. (2018, November). Satisfaction with child welfare services: Comparing three types of caregivers. Poster presentation at the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) 2018 Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Yi, E. (2019, January). Differences in the advance care planning activities and end-of-life treatment preference among immigrant older adults in the U. S.: Moderation effects of race/ethnicity and acculturation. Poster presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Yi, E. (2019, April). Does acculturation matter? End-of-life Care planning and preferences among foreign-born older immigrants in the U.S. Invited presentation at the 2018 American Society on Aging (ASA)’s Aging in America Conference, New Orleans, LA.
*Yi, E., & Adamek, M. (2019, November). Internet use, mental health, social support, and care burden of informal caregivers. Poster presentation at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA)’s 71st Annual Scientific Meeting, Austin, TX.
Yi, E., & Jang, Y. (2020, January). The use of complementary and alternative medicine and unmet healthcare needs in Asian Americans. E-Poster presentation at 22nd Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Washington, DC.
*Yi, E., & Adamek, M. (2020, March). Perspectives of Alzheimer’s caregivers on the Affordable Care Act: A thematic analysis of social media discussions. Poster presentation at the 2020 American Society on Aging (ASA)’s Aging in America Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Abram, K., & Lin, I-H. (2018, August). Our House Shelter. Los Angeles County Community Action Board Meeting, El Monte, CA.
Ashirifi, G., & Harris, K. (2018) Promoting health interaction among grandfamilies. National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Ohio Chapter 2018 Research Poster Symposium, Columbus, OH.
Bartholomew, J. B. (2021, March). Low-risk, at-risk, and heavy drinking: Is your drinking pattern risky? Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Medicine 5th Annual LGBTQ Healthcare Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Bartholomew, J. B., & Miller, K. M. (2021, March). Research communication and the process of developing a policy brief. Oral presentation at the E.C. Moore Symposium on Excellence in Teaching, Center for Teaching and Learning, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN.
Bartholomew, J. B., & Norris, K., (2020, September). Addiction impact and treatment: Families and interprofessional collaboration. Oral presentation at the National Association of Social Workers Indiana Chapter Virtual Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Bartholomew, J. B. (2019, April). Addiction education, opioid addiction, and mat: Experiences and views from internal medicine residents. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Opioid Data to Action: Combating Addiction through Innovation, Indianapolis, IN.
*Bartholomew, J. B., & Carlson, J. (2019, September). SBIRT processes through the use of an app. Oral presentation at the 11th Indiana Annual Recovery Month Symposium, Plainfield, IN.
Bragg, N., & Betts, R. (2021, September). Real talk: Colorblindness & racial bias in social work. Oral presentation at the National Association of Social Workers Indiana Chapter Virtual Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Brandon-Friedman, R. A. (2017, April). Trauma principles for forensic scientists. Training session at Brownsburg High School, Brownsburg, IN.
Brandon-Friedman, R. A., & Kinney, M. K. (2017, September). Working with LGBTQ+ individuals across the lifespan. Training session at the Annual Conference of the Indiana Association of Resources and Child Advocacy, Indianapolis, IN.
Brandon-Friedman, R. A., & Kinney, M. K. (2017, September). Working with LGBTQ+ individuals across the lifespan. Training session at the National Association of Social Workers Indiana Chapter Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Brandon-Friedman, R. A., & Kinney, M. K. (2018, October). Enhancing LGBTQ+ student experiences in higher education. Workshop at the Hoosiers Out Together Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Brandon-Friedman, R. A., Kinney, M. K., & Ray, L. (2018, October). Enhancing LGBTQ+ student experiences in higher education. Workshop at the 2nd Annual Hoosiers Out Together Conference (HOTCon). IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN.
Brandon-Friedman, R. A., & Kinney, M. K. (2019, February 21). Working with LGBTQIA+ clients across the lifespan. The 2nd Annual Indiana National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Brandon-Friedman, R.A.,✝ & Swafford, T.* (2022, March 25). Defining Safety-The Experiences of Trans People of Color. 2022 LGBTQ+ Health Care Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Briley, S., Falke, F., Funk, K., & Loftus, T. (2022, June 15.) HOMEgrown: A commitment to intra-community care. Indiana Rural Health Association Annual Conference. French Lick, IN.
Canada, M. (2019, October). Indiana’s drug overdose crisis: Utilizing drug supply and demand data to create an early warning system in Indiana. Presentation at the Indiana Attorney General’s Drug Abuse Symposium, Noblesville, IN.
Canada, M. (2022). Fentanyl: History, effects, trends, and overdose prevention. Presented at multiple community events.
Canada, M. (2022). Investigating the relationship between law enforcement opioid seizure operations and drug overdoses using time-space clustering. Presented at the Indiana Management Performance Hub’s 5th Annual Data Day.
*Carlson, J., Bartholomew, J. B., & Lee, J. (2019, April). The development and ease of use of the web- based Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Handbook. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Opioid Data to Action: Combating Addiction through Innovation, Indianapolis, IN.
*Carlson, J., & Bartholomew, J. B. (2020, March). Social work & technology: Employing an SBIRT app in healthcare practice. Oral presentation at the 19th Annual Indiana University School of Social Work Alumni Conference, Greenwood, IN.
Copeland, A., Yoon, A., & Provence, M. (2019, October). Data reuse for meeting community needs in public libraries. 2019 Library Research Seminar, Columbia, South Carolina.
Curd, J. & Kennelly, R. (2020, December). Grief & the Holidays: Navigating layers of loss during times of Covid-19 [Indiana State-wide Presentation]. Invited Speaker. National Association of Social Workers Indiana Chapter. Virtual, Indiana, United States.
Curd, J. & Clark, M. (2020, November). Children Grieve Too: Supporting Children & Adolescents through Losses & Life Transitions. [Indiana State-wide Presentation]. Invited Speaker. National Association of Social Workers Indiana Chapter. Virtual, Indiana, United States.
Curd, J. & Wheeler, M. (2021, April). Grief and loss on the Autism Spectrum. [Indiana State-wide Presentation]. Invited Speaker. National Association of Social Workers Indiana Chapter. Virtual, Indiana, United States.
Curd, J. & Clark, M. (2021, March). Embracing the grief of foster care. [Indiana State- wide Presentation]. Invited Speaker. National Association of Social Workers Indiana Chapter. Virtual, Indiana, United States.
Curd, J., Presnell, J. & Nguyen, T. T. (2021). “We need to be teaching about autism at every level”: Elevating the voices of autistic women, promoting neurodiversity inclusion in social work practice & education. Oral presentation accepted to the Indiana Association of Social Work Educators (IASWE) 2021 Conference.
*Curd, J. & Hong, M. (2021, September). Hospice social workers are essential. Oral presentation at the National Association of Social Workers Indiana Chapter Virtual Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
French, M., & Bartholomew, J. B. (2021, September). Health care teamwork: Social workers leading interprofessional efforts to improve patient care. Oral presentation at the National Association of Social Workers Indiana Chapter Virtual Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Funk, K. (2022, May 12). Elevating connectedness through digital platforms. Monroe County Service Member, Veterans, and Family Suicide Prevention Coalition. Monroe County, IN. Virtual Presentation.
Funk, K. (2022, March 23). Digital equity and social work ethics. VA Social Work Service Meeting. Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center, Indianapolis, IN. Virtual Webinar.
Garry, C. (2017, April). Effects of not having a male role model on Latino youth. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Garry, C. (2017, June). Effects of not having a male role model on latino youth. National Association of Social Workers, Florida Chapter’s Social Work Conference, Orlando, FL.
Harris, K., Ashirifi, G., & Shields, K. (2019). Grandparents raising grandchildren: A focus group perspective on support programs. Ohio Association of Gerontology Education (OAGE) 43rd Annual Ohio Professional and Student Conference on Aging, Oxford, OH.
Kinney, M. K., & Brandon-Friedman, R. A. (2017, March). Pronouns, PowerPoints, and policy: Affirmation of gender identity in higher education. Workshop presented at the Hoosiers Out Together Conference, West Lafayette, IN.
Kinney, M. K. (2017, April). A resilience-based approach to exploring non-binary identities. Poster presentation at the 21st Annual Ph.D. Symposium of Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis, IN.
Kinney, M. K. (2017, September). Non-binary identities: representation, research, and affirming practice. National Association of Social Workers Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Kinney, M. K. (2018, February). Non-Binary Identities: Representation, Research, and Affirming Practice. Inaugural Indiana National Association of Social Workers Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Kinney, M. K. (2019, February). Nonbinary identities: Representation, research, and affirming practice. The 2nd Annual Indiana National Association of Social Workers Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
*McCabe, H., & Kinney, M. K. (2018, October). Bathroom bills: A 50-state review and recommendations for moving forward. Workshop at the 2nd Annual Hoosiers Out Together Conference (HOTCon). IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN.
*Presnell, J., Keesler, J. & Thomas-Giyer, J. (2021, September). Finding the pulse: Where are Indiana providers with trauma-informed care and disability services? Oral presentation at the National Association of Social Workers Indiana Chapter Virtual Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Presnell, J. (2021, March). Challenging Ableism: The Shift to Working as a Rights-based Practitioner. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work 20th Annual Virtual Alumni Continuing Education Conference.
Quiring. S. Q. (2018, October). We are connected: Using technology to connect people, improve practice, and influence policy. Latino Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence’s 13th Annual Statewide Conference: Making Technology Work for Victims, Indianapolis, IN.
Quiring, S. Q. (2020, March). Living with mental illness, police encounters, and relationships of power: A critical phenomenological study. Presentation at NAMI Indiana’s 17th Annual Mental Health & Criminal Justice Summit, Indianapolis, IN.
Waletich, R., & Kinney, M. K. (2018, February). Advancing therapy with transgender youth. Inaugural National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
*Walsh, M. A., Jaggers, J. W., Satre, C., & Hall, J. A. (2017, November). Incorporating interprofessional collaboration into social work practicum experiences: Lessons learned. Panel discussion at the 2nd Annual Interprofessional and Education Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Walsh, M. A., & Armstrong Richardson, E. (2019, March). Becoming a professor: A collaborative autoethnography of doctoral students during their first teaching experience. Poster presentation at The E.C. Moore Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
*Wahler, E. A., & Provence, M. (2018). A needs assessment of IPL patrons: Results from staff survey. Indianapolis Public Library, Indianapolis, IN.
*Wilkerson, D., & Wolfe-Taylor, S. (2019, April). Telemedicine and social workers: What you need to know. Invited plenary NASW-New Jersey Annual Conference in Atlantic City, NJ and virtually.
*Wilkerson, D., Bateman, D., Brady, E., & Yi, E. (2017, November). Joining Alzheimer’s caregiver social networks in a support network: A friendsourced peer support intervention using Facebook social media. Poster presented at the Interprofessional Practice and Education Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
*Williams, M., Helling, J., Wahler, E. A., & Provence, M. (2018, November). Social workers in the library. Oral presentation at the 2018 Indiana Library Federation Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
*Williams, M., Helling, J., Wahler, E. A., & Provence, M. (2019, November). Social workers in the library: An update. Oral presentation at the 2018 Indiana Library Federation Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Wolfe-Taylor, S. (2018, October). The future of social work in the era of technology. Workshop at the Latino Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence 13th Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Adeniji, D. O. (2022, May). We Can’t Relate Freely: Barriers to Social Engagement of Older African Immigrants. Indiana University School of Social Work’s 26th Annual Ph.D. Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Adeniji, D. (2018, April). Analyzing the role of social technology use for improving quality of life in older immigrants. Indiana University School of Social Work’s 22nd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
*Adeniji, D., Adamek, M., & Catlin, S. (2019, April). Engaging older adults with technology through intergenerational service learning. Bringle & Hatcher Civic Engagement Showcase, Indianapolis, IN.
Adeniji, D. (2019, May). Loneliness experience in older African immigrants living with their adult children: A grounded theory approach. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Adeniji, D. O. (2020, March). Ethical considerations for working with older immigrants experiencing social isolation. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Adeniji, D. O. (2021, May). Recruiting older African immigrants in research during COVID-19 pandemic: challenges and prospects. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Alhajri, W. (2017, April). Life satisfaction among Ph.D. international students. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Alhajri, W. (2019, May). Bully experiences of Muslims in the United States. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Appiah Danquah, M. (2021, April). Implications of independent international labor migration of African mothers in the Diaspora. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Appiah Danquah, M. (2021, May). Psychosocial impact of COVID-19 on African graduate international students in the U.S. Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Armstrong Richardson, E. (2017, April). Building a social network: An exploration of foster youths’ use of social networking technology to establish and maintain social support. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
*Armstrong Richardson, E., Imburgia, T., Winters, D. E., Pierce, B. (2019, May). Regional changes in concrete service spending across a IV-E waiver demonstration project. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Armstrong Richardson, E., (2020, May). The relationship between youth development skills and sexual and reproductive health among system involved youth. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 24th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Armstrong Richardson, E., (2021, May). Substance use and social connectedness among rural high school students. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Ashirifi, G., & Harris, K. (2017). Grandparents and grandchildren relationship. Poster presentation at the Graduate Research Forum at Miami University, Oxford, OH.
Ashirifi, G. (2019) How grandparents raising grandchildren find resources. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Ashirifi, G., Kaboi, M., & Appiah Danquah, M. (2020, May). Acculturation and parenting styles of African migrants from Ghana, Kenya and Nigeria in U.S. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 24th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Balosh, R. (2019, May). Promoting social change, well-being and the effect of social media on Arabs and Muslims. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Balosh, R., Khan, M., & McKinley, A. (2020, May). Together alone, the relationship between social media and loneliness: A cross-country study of young adults. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 24th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Bartholomew, J. B. (2019, May). Internal medicine interns’ views on opioid addiction and their perceived educational needs to address and treat It. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Bartholomew, J. B. (2019, July). Meditation 101: Techniques and benefits. Oral presentation for the Indiana University School of Health & Human Sciences Physician Assistant Studies Program, Indianapolis, IN.
Bartholomew, J. B. (2019, September). An interprofessional collaboration in addiction education: Social work facilitating training for medical residents. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Bartholomew, J. B. (2019, October). SBIRT: Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment. Oral presentation for the Interprofessional Education Week at the University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN.
*Bartholomew, J. B., Lee, J., McCabe, H., & Pierce., B. (2019, December). Social work and public health: A review of the American Public Health Association Conference. Oral presentation for the Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN.
Bartholomew, J. B. & French, M. (2020, May). Medicine, nursing, and social work learners: An analysis of interprofessional attitudes. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 24th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Bartholomew, J. B. & Bute, J. (2021, May) Exploring internal medicine interns’ educational experiences on opioid addiction: A narrative analysis. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Beerbower, E. (2017, April). Experiences of undergraduate students in a core curriculum on childhood trauma course. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Beerbower, E. (2018, April). The role of type of motivation in developing vicarious trauma in the classroom among social work students with histories of trauma. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 22nd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Bennett, L. (2021, May). The experience of yoga for persons with complex interpersonal trauma: A phenomenological approach. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Bennett, L. (2021, October). The experience of yoga for persons with complex interpersonal trauma: A phenomenological approach. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Bragg, N. (2017, April). Social work practice in the reinvented sociopolitical climate: A thematic analysis. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Bragg, N., Garry C., & Lim, M. (2018, April). Cultural diversity in the MSW learning space: Measuring student awareness and acceptance, and exploring perceptions. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 22nd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Canada, M. (2020, May). Indiana coroners’ drug overdose fatality needs survey. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 24th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Carroll, D. (2020, October). Structural White supremacy: An exploration of social dominance. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Carroll, D. (2021, May). We watched him die over and over again: Exploring the impacts of police brutality video footage on Black Americans. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Carroll, D., & Presnell, J. (2020, May). From color-blind to color-conscience: An examination of color-blindness in clinical social work practice. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 24th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Commodore-Mensah, M. (2021, May). Impacts of COVID-19 on the mental health of IUPUI students. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Curd, J. (2020, November). Exploring lived experiences of social workers serving the dying. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Dalvi, H., & Khandare, L. (2017, April). Teaching values and ethics in social work research courses: A classroom action research with MSW students. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Easterling, L., Kinney, M. K., & Peck, S. (2018, March). Making the most of guest lecturing opportunities. IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning webinar, Indianapolis, IN.
Freeman, T., & Kinney, M. K. (2017, August). Humanities and the arts breakout session. IUPUI TA Orientation, Indianapolis, IN.
French, M. (2019, November). Liver transplantation: The lived experience through a trauma theory lens. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Fultz, A., Winters, D., & Wolfe-Taylor, S. (2018, April). Social work distance education teaching self-efficacy. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 22nd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Fultz, A. (2019, May). A phenomenology of identity development: Factors that expand the self. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Funk, K. (2022, February 17). Social work and ethics of digital equity. Doctoral Scholars Speakers Series. Indiana University School of Social Work, Virtual Webinar.
Galyean, E. (2017, April). The intersection of fragile older adults and floods: A case study of social vulnerability and flood risk in Marion County, Indiana. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Garry, C. (2017, April). Effects of not having a male role model on Latino youth. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Garry, C. (2017, September). Effects of not having a male role model on Latino youth. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’s Cultural Competency Training Program Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
George, K. (2021, May). Children in the line of fire: Firearm mortality and injury in the pediatric population. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Hippie, J. (2020, December). Examining Police Social Work. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Johnson, N. (2021, May). Understanding holistic wellness among Black IUPUI students. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Kaboi, M. (2021, May). Experiences and perceptions of African migrant fathers in the U.S. to mental health. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Khan, M. (2019, May). Motivations for volunteerism among youth in the 21st century. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Khan, M. (2020, January). Sustainable development goals and grand challenges for social work: A comparative analysis. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Khan, M. (2021, May). Together alone, the relationship between social media and loneliness: A cross-country study of young adults. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Kinney, M. K. (2017, April). A resilience-based approach to exploring non-binary identities. Poster presentation at the 21st Annual Ph.D. Spring Symposium of Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis, IN.
Kinney, M. K. (2018, January). Carving your own path: A non-binary gender identity development model. Presentation at Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH) interdisciplinary training program at Indiana University Adolescent Medicine, Indianapolis, IN.
Kinney, M. K. (2019, March). Gender and sexual identity trajectories of nonbinary youth. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Medicine’s LGBTQ Healthcare Update Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
*Kinney, M. K., & Victor, B. G. (2019, May). PhotoVoice methods in social work research: A scoping review. Poster presentation at the 23rd Annual Ph.D. Symposium of Indiana University School of Social Work, Indianapolis, IN.
Kinney, M. K. (2017, April). Carving your own path: Identity development for gender diverse persons. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Kinney, M. K., & Walsh, J. M. (2017, April). Peer mentoring in social work education: Evaluation of academic and social integration. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Kinney, M. K., & Walsh, M. A. (2018, August). Humanities and the arts breakout session. IUPUI TA Orientation, Indianapolis, IN.
Kinney, M. K., & Muzzey, F. (2018, April). The association between relationship power and dating violence among LGBT and cisgender heterosexual adolescent women. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 22nd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Klemme, P. (2020, February). Considerations for ethical community engagement. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Klemme, P. (2019, May). Researchers and the community engaged process. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Klemme, P. (2018, April). Trauma and health outcomes in rural areas. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 22nd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Klemme, P., & Adeniji, D. O. (2018, April). Trauma and mental health at the IU-SOC. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 22nd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
*Klemme, P., Bartholomew, J. B., Pierce, B., & Carlson, J. (2020, May). Trauma Responsive Agency: Applying the BSC Framework to introduce trauma-informed care. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 24th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
*Klemme, P., Pierce, B., & Thruston, W. (2019, May). Responsive services for Indianapolis Metropolitan High School: Using an internal design team method. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Lim, M. (2017, April). China refugee children’s needs and barriers to adjustment at school in the United States. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Lyons, S. (2021, May). Social work’s role in organizational leadership. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Makki Alamdari, S. (2017, April). Best practices for economic empowering of the homeless. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Makki Alamdari, S. (2020, May). Effects of self-employment on income and spousal collaboration. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 24th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Makki Alamdari, S. (2020, May). Public concern regarding the environment in the U.S. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 24th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Malliar Bellian, P. (2021, May). Lived experience of the fisher folk at Kollam: A phenomenological inquiry into their economic vulnerability. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Malliar Bellian, P. (2021, May). Responsive community-engaged research with Burmese refugees in Indiana during the COVID-19 pandemic and Myanmar coup d’état. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Malliar Bellian, P., & Moffet, K. (2021, October). Promoting and assessing human rights- based social work teaching practice. Presentation at Assessment Institute 2021 IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN.
Malliar Bellian, P. (2021, November). Health challenges of the fisherfolk in India. Global Voices talk organized by Office of International Affairs, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN.
McKinley, A. (2021, March). Combating loneliness: How social workers can mitigate the effects of people who feel all alone. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
McKinley, A. (2021, May). Unhitched, but not alone—The experiences of single individuals in the Protestant Church. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Miller, K., & Provence, M. (2018, April). Resilient adults: Does summer camp help kids impacted by community gunfire when they grow up? Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 22nd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Miller, K. (2021, January). Ethics in policy & social work advocacy. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Miller, K. (2019, May). Pathways to belonging for American Muslim adolescents. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Miller, K. (2019, August). Community matters: Structural pathways to well-being. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Miller, K., & Bartholomew, J. B. (2020, May). Pedagogy macro social work: The experiential process of writing policy briefs. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 24th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
*Moffett, K. & Malliar Bellian, P. (2021 October). Promoting and assessing human rights-based social work teaching practice. Presented a panel discussion at Assessment Institute IUPUI, IN.
*Park, T., & Pierce, B. J. (2017, April). Mediating effects of public service motivation on child welfare caseworker retention. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
*Pierce, B., Thruston, W., & Klemme, P. (2019, May). Creation of trauma responsive services for Indianapolis Metropolitan High School: Using an internal design team method. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Presnell, J. (2019, December). Ableism: Are you engaging in inclusive practice? Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Presnell, J. (2021, May). Direct support professionals’ perspectives on promoting social inclusion for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Provence, M. (2019, May). A response to homelessness: The emerging role of the public library social worker. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
*Ricart, J., Wolfe-Taylor, S., & Wilkerson, D. (2019, February). Reducing achievement gaps by using digital courseware learning technologies in an e-orientation. Presentation at the Indiana University Pater Institute/ LEAP Indiana Digital Learning Summit, Indianapolis, IN.
Rudd, S. (2020, September). Homelessness: Trauma, dehumanization, and gratitude. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Rudd, S. (2019, May). Homelessness: Trauma, dehumanization, and gratitude. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Rudd, S., Wright, T., & Tabb, A. (2020, May). Exploring social workers’ perceptions of interdisciplinary collaboration with juvenile justice professionals. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 24th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Shikongo, A. (2021, February). Ethical consideration for Sub Saharan Africa social workers an employ Western approaches when responding to child abuse and neglect. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Shikongo, A. (2021, May). Exploring Western social work and Indigenous approaches in the context of child abuse and neglect: Perspective of an Indigenous community. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Shikongo, A. (2020, May). Predictors of teenage pregnancy in Namibia: A multivariate analysis. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 24th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Shikongo, A. (2020, May). Understanding parental knowledge on child abuse and neglect in the mix informal settlement area of Namibia. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 24th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Swafford, T. (2021, September). Communities of their own: Gay men reconcile self-love, hurt, and the Pentecostal Church. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Swafford, T. (2021, May). Tattered and tarrying: Reconciling self-love and the Pentecostal Church. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 25th Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Tabb, A. (2019, May). Clinician perspectives on treatment of pornography use with adolescents with sexually harmful behaviors. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Tabb, A. (2019, October). Clinical conceptualization of addressing pornography use in treatment with adolescents: The value of qualitative research. Oral presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work Doctoral Scholars Speaker Series, Indianapolis, IN.
Walsh, J. M. (2017, April). Wading into the dating pool: Narratives of polyamorous gender diverse persons. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Walsh, M. A. (2017, April). Introducing a primary care setting experience into advanced practicums: Lessons learned. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Walsh, M. A., & Armstrong Richardson, E. (2018, April). A collaborative autoethnography of PhD students’ teaching experiences. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 22nd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
*Wilkerson, D., & Wolfe-Taylor, S. (2018, September). IUSSW MSW Direct program. Presentation at the Indiana University Office of Online Education Graduate Program Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
Winters, D. E. (2017, April). Healing or hurting? Clinician perception and application of mindfulness with at-risk adolescents: A frame analysis. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Winters, D. E. (2018, April). A translational framework of empathetic processes in early adolescent risk for substance use disorders: A research agenda. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 22nd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Winters, D. E. (2019, May). Social connection and substance use disorder risk: Social cognitive and affective neural network differences. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Winters, D. E. (2019, May). Trends in home stability of families receiving social services and providers concrete service spending. Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
*Winters, D. E., Imburgia, T., & Pierce, B. (2019, May). Trends in home stability of families receiving social services and providers concrete service spending. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
*Wolfe-Taylor, S., Wilkerson, D., & Kinney, M. K. (2018, October). OSCE development, implementation, and evaluation in online graduate social work practice courses. Curriculum Enhancement Grant Symposium, IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning, Indianapolis, IN.
Wright, T. (2019, May). Networks and perceptions of diversity and inclusion among undergraduate criminal justice majors. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 23rd Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Yi, E. (2017, April). How the Affordable Care Act supports caregivers: Policy review and social work implication. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
*Yi, E., & Hong, M. (2017, April). Gender differences in relation between death attitudes and the meaning of life among baby boomers. Poster presentation at the Indiana University School of Social Work’s 21st Annual Ph.D. Research Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
✝Brown, K., Green, W., Jones, T., Freeman, A, Jackson, D., Rowher, L. F., Yengde, S., Elupula, K., & Khandare, L. (2018). What are the benefits of comparing the African-American struggle in the United States to the Dalit Struggle in India? Roundtable Presentation at Law & Society Conference, Toronto.
Hutcherson, A., Upadhya, K., Alemán-Díaz, Y. A., & Quiring, S. Q. (2018, March). Adolescent health policy in practice: Tools to achieve health equity and justice for adolescents. Presentation at the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine 2018 International Conference, Seattle, WA.
Kinney, M. K. (2017, May). Non-binary gender identities: Emerging research. University of Zagreb School of Social Work, Zagreb, Croatia.
Kinney, M. K. (2017, June). Unpacking gender: Emerging research. University of Zagreb School of Social Work, Zagreb, Croatia.
Kinney, M. K. (2018, August). Carving your own path: A non-binary gender identity development model. Paper presentation at the 2018 Congrès sur le travial social et les sexualitiés / Social Work and Sexualities Conference, Montreal, Canada.
*Kinney, M. K., & Brandon-Friedman, R. A. (2018, August). Community involvement and well-being: Implications for LGBTQ+ people of color. Paper presentation at the 2018 Congrès sur le travial social et les sexualitiés / Social Work and Sexualities Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Khan, M., & Reza, H. (2019, July). Reproductive health awareness among secondary school students in Bangladesh: Major streams comparison. Presentation at the International Consortium for Social Development’s 21st Biennial International Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Khan, M. (2019, July). Exchanging south-south good practices to facilitate social development: From the lens of international social work. Presentation at the International Consortium for Social Development’s 21st Biennial International Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Khan, M. (2019, November). A grand challenge for connecting the disconnected: Reducing the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training. Presentation at the 1st International Conference on Planning and Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
✝Khandare, L., Sai Manohar Reddy Peddireddy, & Garud, P. (2017). A data analytical study exploring the correlation between dropout/truancy, health, and economic indicators: A case for educating the world’s largest young minds from India. Presentation at the International Association for Truancy and Dropout Prevention. 107th Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
*Luca Sugawara, C., Carlson, J., Makki Alamdari, S., & Vukoviæ-Èoviæ, S. (2017, July). International service-learning in post-war Croatia: Capacity building for social work profession. Oral presentation at the 20th Biennale International Consortium for Social Development Symposium, Zagreb, Croatia.
Malliar Bellian, P. (2021, July). A journey through the psycho-social realms of teenagers. Online presentation at the Conference on Greatness of Teenage, Syro-Malabar Cultural Association, Kuwait.
Malliar Bellian, P. (2021, October). Being resilient in the face of adversities. Presentation at the International Online Meet by Kadosh Marian Ministries, London, UK.
Malliar Bellian, P. (2020, October). Joy-filled life. Presentation at Ignatius Knanaya Jacobite, Toronto, Canada.
McKinley, A. (2021, July). Together alone: A cross country study of young adults’ loneliness. International Conference on Sustainable Development 2021. On demand.
Miller, K. M., & Bartholomew, J. B. (2021, May). Social policy and social work passion: Constructing a student policy program in higher education. Oral presentation at the 17th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
*Price, M. F., Makki Alamdari, S., Luca Sugawara, C., Steele, J., Leslie, S., & Aquirre, O. (2019, November). Building our capacity for relational program planning in GSL: Lessons from an institution – community partner action research project. Paper presentation at 6th Global Service Learning Summit, Clemson, SC.
Quiring, S. Q. (2019, July). Living with mental illness, police encounters, and relationships of power: A critical phenomenological framework. Presentation at the International Academy of Law and Mental Health’s XXXVIth International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Rome, Italy.
Quiring, S. Q. (2019, October). Interprofessional education for social work, public health, and law students: A critical discourse analysis of collaboration and its challenges. Presentation at Collaborating Across Borders VII, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Wolfe-Taylor, S. (2020, April). Teaching social work with digital technology. Digital Book Group Facilitator through Facebook social media platform.